Winsome Earle-Sears
General Assembly Legislative Session 2023 - February 5, 2023
As we close in on Crossover this Tuesday/Wednesday, bills are completing the process in their body of origin. Those that make it through the gauntlet of committees and a final floor vote, will cross over to the other body to go through the process again. Every bill must pass both bodies in order to head to the Governor for signature to become law or face the veto pen.

HB1508, patron Del. Glenn Davis, which I sponsored and that allows parents to direct a portion of the funding to follow their child to the school of their choice, was rereferred to the House Education Committee. We must empower parents to do what is best for their children. There is a national movement to do just that. The author states, "ESAs are a game changer. They empower families to personalize their children’s education...With these flexible and powerful accounts, education dollars are no longer exclusively used to fund systems. Instead, ESAs enable education funding to focus on helping to individualize each student’s learning experience, giving every child his best shot at a great education and lifelong success...Even before the pandemic, parents were demanding more autonomy and greater control over their children’s education. The pandemic accelerated that by shining a light on deficiencies in our education systems. A February 2022 Real Clear Opinion Research poll found that more than 72% of parents supported school choice, including 68% of Democrats, 82% of Republicans, and 67% of independents."

Sadly, many of those who opposed this legislation have made the choice to send their own children to private schools, deeming their public school the lesser choice. It's tragic that they would vote to relegate students with lesser means to the very schools they have abandoned. We must improve our public schools - and they will serve the majority of children well. But we must make the opportunity to attend elsewhere for those who have no option but a school that isn't serving them well. We must empower all children to reach their potential. We must continue to fight for our children's education.

Additionally, we must fight for children by continuing to address infant mortality rates and maternal mortality. One essential component to that equation is by supporting maternal health providers and allowing them to practice to the full scope of their certification and training. HB1275 would allow licensed midwives to administer lifesaving medications and therapies within their scope of practice. This is an important forward for these essential maternal health providers.

Remember to tune in to the Senate floor sessions where I preside each day, as well as the House of Delegates and committees to watch your General Assembly in the process!

Ever forward,

Winsome Earle-Sears
Lieutenant Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia
HB1508 Education Success Accounts - Empowering Parents to Choose
January 16 - Assigned to House Education Sub Committee on K-12
January 17 - Sub Committee approves with amendments; recommend and report to House Committee on Appropriations.
February 3 - Referred to House Education
National Merit Award Notification Bill
HB 2426 (patroned by Del. Nick Freitas) will prohibit schools from withholding from students that they are recipients of National Merit Awards and other certifications. It's shocking that this would be controversial - it should just be common practice.

General Assembly Military and Veterans Caucus
Lieutenant Governor Earle-Sears is an active member of the General Assembly Military and Veterans Caucus, who are proud to serve as a voice for the military members, past and present, of the Commonwealth. This session, the Caucus has been working to advance legislation that will support active-duty and veteran military members. Some of the bills during the current General Assembly session can be seen to the right.
  • HB1890 Establishes the Virginia Promise to Veterans Act for the purpose of removing barriers to higher education for veterans of the uniformed services, as defined in the bill, and assisting such veterans in making the transition to civilian life in the Commonwealth. 
  • HB1425/SB801. Addition to the conservator of peace definition and ability to serve a search warrant.
  • HB1436. Removal of age limit from military benefits income tax subtraction.
  • HB1470. Real property tax exemption for disabled veterans and surviving spouses.
  • HB2080/SB1372. Special license plate for women veterans.
  • HB2362/SB924. The Commonwealth will pay burial fees for military spouses buried at a veterans cemetery.
  • SB783. Expedited issuance of restricted driver's licenses for graduates of a Veterans Treatment Court Program.
  • SB802. Support for spouses of relocating Active Duty Military personnel to practice in Compact member states.
  • SB1234. Establishment of a transcranial magnetic simulation pilot program for veterans, first responders, and law enforcement officers.
2023 Legislative Session in Photos
Virginia Capitol Police Chief Anthony Pike joined me on the Senate floor as we thanked him for his years of service in protecting our beloved Capitol.
I met with students from Radford University in the Capitol Rotunda and had an opportunity to speak with them about their studies and my role as President of the Senate.
I sit on the board of the Center for Rural Virginia, which is dedicated to the unique needs and attributes of our rural communities. Always great to connect with legislators and rural leaders at the annual legislative reception.
The Southwest Virginia Legislative Reception was a wonderful opportunity to meet leaders from Virginia's beautiful southern region
Miss Shenandoah Valley and Miss Virginia Teen visited the Capitol!
What a blessing to be able to spend a few moments in prayer with pastors from around Virginia!
Virginia Wing Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxilary
The Civil Air Patrol is the official civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force. The Virginia Civil Air Patrol serves the Commonwealth by aiding communities through I-95 snowstorm detection, wellness checks, cadet and teacher orientation flights, and STEM programs for youth and public outreach. The Air Patrol also provides emergency services such as disaster relief, search and rescue, homeland security, and radio communications. The Virginia Wing of the CAP has 2,000 members and 28 active units. These volunteers serve pivotal roles in creating safe and informed communities throughout the Commonwealth.
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