January 31, 2017

In This Issue:
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ZeroGeneral Memo 665:
Impact of 2016 investment return on employers
The estimated 2016 investment return for IMRF is 7.71%. This return translates into investment income of approximately $2.584 billion, after investment and administrative expenses.
Member and annuitant reserves will be credited approximately $1.903 billion, as required by the Illinois Pension Code. Employer reserve balances will be credited with the balance, approximately $461.8 million. On average, employer accounts will be credited approximately 7.32% of interest and residual investment income on their beginning of the year employer reserve balance. This credit reflects the fact that, as a sponsor of a defined benefit plan, IMRF employers share all the risks and rewards of investment returns.
Beginning in April 2017, IMRF will conduct a series of Employer Rate Meetings throughout the state. These meetings will further explain the impact of year-end financial and actuarial data on IMRF, its estimated impact on individual employers, and current topics impacting IMRF and pension plans in general. In May, IMRF will offer an online webinar presentation of this information.
A calendar of dates, locations, and registration information for the Rate Meetings and the webinar will be available on IMRF's website, www.imrf.org, by mid-February. The calendar and registration information will also appear in upcoming editions of Employer Digest.
Refer to General Memo 665 for further information on the impact of the 2016 investment return on employer funding status.
OneJanuary 2017 Employer Reminder:
2017 employer rates and maximum IMRF wages
In November 2016, IMRF provided a Final Rate Notice for 2017 to all Authorized Agents. This document, located in the new Annual Documentation section of Employer Access , details your employer's 2017 contribution rate.
January is the first month employers will calculate employer contributions using their 2017 employer rate. It is also an appropriate month to review maximum IMRF wages, which vary by the applicable Tier.
Read more about 2017 employer rates and maximum IMRF wages in the January 2017 Employer Reminder.
TwoIMRF's Endorsed Insurance Video Series
To better help its retirees make important decisions about insurance plans, IMRF offers a series of Endorsed Insurance Videos. The Endorsed Insurance Videos, available under the "Retirees" tab of IMRF's website, www.imrf.org, provide engaging overviews of several plans endorsed by IMRF's Board of Trustees.

The series includes profiles of the healthcare insurance plans offered by Doyle Rowe LTD. Topics covered in the lineup include Medical Supplemental Plans, Prescription Drug Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, and more. Additional information is available from Doyle Rowe LTD, phone: 1- 800-564-7227, or online at https://www.doylerowe.com/IMRFEndorsedPlans
Two programs in the series focus on the NCPERS (National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems) Group Life Insurance program.  One video addresses the plan from the employer's perspective; the other addresses the plan from an IMRF member's view. The NCPERS program is administered by HealthSmart Benefit Solutions, Inc., phone: 1- 800-525-8056, or online at https://mybensite.com/imrf

Employers are encouraged to share the links to this video series with their employees and retirees. Please note: IMRF Member Services Representatives cannot answer questions about insurance benefits. Direct all questions to Doyle Rowe LTD, for healthcare plans or HealthSmart Benefit Solutions, Inc., for the NCPERS plan.
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2211 York Road, Suite 500
Oak Brook, IL 60523-2337
Member-only Phone: 1-800-ASK-IMRF (275-4673)            
Employer-only Phone: 1-800-728-7971 
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