Volume 18 | Issue 20 | May 17, 2023

Generations This Week

News for Advocates of Children, Youth, and Older Adults from Generations United

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Generations United in the News

Generations United Executive Director Donna Butts and Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center Director Ana Beltran met with three of our United Nations representatives, Susanne Bleiberg-Seperson, Ellen Amstutz, and Magda Kaczmarska in New York City.

Strategic Initiatives & Communications Director Sheri Steinig is quoted in an article, titled "Gorham House preschool brings together youth, older adults." She highlights the benefits of intergenerational programs for both youth and older adults. Read the article here.

Global Conference Updates - Snag a Spot in our Conference Program Book!

Want to put your organization on the map at Generations United's 2023 Global Intergenerational Conference? Snag a spot in our conference program book! Submit your ad by June 1, 2023.

Learn more.

Make a difference today! Your donation can help provide scholarships for deserving individuals to attend our conference and access valuable learning opportunities. Support our conference scholarships and donate today.

Register for Generations United's Global Intergenerational Conference, taking place July 26-28, 2023 in Washington, DC! Register today!

Check out the snapshot of our conference here.

Thank you to The Eisner Foundation, our premier sponsor of the 22nd Global Intergenerational Conference.

Meet Our New Staff

Generations United has added several fantastic new staff members to our team this month and we want to introduce them each to you. Please join us in welcoming all of them to the team!

Kylee Craggett is a Technical Assistance Specialist for the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network. She is responsible for supporting technical assistance requests, connecting system leaders to information and resources, and collaborating with subject matter experts. Kylee holds a master’s degree in social work and is a licensed social worker in Texas. She has over nine years of experience in Child Welfare, including six years working directly with kinship caregivers.

Tanya Burgess is the Intergenerational Program, Policy & Advocacy Fellow with Generations United. She is a licensed social worker and third-year Ph.D. student at Arizona State University, studying under-representation in social work and racial/age disparities in policy and research. Tanya’s life-long goals focus on bringing awareness and beginning discussions on issues of under-represented, vulnerable, and marginalized communities. Her hope is that there is an increase in initiatives that strive to increase representation in the social sciences necessary to retain BIPOC professionals.

Learn more about our staff here.

The Eisner Foundation Announces The Eisner Prize Fellowship

The Eisner Prize Fellowship is a new program designed to support leaders pioneering innovations in intergenerational connection.

The Eisner Prize Fellows application is open to anyone working to innovate in the area of intergenerational connection – whether that be through research, programs, technology, or other efforts advancing the field. Young people, people of color, and those working with historically marginalized communities are particularly encouraged to apply. The application closes on May 31, 2023, and Fellows will be announced in June.

Learn more

Program Spotlight - Lori's Hands Community Health Service Learning

Lori’s Hands' unique Community Health Service Learning program, a Generations United Program of Distinction, builds mutually beneficial partnerships between community members with chronic illness and college students, fostering empathy, connection, and resilience. During free weekly visits, students provide clients with companionship as well as assistance with tasks such as grocery shopping, picking up prescriptions, completing household chores, and navigating community resources, among other instrumental activities. As clients support systems and independence grow, their sense of loneliness decreases. In turn, clients provide student volunteers, many of whom are studying for careers in health care, with the opportunity to learn firsthand about the lived experience of aging and chronic illness. The benefits of participation in Lori's Hands for both students and clients have been documented through internal and independent evaluation. An internal survey found that 98% of clients reported improved quality of life as a result of participation. Learn more.

Photo courtesy of Lori's Hands, Inc.

Each week, Generations United is spotlighting a recipient of our Intergenerational Program Certification. The certification is an annual recognition of outstanding programs bringing older and younger participants together and is based on rigorous standards of program effectiveness and sustainability. Learn more about the Intergenerational Program Certification here.

New Resource: Aging Network Services and Supports for Kin/Grandfamily Caregivers

This new fact sheet, created with our partners at USAging, is for professionals who do not work within the Aging Network. The resource explains what the Aging Network is and lists services and supports that are commonly available through it. The goal is to help you better understand the Aging Network, find programs near you, and reach out to learn about making referrals and to begin to form partnerships. A Spanish version of this resource is coming soon! Access the resource.

Accepting Technical Assistance Requests

As always, the Network is accepting individual technical assistance (TA) requests from professionals who work in systems or organizations that serve kinship/grandfamilies. Fill out the TA request form to receive support from our team. Learn more and sign up to access our resources!

The Network is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $9,950,000 with 95 percentage funded by ACL/HHS and $523,684 and 5 percentage funded by non-government sources. The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.

Culture United: When We Were Sisters

When We Were Sisters traces the intense bond of three orphaned siblings who, after their parents die, are left to raise one another. The youngest, Kausar, grapples with the incomprehensible loss of their parents as she also charts out her own understanding of gender; Aisha, the middle sister, spars with her “crybaby” younger sibling as she desperately tries to hold on to her sense of family in an impossible situation; and Noreen, the eldest, does her best in the role of sister-mother while also trying to create a life for herself, on her own terms. Learn more.

Culture United highlights films, books, and TV shows with an intergenerational theme. Do you have any suggestions? Share them with us, and we'll share them in the weeks and months to come. We welcome responses or reactions. See disclaimer.

Thank You to Our Members and Supporters

Thank you to Robert Gordon for the donation in honor of Shaheed Morris. Thank you to our members and supporters! Consider making a donation today to help unleash the potential of a society that values all generations. If you're an organization, join us!

Think Intergenerational - Funding Opportunities

The MIT AgeLab’s Opportunities for Multigenerational Exchange, Growth and Action (OMEGA) initiative is proud to offer five scholarships to recognize the efforts that teens are making to create multigenerational connections. Each award will include a $5,000 college scholarship to the winning student and $1,000 to the winning student’s intergenerational initiative to support its activities. High school juniors and seniors in the U.S. are eligible to apply. Applications are due May 31, 2023.

Learn more.

The Herb Block Foundation: Encouraging Citizen Involvement. The Herb Block Foundation is committed to defending basic freedoms, combating all forms of discrimination and prejudice, and improving the condition of the poor and underprivileged in the United States. The Foundation’s Encouraging Citizen Involvement grant program provides support to nonprofit organizations nationally with the aim of helping to ensure a responsible, responsive democratic government through citizen involvement. Grants ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 support projects focused on citizen education and greater voter participation in the electoral process. All projects must be nonpartisan and may not involve lobbying for specific legislation or candidates. Letters of inquiry are due June 1, 2023. Learn more.

NEW: KidsGardening: The Lots of Compassion Grant, a new program offered by Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day and KidsGardening, is designed to support local leaders looking to transform vacant lots into gardens to help grow compassion in their community. In 2023, ten grantees will receive $20,000 each to transform a vacant lot into a garden. Nonprofit organizations, school districts, universities, groups, religious organizations, and other tax-exempt organizations are eligible to apply. The deadline for application submission is Friday, June 2, 2023, at 11:59 PM PT. Learn more.

The Brookdale Foundation Group Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP) has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the creation or expansion of supportive services to grandparents and other relatives raising children. A seed grant of $30,000 ($20,000 in year one and $10,000 tier two, contingent upon progress made during year one and potential for continuity in the future) is available to non-profit organizations across the United States. On-going technical assistance will be provided. Proposals are due June 22, 2023. Learn more.

Administration for Community Living: Advancing Aging Network Capacity to Recognize and Support Family, Kinship and Tribal Caregivers. Using the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers (the Strategy) as a road map, ACL will fund up to five (5) new cooperative agreements to eligible entities to work on a national level to further advance the development of state, community and tribal family caregiver support programs funded under the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP), Title III-E and VI-C of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended. This new initiative is intended to advance NFCSP/NACSP development to more closely align it with the principles and concepts contained in the Strategy, thus better positioning the program to more effectively recognize, assist, include, support, and engage family caregivers and better meet the challenges and opportunities associated with supporting them. Five (5), four-year cooperative agreements to eligible entities and their partners to develop, test, and disseminate new approaches for technical assistance, capacity building, and other best practices in family caregiver support will be awarded. One (1) grant will be awarded in each of the five Priority/Goals in the Strategy: (1) increasing awareness and outreach; (2) advancing partnerships and engagement with care teams; (3) advancing services and supports; (4) strengthening financial and workplace security; and (5) solidifying a family caregiver national research and data collection agenda. No entity will receive more than one grant under this new initiative. Applicants to each priority area should be those well-positioned and with the requisite experience and capacity to address the respective issues and foster national advancements in those areas. Closing date for applications is June 25, 2023. Learn more.

ECMC Foundation's mission is to improve higher education for career success among underserved populations in the United States through evidence-based innovation. Support is provided for efforts that fit within the Foundation’s strategic priorities: 1) removing barriers to post-secondary completion, including programs that directly support learner success; 2) building the capacity of higher education organizations, institutions, and systems to improve outcomes for learners and evolve to meet changing needs; and 3) transforming the post-secondary ecosystem, including large-scale, cross-sector collaborations in service of more equitable outcomes. A substantial portion of grantmaking targets the Foundation’s initiatives, which currently include a focus on basic needs, men of color, single mother student success, transfer and credit mobility, and career and technical education leadership. In addition, the Foundation makes grants and investments through an open letter of inquiry process for projects connected to one or more of the strategic priorities. Nonprofit organizations, government entities, and post-secondary institutions and systems are eligible to apply. Application deadline: None for letters of inquiry. Learn more.

If you have—or know of—any intergenerational funding opportunities, please send them to

Think Intergenerational - Great Resources

Journal of Intergenerational Relationships Call for Papers for Memorial Issue Honoring Founding Editor Dr. Sally Newman’s Contributions to the Intergenerational Field: Dr. Sally Newman was a guiding force for founding the Journal of Intergenerational Relationships in 2003, serving as its first editor until June 2014. Despite her death in 2022, Dr. Newman’s legacy lives on. In honor of Dr. Newman’s leadership in intergenerational program research, the Journal of Intergenerational Relationships invites scholarly contributions for a special issue focused on contemporary intergenerational research that builds on her foundational work, which can be seen today in different programmatic settings and countries. This special memorial issue will be published in 2024. Submissions must be received by May 31, 2023. Read the full special issue announcement here. Contact Shannon Jarrott with questions.

"Intergenerational Community Planning" Report: Generations United Senior Fellow Irv Katz and Generations United friend and Penn State professor Matt Kaplan, PhD, collaborated on a "guide" to intergenerational community planning published by the American Planning Association (APA). The intergenerational planning guide follows related APA reports on multigenerational planning and planning for all ages. The document suggests that the well-being of children, youth, and older adults--and how they relate with one another--should be integrated into regular city planning processes, such as the comprehensive planning that most cities and towns undertake. "Intergenerational Community Planning" is available for free to members of the American Planning Association and $25 for non-members.

Generations United Resources

2022 State of Grandfamilies Report, Together at the Table: Supporting the Nutrition, Health, and Well-Being of Grandfamilies, includes the latest findings on grandfamilies facing high rates of hunger and food insecurity, as well as policy recommendations to help feed grandfamilies. Read the report to explore the data and learn why we need to change current policies to ensure access to adequate nutritious food for grandfamilies.

Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheets on Self-Care and Youth Mental Health are now available in Spanish. These tip sheets were developed with support from our partner, Humana. Learn more.

Updated Intergenerational Evaluation Toolkit, which was created in 2019 by Dr. Shannon Jarrott with support from The Eisner Foundation, includes over 20 reliable and valid outcome measures that have been used in the evaluation of intergenerational programs. Learn more.

17 New State-Specific Adoption & Guardianship Comparison Charts Are Now Available! These comparison charts help grandfamilies understand the difference between adoption and guardianship for children leaving foster care to permanency with relatives, made possible with support from the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. Learn more.

Grand Resource: Help for Grandfamilies Impacted by Opioids and Other Substance Use Part 2 includes 5 new resources designed to provide tips, useful information, and a list of additional resources to help grandfamilies both inside and outside the foster care system impacted by opioids or other substance use. Learn more.

Racial Equity Toolkits are designed to give resources and tips to child welfare agencies, other government agencies, and nonprofit organizations, so they can better serve all grandfamilies. Generations United has produced a toolkit for American Indian and Alaska Native grandfamilies, African-American grandfamilies, and Latino grandfamilies. Learn more.

Racial Equity Tip Sheets now available with support from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Generations United is pleased to share a new series of tip sheets to accompany our racial equity toolkits. These tools are designed to help professionals serving grandfamilies to provide culturally appropriate services. Learn more.

Sharing Our Space: A Toolkit for Developing and Enhancing Intergenerational Shared Sites is designed for individuals and organizations interested in creating an intergenerational shared site or enhancing services at their current site. Divided into 10 sections, the toolkit details every step of the development and operation process, from initial planning to sustaining long-term shared site programs. Learn more.

Making the Case for Intergenerational Programs provides rationale and facts to help make the case for intergenerational programs. It is based on a comprehensive review of the literature on intergenerational programs and highlights evidence-based findings on how intergenerational programs benefit everyone. There is also an accompanying fact sheet available in English and Spanish. Learn more.

Staying Healthy Across Generations: Vaccines are Essential for All Ages is an infographic that illustrates that vaccines aren't just for kids - they protect all generations, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Staying up to date on vaccines for the flu, pneumonia, and whooping cough is important to protect both older adults and children. Learn more.

"For those of us that are observing it, there have been moments when we are so moved by these connections that we can’t help but become very emotional. It is so special to experience it and see the love between them."

Meghan Pomelow, Director of Gorham House preschool.

We want Generations This Week to be a resource for you. Please send us any national news on intergenerational issues in addition to upcoming conferences, funding opportunities, research, reports, and webinars. You can connect with other intergenerational enthusiasts through our Facebook group. Please also let us know how we can improve! Email us at We'd love to hear from you!

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