Spring Policy Forum
May 8-9, 2019
Sheraton Grand
Sacramento, CA
Oct. 2-3, 2019
Redondo Beach, CA
Open to the public & registration will open soon!
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April 24, 2019
Greetings Colleagues!
CBHA has been busy collaborating with several organizations on legislative proposals. We are thrilled to have received support from several of our member agencies and allied behavioral health organizations. Whether you wrote a letter, testified at a hearing, or provided technical assistance, we are grateful. Below, please review the status of our proposals, and please contact us if you would like to register your support.
Sponsored proposals:
Youth Mental Health First Aid
: Our Youth Mental Health First Aid proposals continue to gain momentum. We have a strong coalition of co-sponsors including CBHDA, Children Now, and Lady Gaga’s
Born This Way Foundation
(BTWF) who are advocating for funding for a school-based pilot program to train school personnel in Youth Mental Health First Aid. The proposal has been heard by the Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services in the Senate and is scheduled to be heard in the Assembly on May 6.
The coalition is also sponsoring
SB 428
, which was heard before the Senate Education Committee on April 10, 2019
and passed out of the Education Committee with a 7 to 0 vote!
This bill is authored by Senator Dr. Richard Pan and Senator Anthony Portantino; Assemblymember Dr. Joaquin Arambula and Senator Scott Weiner are co-authors. The bill was
recently amended
to require Local Education Agencies to pay for Youth Mental Health First Aid training, and to provide it to at least...
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Since 1996, LifeWorks has earned a reputation for providing mental health services that are informed, respectful and culturally responsive. Our vision is to build a stronger community where access to effective mental health services supports individuals and families throughout the lifespan. We work collaboratively with city, county and state programs, other service providers and the community to support the well being of Sonoma County.
Click here to visit our website.
Open to the public & registration will open soon!
is CBHA’s new statewide behavioral health conference open to the general public. Currently, there is no statewide conference that touches on all aspects of behavioral health within California’s healthcare system. You do not want to miss this opportunity to engage with behavioral health agencies, counties, treatment providers, peers and those receiving services.
California is one of the top 4 states for human trafficking in the U.S. Human trafficking is a heinous crimes and abuse of human rights. Traffickers prey on the vulnerable who are easier to exploit and less likely to seek help.
IOFA, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization working to end human trafficking, in collaboration with Futures Without Violence, the HEAL Network, and the WITH Foundation is
conducting focus groups with health care providers from across California to inform the development of a training for health care providers on identifying and providing services to persons with disabilities who are victims of or at risk for human trafficking.
Click the headline for the flyer with all the details on how health care professionals can participate in a focus group. We would appreciate it if you could circulate this flyer to your networks.
These focus groups are important to making sure that the training we develop is useful to health care professionals. For additional information or questions, please contact Jae Jin Pak at To learn more about IOFA, visit
Tuesday, April 30, 2019 at 1:00 pm
Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
In the immediate period after discharge, service members and veterans are at an increased risk for dying by suicide. This critical period provides an opportunity for community partners to establish effective crisis interventions and provide services as a vital part of suicide prevention efforts for service members, veterans, and their families (SMVF). Intervening to prevent suicides in clinical and non-clinical community settings needs to be effective, feasible, and evidence-based. Feasible suicide prevention practices help to minimize burden while maximizing positive outcomes for stakeholders. Evidence-based programs create the bridge between research and practice to help deliver proven interventions to SMVF at risk of suicide within the community. Click the headline to register.
From January to April, The Desert Sun surveyed 200 people experiencing homelessness in the Coachella Valley as part of a University of Southern California Annenberg Center for Health Journalism 2019 Data Fellowship. The survey focused on health needs and access to health care for those who are homeless.
A record number of homeless people — 918 last year alone — are dying across Los Angeles County, on bus benches, hillsides, railroad tracks and sidewalks. Deaths have jumped 76% in the past five years, outpacing the growth of the homeless population, according to a KHN analysis of the coroner’s data.
Health officials and experts have not pinpointed a single cause for the sharp increase in deaths, but they say rising substance abuse may be a major reason. The surge also reflects growth in the number of people who are chronically homeless and those who don’t typically use shelters, which means...
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SAN JOSE, Calif. — After they amputated the second toe on John Trumbla’s right foot last summer, doctors sent him to a nursing home because he still needed medical care — but not necessarily a hospital bed.
The proud, burly Army veteran resisted at first, but he didn’t have a choice. Before his hospitalization at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, Trumbla, 56, and his wife had been homeless, crashing in his boss’s construction shop or living...
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