What’s your family history of Civil Air Patrol?
My first knowledge of CAP was when my cousins were in CAP at Tinker AFB Oklahoma in the 1950’s. I was interested in CAP, but was not aware of any CAP units near my home in Chicago, IL.
I joined CAP in Indiana, Peru Cadet Squadron, and in 6 months was the Squadron Commander. I was the commander when the squadron moved on Bunker Hill AFB and was renamed. At the time I joined, we had three daughters, I was a Captain on active duty in the USAF, a Navigator and private pilot. I felt that CAP would be a way that I could be involved with my daughters when they were old enough. The following year, I was selected for pilot training in the Air Force and we moved to Craig AFB, Alabama. Following pilot training were assignments to Cannon Air Force Base, NM, Tuy Hoa Air Base, Republic of Vietnam, and Lakenheath Air Base, UK. During this time, I was active when I was near a squadron, but not in a leadership role.
Returning from England, I was stationed as a T-37 Instructor at Vance AFB, OK, and became active in the Garfield County Composite Squadron. I became Squadron Commander and moved the squadron onto Vance AFB and renamed it the Vance AFB Cadet Squadron.
In 1976, we moved to Offutt AFB, Nebraska. I joined the Offutt Cadet Squadron. My daughters joined CAP as they became old enough to join. I did become squadron commander. Our eldest son also joined CAP at Offutt when he was old enough. Elaine, our eldest daughter, completed her Earhart Award, and would have gotten the Eaker Award if it had existed at the time. Our youngest daughter and older son achieved the Spaatz Award in Nebraska. I did move to Nebraska Wing Headquarters and held the positions of Director of Finance and Vice Wing Commander. During the time between Col Bill Woodruff and Col Dennis Kumm, I was the interim commander of Nebraska Wing. I retired from the Air Force in 1980.
In 1986, I moved to Minnesota for a job with Northwest Airlines and joined the Viking Cadet Squadron. I was not in the Squadron very long before I was asked to move to Minnesota Wing as the IG, following which I was the Director of Finance, Chief of Staff, Valley Squadron Commander, Vice Wing Commander, Wing Commander, Chief of Staff again, Finance Officer again, and Government Relations Advisor which is the position I hold today. During this time, my younger son, Jeffrey, joined CAP and achieved the Earhart Award.
I retired from Northwest Airlines and we remained in Minnesota. I am currently retired and active with Civil Air Patrol, Northwest Airlines History Center, MN Aviation History and Education Center and the Air Force Association.
Current career?
USAF (Retired), Northwest Airlines (Retired)
Specific CAP experience/highlight that influenced your career or your life?
Because of my career in Aviation, CAP provided an ideal opportunity for me to be active with my children. It provided them with leadership opportunities unequal in other programs. All five of my children have benefited from CAP and are leaders in their communities.