This Sunday at Generations

January 15, 2023

Prayer in the Parlor - 8:30am

Worship Celebration & Morning Message - 9:00am | 10:30am

*Our 10:30am service will be live-streamed on Facebook and our website.

Children's Ministries

Nursery: Birth to 2 years in Room 101.

Treehouse: 3 - 5 years in Room 106.

Clubhouse: K - 6th grade will worship together in the TMC.

If you are interested in dedicating your child, our next Child Dedication Class will meet Sunday, January 15 at 9:00am in the Parlor (Room 111) with Pastor Jen. Dedication Sunday will be January 29 during our 10:30am service. To sign up, contact Pastor Jen.

If you are interested in becoming a member or would like to learn more about Generations Church our next New Members Class will take place on Sunday, January 15 at 9:30am in the Room 219. Register online here. If you have any questions please contact Clint Grimes.

House of Hope Sunday is this Sunday! Generations Church is proud to partner with the House of Hope in Crowley. Bring your non-perishable food items for donation and place them on the designated table in the back of the sanctuary.

Preteens in grades 4-6, are invited to BRIDGE this Sunday immediately following second service. BRIDGE is our monthly Preteen Ministry Bible study and lunch. Please contact Pastor Jennifer for more information.

Teens, join us for our monthly Ignite fellowship lunch after the 10:30am service this Sunday. Meet in the TMC following second service. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Eli.

Nazarene Youth Conference (NYC) is July 5-9, 2023 in Tampa Bay! Hosted by USA/Canada NYI, NYC is a transformational youth event that has been held in different locations over the past six decades. NYC takes place every four years and provides an opportunity for high school students from across USA and Canada to be united in worship, discipleship, and community service. Cost is $1,750 with a $650 deposit deadline due by January 15 and the trip paid in full by May 15. Fundraising opportunities will be available. Click here for a suggested payment plan and click here for more information from our West Texas District leaders. For more information and registration packets contact Pastor Eli.

Upcoming Events

Let us know if you will be joining us for our CG Wednesday evening meal for January 18RSVP here for dinner by Sunday. Drinks and dessert included. 

Next week's menu is: Chicken tetrazzini, peas, salad & a roll

Kids: Corn dogs and tater tots

We are in need of Nursery volunteers who would be willing to serve one Wednesday night a month from 6:30-7:30pm in our church nursery. If you are interested or available please contact Pastor Jennifer for more information.

Our next Tarrant Area Food Bank will be held on Tuesday, January 24. Volunteers are needed at 4:30pm and again at 6:00pm. Contact Pastor Josh for more information.

A new Connect Group is forming for adults ages 50+ on Sunday Mornings, beginning Sunday, February 5, during the 9:30am service. To kick off the new class and get acquainted, join us for a time of fellowship with coffee and breakfast on February 5 beginning at 9:15am in Room 115. Contact Becky Glidden for more information.

Ladies, join us for our Annual Women's Brunch on Saturday, January 28 at 10:00am. We will worship together and enjoy yummy food and fellowship! Cost is $15. Register online here. We are also looking for ladies to host and decorate a table. You can sign up to host a table here.

Young Adults, ages 18-30s (single or married) are invited to join us for a Young Adult Retreat February 3-5 at Arrowhead Camp & Retreat Center! Jeremiah Bolich will be speaking. Cost is $110. Register online here. Contact Clint Grimes if you have any questions.

Make plans to join us for our annual revival services February 5-8, with evangelist Jeremiah Bolich. Services will take place Sunday at 9:00am or 10:30am and again at 6pm. Weeknight services will take place Monday-Wednesday beginning at 7pm.

4th-6th graders are invited to SuperStart - a high-energy PreTeen Retreat - February 3-4 at Crossroads Christian Church in Grand Prairie. Cost is $120. A $50 deposit is due by January 20. The full cost must be paid by January 31. Contact Pastor Jen for more information.

Our annual high school winter retreat is February 10-12 at Sky Ranch! Each year we have a great weekend of spiritual renewal, fun, and fellowship. We are glad to have Jeremiah Bolich back with us as our guest speaker! Early registration cost is $145 and ends January 20. Register here. Contact Pastor Eli for more info.

Other Announcements

Clubhouse Parents, here is a family video devotional for you and your children. Each devotional has activities, a blessing, and a Take the Lead segment where you can introduce them to this coming Sunday's lesson from the Word. May the Lord bless you as you share your Faith@Home! - Pastor Jennifer

Here at Generations Church we offer four ways to give! You can give online at, text to give at 817.203.4900, give through our SimpleChurch App or drop your cash/check made payable to "Generations Church" in the drop boxes located on the walls at the Sanctuary exits. Thank you for supporting the work of the Kingdom.

Read It with Me in 2023

Read the Bible in a year with us! Click here for this year's Bible reading schedule. We hope this encourages you and helps to advance your spiritual journey. 

Provide a Meal!

Generations Church now has a designated place where you can sign up to provide meals for families who have a loved one in the hospital or are bereaved. Click here to see if there are open spaces where a meal is needed. Contact Becky Glidden.

Keep Us Updated

Have you moved? We want to know! Help us keep our records updated so we can keep in touch with you. If your contact information has changed in the last year, including your address, phone, or email, please email us with the updated information.

Looking Ahead


15 - Membership Class / Child Dedication Class / House of Hope / Bridge & IGNITE Lunches

22 - New Members Received

24 - Mobile Food Pantry

25 - Prodigal Prayer Group

28 - Women's Brunch

29 - Family 5th Sunday / Child Dedications


3-5 - West Texas Young Adult Retreat

3-4 - 4th-6th Grade PreTeen Retreat

5-8 - Revival Services with Jeremiah Bolich

10-12 - High School Winter Retreat

19 - Board Voting, House of Hope, Bridge & Ignite Lunches

26 - Board Voting

28 - TAFB Mobile Food Bank

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