Fall Policy Forum
'Preparing Your Agency for the Future'
Oct. 11-12, 2018
Newport Beach, CA
(Members Only)
Nov. 13–16, 2018
Pleasant Hill, CA
CBHA Advocacy Day
January 22-23, 2019
Sacramento, CA
(Members Only. Registration opens Oct. 2018)
CBHA Mental Health First Aid Summit
February 21, 2018
(Registration opens Oct. 2018)
March 25-27, 2019
Nashville, TN
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August 22, 2018
The Legislature has Reconvened the 2017/2018 Session
On August 12, 2018, we observed International Youth Day. According to the United Nations, International Youth Day is commemorated annually and encourages youth around the world to organize activities to raise awareness about the situation of youth in their country. This year’s theme is
Safe Spaces for Youth
, and the focus is on accommodating the needs of diverse youth especially those vulnerable to marginalization or violence.
As we reflect on the theme of this month, it reminds us that there has been much political attention paid on youth this past year. From school violence to the controversy about separations of families at the border, youth in our country are enduring a significant amount of trauma. We see this reflected in our state Legislature as several bills have been introduced that focus on the need for funding and programs to address the needs of youth across our state. CBHA has taken the opportunity to record its position on several policy and legislative initiatives related to youth services and will continue to advocate for funding and services for all youth in our state.
August also marks the ending of the 2017/2018 Legislative Session. Legislators are engaging in a month of floor sessions where hundreds of bills will be considered in both houses. CBHA staff will continue to track legislation and prepare letters to the Governor for legislation that successfully makes it through the floor process.
CBHA staff has been working with the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) and the California Behavioral Health Planning Council for the past few months on the statutorily mandated 5-year plan for Workforce, Education and Training (WET) initiatives.
We look forward to continued participation in this process as key stakeholders. OSHPD’s workforce surveys will be finalized and sent out to community organizations shortly.
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Maryvale's Mission is to heal, empower and educate children and families to instill hope for a more fulfilling future. We do this by providing residential, educational, mental health and community-based services in an environment of dignity, love and respect. Maryvale provides compassionate and nurturing service to some of society’s most vulnerable young people.
Click here for their website.
CBHA offers a list of current employment opportunities statewide. Promote your opportunity. Go
to start. Members, sign-in to post.
CBHA Creates A New Membership Level for Smaller Nonprofit Behavioral Health Agencies.
The CBHA Executive Committee approved a new membership level for nonprofit agencies with mental health revenues under $500,000 starting July 1, 2018. To become a part of the CBHA community, fill out the CBHA
2018-19 membership application
For more information, email Ma Eliza Caliolio, communications and membership manager at
or call (916) 557-1166 x20.
October 11-12, 2018
'Preparing Your Agency for the Future'
- Senator Ricardo Lara
- Rebecca Farley David,, National Council for Behavioral Health
- Assemblymember Sydney Kamlager-Dove
- Alex Briscoe, The California Children’s Trust
- Reed Connell, Social Change Partners
- Patrick Gardner, Young Minds Advocacy
- Autumn Boylan, DHCS, Mental Health Services Division
November 13-16, 2018 | Pleasant Hill, CA
CBHA is partnering with National Council to bring you Middle Management Academy. An in-person, 3.5-day group training program that offers management training customized for health care safety-net staff.
For more information please email Sara Kahoalii at
This Information Notice is to communicate the allocation schedule DHCS provided to the SCO, describe the methodology used to determine those allocation schedules, and provide the amount of money the Governor’s budget has estimated will be available in the Mental Health Services Fund.
Interested in becoming a CBHA member? Go
and fill out an application.
Become A CBHA Member Agency And Enjoy These Benefits:
- Attend our policy forums and advocacy days and participate in the shaping of public policy that affects your agency.
- Subscription to our members-only newsletter, legislative and budget member alerts, action alerts to oppose harmful bills, important announcements, and access to our webinar series!
- Networking opportunities through our member reception and invite-only events during policy forums and advocacy days.
- Expand your footprint with exclusive advertising through our members newsletter and sponsorship opportunities.
Membership includes affiliate membership with the
National Council for Behavioral Health
and discounted rates at National Council events. Please email for more information.
CBHA affinity members offer approved services that benefit our members while supporting our advocacy efforts.
We appreciate our business associates for their partnerships that both provide our members exceptional services and sponsor our advocacy efforts.