February 15, 2018

In This Issue:
Quick Links:
OneGeneral Memo 674:
2017 Employer Retirement Reserve Statements
Your employer's 2017 Employer Retirement Reserve Statement is available in the "Display Annual Documents" section of Employer Access.
The retirement reserve is used to fund retirement benefits for your unit of government's IMRF members when they retire. It is also one component of an employer's actuarial assets which, along with the accrued actuarial liability, helps to determine an employer's over- or underfunding balance. The over- or underfunding balance is used when calculating an employer's contribution rate.
Review General Memo 674 for detailed information about the 2017 Employer Retirement Reserve Statements.
If you have any questions about your employer's Retirement Reserve Statement, please call Dionne Green, IMRF's Employer/Member Data Unit Supervisor, at (630) 706-4234 , or contact IMRF using the Secure Messaging Center in Employer Access.
TwoEmployer copies of 2017 Member Statements available
Employer copies of 2017 Member Statements are available in the "Display Annual Documents" section of Employer Access. Please do not share these copies with your employees; they are provided for your employer's reference.
To access your employer's reports of IMRF member activity, log in to Employer Access and click the "Display Annual Documents" link under the "Documents" section. At the "Annual Documents" screen, click on the document name to download the Employer Copies of 2017 Member Statements PDF file.
ThreeGeneral Memo 673:
Impact of 2017 investment return on employers
IMRF has issued General Memo 673, which provides details on the impact of the 2017 investment return on employer funding status.
  • The estimated 2017 investment return for IMRF is 15.73%.
  • This return translates into investment income of approximately $5.613 billion, after investment and administrative expenses.
  • Member and annuitant reserves have been credited approximately $1.205 billion, as required by the Illinois Pension Code.
  • Employer reserve balances have been credited with the balance, approximately $4.408 billion.
  • On average, employer accounts have been credited approximately 51.12% of interest and residual investment income on their beginning of the year employer reserve balance. This credit reflects the fact that, as a sponsor of a defined benefit plan, IMRF employers share all the risks and rewards of investment returns.
In April 2018, IMRF will present a series of local Rate Meetings throughout the state. At these meetings, the impact of year-end financial and actuarial data on IMRF as a whole and its estimated impact on individual employers will be discussed. Current topics impacting IMRF and pension plans in general will also be discussed. IMRF will present the same information during an online webinar in May 2018. Additional information is forthcoming.
FourReminder: ILPEx Conference taking place February 22 
Is your employer looking for an approach to further improve your overall effectiveness? If yes, consider having a representative attend the ILPEx Conference on Enterprise Excellence scheduled for Thursday, February 22, 2018 at Hamburger University in Oak Brook. The conference will begin at 8:30 AM. IMRF employers may follow this link to register for the ILPEx Conference on Enterprise Excellence. 
The Conference on Enterprise Excellence highlights recognized leaders from a variety of industries, who have led their teams and organizations to high performance in the areas of leadership, strategy, customer engagement, operations, workforce, and technology. Learn more about the conference here.
In 2017, IMRF submitted our fourth ILPEx application and received the 2017 ILPEx Gold Award for Achievement of Excellence. Read more about this recognition on IMRF's website.
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2211 York Rd., Ste. 500
Oak Brook, IL 60523-2337
Member-only Phone: 1-800-ASK-IMRF (275-4673)            
Employer-only Phone: 1-800-728-7971 
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