Table of Contents

  1. Message from the CEO
  2. In this issue
  3. Upcoming programs, workshops and events
  4. Program Spotlight
  5. Celebrating #TeamGrandview
  6. Meet our volunteers
  7. Recapping the opening events at Grandview Kids new headquarters
  8. Community Corner
  9. Dates of significance
  10. Grandview Kids Foundation

Message from the CEO

Grandview Kids has officially begun operations at The Jerry Coughlan Building–our new Ajax-based headquarters! If you have followed the journey to our new home this past year, you will likely agree that 2024 seems to have gone by in a flash. It’s hard to believe that at the beginning of this year, we hosted Ministers and Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) at our new headquarters, which was a bustling, active construction site at the time. This past month, we welcomed them again at our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Holding this ceremony 10 months later, surrounded by the freshly painted walls of our new Centre, underscored the rapid progress we made to reach our move-in goal this year.

In addition to the Ministers and MPPs sharing their kind words of support and congratulations at this ceremony, Leisa Ackerblade, a member of the Parent Task Force and current Board member, prepared touching remarks. The Parent Task Force, a group of dedicated Grandview Kids parents and caregivers, was founded in 2014. This group played a crucial role in advocating for a new, bigger Grandview Kids to be built, helping to better meet the increasing demand for paediatric developmental services across the Durham Region. It was wonderful to witness a reunion of the Parent Task Force at our opening ceremonies. Listening to these parents share their lived experiences allowed me to reflect on the enormous efforts required by Team Grandview, our partners and the community to help us achieve this major milestone. I encourage you to read Leisa’s remarks, shedding light on how much this building means to former, current and future Grandview clients and their families.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Grandview Kids Jerry Coughlan Building

Grandview Kids CEO Tom McHugh making remarks at the Ribbon Cutting

As historic as the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was, it was only one of many introductory events we hosted at our new headquarters. First, we welcomed Team Grandview for three orientation days. The excitement was palpable. Watching our teams from some of our existing and now-closed satellite sites integrate into this space for the first time was inspiring. And we are thankful to staff at our maintained satellites for their continued, skillful work in those communities so care is always close to home for clients.

The following week, we hosted a Welcome Event for municipal and regional government officials who contributed monetary and land donations to our new headquarters, as well as a Partner Open House to give our collaborators a sneak peek of the space. We were also pleased to welcome you— Grandview Kids clients, caregivers, donors, supporters and families—during a Community Open House. Nearly 1,000 visitors toured The Jerry Coughlan Building that day. This event offered the public a chance to see our new space and experience its brilliance for the first time, as well as staff to show it off to their loved ones. Thanks to those who attended and made it such a memorable event. Read below to learn more about our opening event series.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the new Grandview Kids. From those who made the initial call to action over a decade ago, to donors who contributed to facility funding, to the staff and families who helped design feature areas, and to those who oversaw and participated in construction and development, thank you.

As we close out 2024 and head into the holiday season, I encourage you to read this issue's article from Grandview Kids Social Worker, Mandy. She explains the importance of setting boundaries and details how you can begin to implement them in your life. This time of year can be overwhelming for many, and adopting new strategies, like setting boundaries, can be an excellent approach to reduce added stress.

I want to remind you that Grandview Kids sites will be closed on Friday, December 6, as Team Grandview gathers for Winter Wonders—our holiday professional development and recognition event. We will also be closed from noon on Tuesday, December 24, and will re-open at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 2. Phone lines are also shut down during this period. Please ensure you speak to your Grandview Kids therapist, or our Scheduling Team, should you need to make changes to your appointments.

Gather will be paused for January, with our next issue released in February 2025. I look forward to connecting with you again in the New Year, and I wish you and your loved ones a safe and warm holiday season. 


Tom McHugh

CEO, Grandview Kids

The importance of

setting boundaries

Boundaries are an important part of any relationship, personal or professional, for individuals to feel respected and to be respectful to others. Grandview Kids Social Worker Mandy wrote a blog article detailing what healthy boundaries are, why they are essential, and offering strategies to support you in setting your own.

Read Mandy’s article >

Reflecting on the journey

to the new Grandview Kids

Grandview Kids parent and Board member, Leisa Ackerblade, reflects on the Parent Task Force’s advocacy to campaign for the new Grandview Kids. Leisa’s remarks, which she shared at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony of Grandview Kids’ new Ajax Headquarters – The Jerry Coughlan Building, are available on

our blog.

Read Leisa’s remarks >

Visiting Grandview Kids' Ajax Headquarters for the first time

We know many clients and families are excited, but also a little anxious, about visiting our new headquarters. To support you in getting familiar with our new location, we created a webpage that outlines what you can expect during your first visit(s) to make it a memorable,

easy experience.

Prepare for your first visit(s) to Grandview Kids' new

Ajax Headquarters >

Make a difference:

Volunteer at Grandview Kids

Are you interested in making an impact in your community? We are looking for regular weekly volunteer support at our new Ajax-based Headquarters and our Oshawa - Dwyer site! From supporting as a "Meet and Greet" volunteer or as a friendly face in our new café, we encourage you to see our available opportunities.

Visit our website to learn more and how you can apply >

Upcoming programs, workshops and events

Family Engagement

The Family Engagement Team's Annual Holiday Get-Together

Please join the Family Engagement Team for their Annual Holiday Get-Together at the Kids Safety Village in Whitby!

This is a private event for Grandview Kids families and staff. Registrations are not required. You must be a Grandview Kids family to attend.

Don't forget to dress warm, as this is an outdoor event.

Date: Sunday, December 15, 2024

Time: Doors open at 4:00 p.m. for a relaxed visit until 7:00 p.m.

Location: Kids Safety Village, 1129 Athol St, Whitby, ON L1N 4A6

Purchased Services: Fall 2024 programming

Note: The services below can be purchased with Ontario Autism Program (OAP) funding designated for Core Clinical Services, private funding and/or private insurance.

At Grandview Kids, we approach Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) through fun and engaging individualized activities based on the child or youth. We work closely with families to create a personalized plan that fits each child and youth’s unique needs in areas that focus on communication, emotional regulation, daily living skills and behaviours that interfere with learning.


Grandview Kids offers two purchased Behaviour Service streams:

  • Focused (formerly F.A.S.T.): Concentrates on teaching foundational skills using the principles and teaching methods of ABA. This program is for children and youth who benefit from regular practice to help grow their skills. The skills targeted in this model may include communication, imitation, play skills, behaviour management, self-care and motor skills.
  • Mediated (formerly Mediator): Goals within the Mediated Model are set using the principles and teaching methods of ABA, guided by input from the client and their parent/caregiver and assessment results. This program is ideal for families looking to focus on a specific number of skills and those who want to learn how to help their child practice and apply what they’ve learned during the session. A broad range of goal areas can be focused on, which may include behaviour management, communication, play skills, self-care, job readiness and motor skills.


For more information on pricing, program details and registration requirements, please 

visit My Community Hub.



If you have any questions about Purchased Behaviour Services at Grandview Kids, please email or call us at 905-728-1673 (toll-free at 1-800-304-6180) and press “5” to connect with the Purchased Services Team.

Register today!

Program Spotlight: Let's Get Started

In January 2024, Grandview Kids' Early Years Team began a pilot project to improve access to assessment and intervention for children under 30 months of age referred for speech and language services. This pilot project is called "Let's Get Started."


Within the Let's Get Started program, families are invited to a workshop to learn strategies to support their child's communication skills. Then, they are invited to a coaching session to practise with a clinician. Families are encouraged to continue using these strategies at home and are invited for a follow-up approximately three to four months later. During the follow-up visit, they receive a targeted assessment. They are invited for further group intervention if they have any ongoing concerns with developing their child's communication. 


The Let's Get Started pilot project started at one location and has grown to include many of our sites. By January 2025, all Grandview Kids locations will offer the Let's Get Started pathway.  


What are families saying about their experiences with Let's Get Started?

More than 170 families have received support through this pilot project thus far. Families have shared that early access to parent coaching has helped them better support their child's speech and language development. Many families also shared that they felt a sense of relief and reassurance knowing that they have a direction and next steps for their child's care.  

Interested in learning more?

If you think your family could benefit from this pathway, please complete a referral online. You may also contact Grandview Kids' Service Navigation Team if you have questions or have already referred to the Preschool Speech and Language services. 

Celebrating #TeamGrandview

Congratulations to the Entry to School Team for their case study presentation at the Ontario Association for Behaviour Analysis (ONTABA) Conference!

At the beginning of November, the Entry to School (ETS) Team presented their case study, “Enhancing Interdisciplinary Collaboration in an Entry to School Program,” at the ONTABA Conference. Grandview Kids Speech-Language Pathologist Daniella and Occupational Therapist Sam joined Vanessa, a Registered Behaviour Analyst from Lake Ridge Community Support Services, to represent the ETS Team by showcasing their case study at the conference.

The team received tremendous engagement and positive feedback from conference attendees. Being accepted to present their case study at the ONTABA Conference is a prestigious opportunity, allowing the team to showcase the exceptional work done in the ETS program to develop and implement a thriving inter-agency, interdisciplinary program. Congratulations, Daniella, Sam and Vanessa on achieving this career milestone!

Pictured (left to right): Daniella M. (Grandview Kids), Vanessa P. (Lake Ridge Community Support Services) and Samantha M. (Grandview Kids) presenting at the ONTABA Conference.

Quotes from Sam and Daniella on their experiences

Meet our volunteers

This month, we want to introduce you to Olivia J. – one of Grandview Kids’ incredible volunteers!

Our caring, committed team of volunteers is comprised of students, retirees, and working professionals who, through their devotion to their time and expertise, add a little sparkle to our organization.

Let’s meet Olivia!

Recapping the opening events at the Grandview Kids Jerry Coughlan Building!

Throughout November, Grandview Kids hosted a series of orientation sessions to prepare members of Team Grandview to begin working at their new primary site. Grandview Kids also hosted several events to celebrate the opening of our new headquarters with our government and community partners and the public.


The Grandview Kids Jerry Coughlan Building was designed with clients, caregivers and families at its heart—spaces that encourage collaboration, comfort, and care, ensuring that every child and youth who comes through these doors feels supported and empowered to thrive. This facility is a direct reflection of our values—a place where we can continue to foster belonging, exemplify excellence, create connection, encourage discovery and inspire celebration. It’s a space that will help us continue our mission of supporting children and youth to live, learn and play, where we will strengthen our partnerships with clients, families and the community.

Read about the exciting opening event series below!

Team Grandview's orientation to the new headquarters

From Monday, November 11, to Wednesday, November 13, Team Grandview kicked off an unforgettable staff orientation at Grandview Kids' new Ajax-based headquarters! It was a week full of team bonding, training and setting the stage for an incredible journey ahead. We're ready to grow, innovate and make an impact together.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

On Friday, November 15, we hosted the our official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, recognizing the provincial and federal governments' contributions to the facility! It was a day we’d all been working toward, dreaming about and building together for over a decade.

We are deeply grateful to The Honourable Minister Michael Parsa, The Honourable Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy, The Honourable Minister Todd McCarthy and MPP Patrice Barnes for attending the event and championing the development for a new Grandview Kids. The provincial government made significant investments into this facility. The Honourable Sean Fraser and The Honourable Mark Holland were able to join us a few weeks before construction concluded, showcasing how the Government of Canada is supporting brighter futures across the country with redevelopment projects like this. Read more on our website!

Municipal Welcome Event and Partner Open House

On Friday, November 22, we hosted two events: a Municipal Welcome and a Partner Open House! The first celebration recognized the monetary and land donations from the Regional Municipality of Durham, Town of Ajax and every other local municipality toward the new Grandview Kids. And that afternoon, we welcomed our valued partners to tour the facility. We benefit from a strong network of partners, spanning multiple sectors, who enable us to enhance services for clients and families, conduct disability research, foster community inclusion and embed learning opportunities for staff.


We are excited to see what will be achieved within these walls because the Grandview Kids Jerry Coughlan Building is more than just a physical space; it represents everything we’ve achieved as a team, as a community, and as advocates for the children and youth we serve. It’s a symbol of our growth, our resilience and the partnerships that have brought us here. Read more on our website!

Community Open House

On Saturday, November 23, we hosted our Community Open House! Over 1,000 visitors joined us for self-guided building tours. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with the people to whom Grandview Kids means so much: current and former clients, retirees, staff and their families, community members, donors and more. A huge thank you to all who came out to celebrate with us!

Community Corner

Ajax Public Library

We're thrilled to announce the official opening of the Ajax Public Library – Grandview Kids Express Branch, on Wednesday, November 20! Located inside the Family Resource Centre on Level 1 of the Grandview Kids Jerry Coughlan Building, this cozy, inviting space is designed with families and clients in mind.


Why visit? The space offers...

  • a welcoming space to explore, read and learn.
  • a perfect stop for parents, caregivers, children and youth alike.
  • access to books, sensory kits and public computers.


Bring your family and check out everything this branch has to offer. Don’t forget: Everyone in the Durham Region can get an Ajax Library card. We can’t wait to see you there!

Ajax Public Library CEO Sarah Vaisler poses with Grandview Kids CEO Tom McHugh outside the Ajax Public Library Grandview Kids Express Branch

Ajax Town Councillor Joanne Dies gets cozy in the circular feature seat in the Grandview Kids Express Library Branch

Ajax Library invites you to attend the following events in December:

Remember to check out titles, reading lists and sensory kits on the Ajax Public Library’s Grandview Kids Resources page.

Dates of significance

Every month, members of Team Grandview’s Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee research and share blog posts about holidays, cultural celebrations, awareness days and other dates of significance that are meaningful to staff, clients, caregivers, partners and the community.

In December and January, we acknowledge Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa and Orthodox Christmas. Read more on our blog >

Spread the word: the Grandview Kids Foundation's 2024 Holiday Campaign is here!

Meet Kiara, the Grandview Kids Foundation's 2024 Holiday Campaign Ambassador

Kiara is seven years old and lives with her parents, Mahendra and Nerissa, and her older sister, Cianna. Kiara was born prematurely, and after a referral to Grandview Kids, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP). At the time, Kiara also suffered from infantile spasms.

Through the unwavering support of Grandview Kids, Kiara and her family found the tools, resources and services they needed to navigate their new normal. With every visit to Grandview Kids, Kiara blossomed into her vibrant self, transforming fear into confidence and uncertainty into joy.

This holiday season, our community’s support is essential in ensuring that the life-changing programs and services at Grandview Kids continue to support children and youth just like Kiara! Spread the word about the Grandview Kids Foundation’s Holiday Campaign as we enter a season of philanthropy, cozy fireplaces, warm lights and quality time with family and friends.

Learn more about Kiara's story
Donate today

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Content in Gather is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor. Views expressed in posts and resources listed do not signify endorsement by Grandview Kids.

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