February 15, 2017

In This Issue:
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ZeroGeneral Memo 666:
2016 Employer Retirement Reserve Statements available
Your employer's 2016 Employer Retirement Reserve Statements are available in the "Display Annual Documents" section of Employer Access.
The retirement reserve is used to fund retirement benefits for your unit of government's IMRF members when they retire. It is also one component of an employer's actuarial assets which, along with the accrued actuarial liability, helps to determine an employer's over- or underfunding balance. The over- or underfunding balance is used when calculating an employer's contribution rate.
If you have any questions about your employer's Retirement Reserve statement, please call Aurora O'Neal, IMRF's Employer/Member Data Unit Supervisor, at (630) 706-4263, or contact IMRF using the Secure Messaging Center in Employer Access.
One 2017 Rate Meeting schedule released
Beginning April 24, 2017, IMRF will present a series of Employer Rate Meetings throughout the state. These meetings will review the impact of year-end financial and actuarial data on IMRF, and the data's estimated impact on individual employers.

Registration is now available for the following programs:
  • Peoria: Monday, April 24, 10 AM - 11:30 AM, Peoria Marriott Pere Marquette
  • Springfield: Monday, April 24, 2 PM - 3:30 PM, IMRF Regional Counseling Center

  • Collinsville: Tuesday, April 25, 9 AM - 10:30 AM, Gateway Center
  • Mt. Vernon: Tuesday, April 25, 1 PM - 2:30 PM, Drury Inn & Suites
  • Champaign: Wednesday, April 26, 9 AM - 10:30 AM, I Hotel & Conference Center
  • Rockford: Monday, May 1, 9 AM - 10:30 AM, Northern Illinois University - Rockford
  • Moline: Monday, May 1, 2 PM - 3:30 PM, Stoney Creek Inn
  • Tinley Park: Tuesday, May 2, 10 AM - 11:30 AM, Hilton Garden Inn
  • Oak Brook: Tuesday, May 2, 2 PM - 3:30 PM, Doubletree Hotel
  • Mundelein: Wednesday, May 3, 9 AM - 10:30 AM, Doubletree by Hilton Hotel
IMRF encourages you, your chief financial officer, governing body members, other officials, and interested parties from your employer to attend the meeting scheduled in your area. Authorized Agents may register online using Employer Access.

Additionally, IMRF will present an Employer Rate Meeting Webinar in May. Additional details and registration information will be available in upcoming editions of Employer Digest and online at www.imrf.org .
TwoEmployer copies of 2016 Member Statements available
Employer copies of 2016 Member Statements are available in the new "Display Annual Documents" section of Employer Access.
Use the following instructions to access your reports of IMRF member activity:
  •  Log in to Employer Access
  •  Click the "Display Annual Documents" link under the "Documents" section, as shown below. 


At the following "Annual Documents" screen, your employer's statement is listed under the "2017 Release" header, as shown in the image below: 



Click on the document name to download the PDF file of your employer's copies of 2016 Member Statements.

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2211 York Road, Suite 500
Oak Brook, IL 60523-2337
Member-only Phone: 1-800-ASK-IMRF (275-4673)            
Employer-only Phone: 1-800-728-7971 
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