The situation in Gaza remains dire, with ongoing political tensions and economic challenges exacerbating the plight of its residents. Access to basic necessities, including food, has become increasingly scarce, leaving countless families vulnerable to hunger and deprivation. In the face of such adversity, acts of compassion and generosity hold immense significance, offering a glimmer of hope amid the darkness.

SCM is providing funds to people on the ground in Gaza to buy food there and help feed starving families. Our collective efforts will help feed many, many more people in need!

Gaza Strong

Gather for Gaza Humanitarian Relief & Hope

Dinner | Auction | Music | Keynote Address | Awards

April 20, 2024 | 5pm – 9pm | Mercer Island Community Center

Tickets are $100 per person.

In the spirit of humanity and compassion, join us to support the families of Gaza facing inhumane conditions. Gaza’s inhabitants are enduring relentless attacks from the Israeli military, resulting in critical shortages of vital resources such as food, water, and medical care. Famine looms large, and diseases surge as sanitation and access to clean water crumble under the weight of constant assaults. Trapped in a small area of land with their homes reduced to rubble, families find themselves in the throes of a profound humanitarian crisis.

Join our fundraising event, where the focus is not just on providing aid but also on giving hope.

Our evening will include a buffet dinner, music and poetry, a keynote presentation by medical volunteers who have just returned from Gaza, auction, and community award presentation.

MC – Dua Abudiab

Dua is the daughter of Palestinian refugees, who are both educators. Dua graduated from South Texas College of Law in Houston, TX and worked at the Colorado State Public Defender’s Office and then the Department of Public Defense—The Defender Association (TDA). She is the former Executive Director of the King County Bar Association (KCBA) and is the current Deputy Executive Director of the Washington State Bar Association (WSBA). She also serves on the board of Lawyers Helping Hungry Children (LHHC) and serves as President for Washington Women Lawyers (WWL). She also serves on the Washington Attorneys with Disabilities Association (WADA) board and is a former president of Middle Eastern Legal Association of Washington (MELAW) board.

Entertainment: singer Intisaar Jubran and musician Ashraf Barsoum

Keynote Speakers: Asma A. Taha, PhD, RN & Ahmed Abdul Rahman

Asma Taha is a professor of nursing, a pediatric nurse and nurse practitioner for 35 years. She has volunteered over 40 times in the West Bank and Gaza providing pediatric cardio thoracic and neurosurgical care.

Ahmed Abdul Rahman is a pediatric nurse and a doctoral student at Oregon Health & Science University. He has participated in 2 outreach trips to East Jerusalem providing cardiothoracic nursing care and most recently to Gaza.

Community Service Awards: Professor Hussein Elkhafaifi and Professor Karam Dana, both at the University of Washington, will be recognized for their service to the Arab Community of the Pacific Northwest.

Sponsorships include program recognition and a table for 8 guests in a prime location.

$2500+ Gold

$1500 Silver

$800 (table)

Note: If you have an item to donate for the auction, please contact us right away.

If you have any trouble with the online ticket orders, or questions about sponsoring a table, please contact us right away by replying to this email.

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