- Generational IQ February Sermon Series
- Spring Fling Treats for McKinley Elementary
- Kids Hope News
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Upcoming at UUMC: Soup-er Bowl Sunday, LSU Lunch
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Join us in February for our sermon series based on the book, “Generational IQ: Christianity Isn't Dying, Millennials Aren't the Problem, and the Future Is Bright.” Within the last several decades, the world has shifted dramatically. The cracks of this fundamental shift appear everywhere: in our economy, in our cultural debates, in our political landscape, and, most importantly, in our churches. The problem is we tend to overreact to these changes, fearing that Christianity is dying. Join us in February as we explore our Generational IQ and dive into how our Christianity empowers us so we can respond to the changes, not be terrified.
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Food is love! The teachers and staff at McKinley Elementary loved our Fall Fun Fridays with the snacks and treats delivered by volunteers at UUMC to the teacher's lounge. We are repeating this with Spring Fling Treats beginning in February and continuing through May. You may sign up by emailing lisajfrost@gmail.com and we will find the best Friday for you! Chips, cookies, and snacks of all kinds are welcome - homemade or store bought. | |
Our faithful volunteers are back in action at McKinley Elementary and off to a wonderful start of the new semester by gardening, reading, mentoring students, and treating our awesome teachers. The love the students and teachers feel for our volunteers is palpable. The first-grade teacher of our youngest mentees literally hugged each mentor when they arrived at her classroom! Eyes immediately light up and faces instantly smile when they see our bright yellow-shirted folks walking down the halls. Students ask to go into another classroom to hug a former book club leader or race out to the garden to embrace our gardeners. “It’s Tuesday….the volunteers are here!”
Our student gardeners couldn’t wait to show me this perfectly heart-shaped raindrop on a broccoli leaf. A sign (to me at least) that love is raining down on the school and transforming precious lives. Thank you, UUMC, for supporting our endeavors as we continue to cultivate love this year.
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What a fun way to celebrate the big game! Join us at noon for our annual "Soup"-er Bowl Sunday. At the 8:30 a.m. or 11 a.m. worship service on February 9th, we will have two boxes at the front of the Sanctuary decorated to match the teams playing in the Super Bowl. We ask that you bring in a canned-good donation, dedicated to Hope Ministries, and you will be prompted to bring it forward and place it in either box to vote for what team will win.
At noon, join us in the Fellowship Hall for our annual "Soup-er Bowl Sunday." During this time, you will be able to showcase your best soup for all to enjoy. We will have extension cords available for use. Please bring soup for all to enjoy or crackers for all to enjoy with the soup.
Looking forward to enjoying some soups from our best chefs!
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We invite all students to join us for our FREE LSU Lunch on Sunday, February 16th, at noon in our Library! Share this post and invite a friend who would enjoy a hot meal!
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Remember in Prayer: Robert Blackledge, Marc Blackwell, Trey Bickham, Myrtle Branning, Doug Braymer, Bob and Sharon Buchanan, Liz Savoie Chandler, Beth Courtney, Blaire Dickey, Wendy Dickerson, Janet Grace, Nathalie Henderson, Kristine Hawkins, Susan Horton, Elliot Irby, Gregg Jones, The Family of Arnold Jackson, Rev. Linda Joseph, Bucky Kilbourne, Jennifer LeBoeuf, Maria and Oswaldo Linares, Charlotte Love, Sharon Nason, Ceci Neustrom, Sally Perry, Mindy Piontek, Susan Pourciau, Darby Ralls, Marianna Ritter, Brooklyn Rives, Jessica Roux’s Ukrainian Host Family, Sandra Ecuyer Savoie, Leah Stewart, Jessie and Herbert Sibley, Dwaine Steinmetz, Garrett Ward, Ellen Wiemers, Wesley Foundation Leadership, and all of those in our congregation who are in nursing homes or homebound. | | | | |