General Newsletter
July 2020
Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
A Message from Our Executive Director

Good afternoon,

2020 has certainly not been the year that any of us were expecting. For the staff here at CBHA we had just come off a challenging but successful year in 2019.  We worked hard addressing the policy and regulatory challenges facing our members and had pulled off our very first statewide conference, BHCalCon 2019. 

We had big plans for 2020, until Covid-19 hit and everything in our normal day to day routines came to a screeching halt. As hard as it was on us, it was even harder on our member agencies. In a very short time period, they had to deal with drastic programmatic and financial challenges, including moving very quickly to a telehealth approach. Clients for the most part could no longer come in person to access services and care, and staff who were used to working together in offices had to adapt to working from home. We all learned a lot very quickly about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), a term many of us were not familiar with.

The pandemic also raised huge challenges at a regulatory level for our members. On top of the pandemic and the challenges it raised, we also had to deal with the financial challenges due to the collapse of the economy because of the shelter in place orders that went into effect in our state and across the country. We went from a state budget looking at a very healthy surplus to a projected budget deficit of $54 billion in just a few months.

This is where I am so proud of our staff for rising to the challenge. In partnership with the National Council for Behavioral Health we were able to keep our members informed of happenings and changes at the federal level. At the state level we worked closely with DHCS, Governor Newsom’s administration, and our partner associations and allies such as CBHDA, the CA Alliance and others to address the many challenges that arose on almost a daily level. The comments and feedback from our member agencies have been very positive. 

I share all of this as a way to point out the value of a statewide association like CBHA. That’s why it is so important for agencies that are engaged in providing behavioral health services in our state to be engaged not just at the local level, but also at the state and federal level. We will continue to work hard on behalf of our members to help them get through this crisis and be their representative at the state and national level. 

If you are receiving this and work at an agency that provides behavioral health services in our state, I encourage you to reach out to us about becoming a member.  Even though the Covid-19 crisis put the Cal-AIM proposal on hold, there are big changes coming our way in the future that will touch on every aspect of the behavioral health care system in our state. There’s no better way to stay informed on what is happening and what you should be planning for going forward than by being a member of CBHA.  

If you would like to know more about CBHA or joining, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at  

In the meantime, stay safe and healthy, and remember that self care is so very important during this time and beyond.  

In Support and Appreciation,
Paul Curtis
Executive Director
CBHA Policy Update & Advocacy Efforts

Greetings Behavioral Health Colleagues!

This month we commemorate Minority Mental Health Month. And, it could not be a more fitting time. There is so much happening in our world as a result of the double pandemic which continues to uncover the unfortunate reality that health disparities are the common thread that ties the pandemics together. We recognize that it is not good enough to promote a harmonious statement about the racial pandemic- we need action. While CBHA has provided a number of resources, including grant funding to our member agencies to assist with the impact of the pandemic, we also recognize that the conversation about inequities is long overdue. As such, we have provided training resources for our member agencies and created a workgroup that will create the plan for how we can address health disparities as an organization.

Outside of our organization, we are working with the National Council for Behavioral Health to provide a model for other state associations to assist their member agencies in having discussions about race. We were recently invited to join the Steering Committee for the California Reducing Disparities Project which will promote the work that the CRDP partners are doing in racially and ethnically diverse communities.

We know that you are also committed to eliminating health disparities and it is certainly a time when behavioral health allies should join forces to ensure we are doing everything to meet the needs of vulnerable populations. We continue to partner with our colleagues to make sure good policy is passed during this remaining month of the Legislative Session. CBHA has been an active participant in supporting and opposing the following measures, and we invite all of our colleagues to join us in our advocacy:
Another way CBHA is promoting equitable practices is by highlighting the inequities in medication management as a result of COVID-19. The California Access Coalition learned that upon clinic closures, many patients that were receiving long acting medications (LAMs) were transferred to oral forms of medication. We acted immediately and sent a letter to all county health directors citing SAMHSA’s guidance document for managing patients on LAMs during the pandemic. Several clinics have reversed course as a result!
Do you want to learn more about LAMs? Join the CAC on August 10, 2020 for a national webinar featuring officials from SAMHSA, National Council for Behavioral Health, National Alliance on Mental Illness and more.

Thank you for being our partners. We will get through this together. 
In Service,
Le Ondra Clark Harvey, Ph.D.
Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs
National Minority Mental Health Month - Resources & Information

"Once my loved ones accepted the diagnosis, healing began for the entire family, but it took too long. It took years. Can't we, as a nation, begin to speed up that process? We need a national campaign to destigmatize mental illness, especially one targeted toward African Americans...It's not shameful to have a mental illness. Get treatment. Recovery is possible." – Bebe Moore Campbell, 2005

Save the Date! MHFA Virtual Summit 2020
October 6-7, 2020

We are excited to be welcoming back speakers from the National Council for Behavioral Health, California Department of Education, National Trainers, and others.

CBHA's 3rd Mental Health First Aid Summit will cover upcoming legislation and ways to build MHFA partnerships and pathways for continued growth. We'll hear about the latest training updates, grant opportunities, and how you can improve outreach and access to behavioral health resources for those who need services. Learn more about Mental Health First Aid HERE.

Thank you to our generous sponsors!
DHCS: Proposed 12 Month Extension Request to the MEDI-CAL 2020 Section 1115 Waiver

California is seeking a 12-month extension of the federal waiver under which a majority of the State’s Medicaid program, Medi-Cal, now operates. See more info in the full message linked below.

Also, in coordination with the Medi-Cal 2020 12-month extension request, DHCS intends to submit a 12-month extension request for the existing 1915(b) Specialty Mental Health Services Waiver to align the terms of the waivers. DHCS will host public hearings via webinar to solicit public comments.

Reports on COVID-19, Schools, and Mental Health

The Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission’s (MHSOAC) Subcommittee on Schools and Mental Health released a draft of TWO (2) reports that they are seeking input on:

Visit their website for committee meeting information and to provide your critical feedback.
Panel Discussions in Honor of Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

In honor of Minority Mental Health Awareness Month , the American Counseling Association has partnered with Motivo to offer free Panel Discussions.

Click the following links to view the recorded discussions:
Have You Completed the ACEs Aware Training?

Eligible Medi-Cal providers: It’s not too late to self-attest to completing the ACEs Aware training.
As a reminder, eligible Medi-Cal providers must self-attest to completing the certified ACE training to receive payment for ACE screenings conducted after July 1, 2020.

Don't Forget to Self-Attest
ACEs Aware has answers to your attestation questions at After finishing your training at, you can find the attestation form at
Register Today for Free Virtual Youth Conference

No More Silence, Reclaim Your Voice

Wednesday, August 5, 2020 | 4:00 - 7:00 PM PDT
Thursday, August 6, 2020 | 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM PDT

Brought to you by: California Youth Empowerment Network (CAYEN) CAYEN is a program of Mental Health America of California
CCAPP California Mental Health Credentials

CCAPP Credentialing offers a continuum of certifications for California's addiction and behavioral health workforce.

For more information go to our Mental Health Career Path website:
Any qustions about these credentials email Pamela at
Mental Health Diversion Training Series

Upcoming Mental Health Diversion Training Series from the Council on Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health, the County Behavioral Health Directors’ Association, and the Judicial Council.

Click for

Vitka Eisen
HealthRIGHT 360
Debbie Manners
Erin O’Brien
Community Solutions
Darrell Evora
Uplift Family Services
Ray Banks
Turning Point of Central California
Cynthia Jackson Kelartinian
Heritage Clinic
Camille Schraeder, Redwood Community Services

Shawn Caracoza, Pacific Clinics
Carolyn Chadwick, Tessie Cleveland Community Services Corp
Amanda Nugent Devine, Kings View
Sparky Harlan, Bill Wilson Center
Lorna Jones, Bonita House
Christina Miller, Mental Health of America Los Angeles
David Mineta, Momentum Mental Health
Al Rowlett, Turning Point Community Programs
Tim Ryder, San Fernando Valley Community Mental Health Clinics
Albert Senella, Tarzana Treatment Center
Simona Cataldo, Victor Community Support Services
Hugo Villa, The Village Family Services

Paul Curtis
Le Ondra Clark Harvey, Ph.D.

CBHA members can sign in to the Members section of the website for access to additional resources and information.

Webinar Series Recordings
When you log-in to the members portal, you can also find past webinar recordings, such as a recent webinar on Telehealth in partnership with Genoa Telepsychiatry and another on Tele-Supervision that we co-hosted with Motivo.

COVID-19 Resources and tools are posted on our website under the Resources link and in the members portal under the Community Forums.

CBHA Career Center Check out the career center to view or post a position - members receive a discount!

Interested in becoming a CBHA member?

Join CBHA and enjoy these benefits:

  • Membership includes affiliate membership with the National Council for Behavioral Health and discounted rates at National Council events.
  • Attend our policy forums and advocacy days - packed with valuable information and opportunities to strengthen your agency!
  • Subscription to our members-only newsletter, legislative and budget member alerts, action alerts to oppose harmful bills, important announcements, and access to our webinar series!
  • Networking opportunities through our member reception and invite-only events during policy forums and advocacy days.

Business Associate memberships are available too!
Expand your footprint with exclusive advertising through our members newsletter and sponsorship opportunities.

Please email for more information .
Affinity Partners offer approved services
that benefit our members
while supporting our advocacy efforts.
We appreciate our Business Associates for their partnerships that both provide our members exceptional services and sponsor our advocacy efforts.