Volume 16 | Issue 15 | April 14, 2021
Generations This Week
News for Advocates of Children, Youth and Older Adults from Generations United
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New Multigenerational Report Snapshot
If you haven't checked out Generations United's new report, Family Matters: Multigenerational Living Is on the Rise and Here to Stay, here's a snapshot of what's included. Make sure to download the full report.
In the News
  • Next Avenue ran a piece on intergenerational housing options for older adults. This article mentions Generations United, and it also references Rancho Mission Viejo, which we were proud to support during their development. Learn more.

  • Progress, Potential, And Possibilities is a podcast where host Ira Pastor engages with fascinating people designing a better tomorrow. Our Executive Director Donna Butts joined Ira in the latest episode to give an overview of Generations United's work and mission as well as highlight our new report and talk about the mentors she had over the course of her career. Listen to the show.
Webinar—Staying Connected: Intergenerational Programs and COVID-19
Join Generations United and the National Recreation and Park Association on April 22, at 2 pm ET, for a webinar on how intergenerational programs created new opportunities and adapted activities in response to COVID-19. Hear from innovative programs across the country—from community gardens to virtual visits—that have been creatively adapting to connect generations throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to do so into the future. Learn more.
Tweet of the Week
A Huge Thanks to Our Members and Supporters
Generations United thanks our members and supporters for their contributions. Donate to help us unleash the potential of an "age-amped" society. If you're an organization, join us!
Cool Idea
The Stories of Atlantic City Intergenerational Project

Starting this week, we'll be highlighting a program from our resource, Staying Connected While Staying Apart: Intergenerational Programs and the COVID-19 Pandemic. First up, is the Stories of Atlantic City Intergenerational Project.

In the fall of 2020, Stories of Atlantic City partnered with Dr. Christina Morus's Media, Civil Rights, and Social Change course at Stockton University. The project also included Atlantic City's Golden Circle club, whom the Stockton University students interviewed. The elders shared memories of the Civil Rights Movement, their feelings about the current Black Lives Matter protests, and their reflections on the history and future of racial (in)justice in Atlantic City and beyond. Learn more.
Got something cool you tried that was successful? Why not tweet your cool intergenerational ideas to #cooligideas. You can also post them to our Intergenerational Connections Facebook Group. We want to highlight innovative age-optimized programs and practices through our blog, social media and weekly e-newsletter! Share the inspiration.
Culture United
The Gift of Ramadan by Rabiah Lumbard

In honor of Ramadan, which kicked off on Monday, we share The Gift of Ramadan. Sophia wants to fast for Ramadan this year. Her grandma tells her that fasting helps make a person sparkly―and Sophia loves sparkles. But when her attempt at fasting fails, Sophia must find another way to participate. Learn more.
Culture United highlights films, books, music, and TV shows with an intergenerational theme. Do you have any suggestions? Share them with us, and we'll share in the weeks and months to come. We welcome responses or reactions. We'll possibly feature them on our blog. See disclaimer.
Think Intergenerational - Funding Opportunities
NEW! Women's Sports Foundation: Move Together. The Foundation is offering grants ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 to nonprofit organizations nationwide that foster multigenerational connection in their communities through sport, fitness, and movement-based programming for girls and women. Deadline: May 28, 2021. Learn more.

NEW! Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Older Adult Home Modification Program supports comprehensive programs that make safety and functional home modifications and limited repairs to meet the needs of older adult homeowners with low income. The goal of the Program is to enable low-income elderly persons to remain in their homes through low-cost, low-barrier, high-impact home modifications to reduce older adults' risk of falling, improve general safety, increase accessibility, and to improve their functional abilities in their home. Deadline: May 4, 2021. Learn more.

Advancing Health Literacy to Enhance Equitable Community Responses to COVID-19. This initiative—which will award up to $4 million for projects in urban communities and up to $3 million for those in rural communities—seeks applications for projects to demonstrate the effectiveness of local government implementation of evidence-based health literacy strategies that are culturally appropriate to enhance COVID-19 testing, contact tracing and/or other mitigation measures (e.g., public health prevention practices and vaccination) in racial and ethnic minority populations and other socially vulnerable populations, including racial and ethnic minority rural communities. Deadline: April 20, 2021. Learn more.

If you have—or know of—any intergenerational funding opportunities, please send them to gu@gu.org.
Think Intergenerational - Great Resources
Research & Resources
NEW! The State Child Abuse & Neglect Policies Database. This new resource from Mathematica and Child Trends is designed to improve the way the field analyzes child welfare data to learn more about child maltreatment incidence across the United States. The SCAN Policies Database will make it easier for researchers, analysts, policymakers, child welfare agencies, and others to broaden their understanding of how differences in state laws and policies might influence state variability in reported rates of child abuse and neglect. Learn more.

NEW! Children's Bureau Learning & Coordination Center (CBLCC). Formerly CANTASD, CBLCC offers peer learning, meetings and events, and multimedia resources on issues relevant to the full spectrum of child welfare. On their website, you can find videos, tip sheets and tools, and shareable media. Learn more.

New Intergenerational Resources. This latest set of free resources, developed by Generations United with support from RRF-Foundation for Aging, aims to strengthen and expand intergenerational programs. The new publications—Making the Case for Intergenerational Programs, Fact Sheet: Intergenerational Programs Benefit Everyone, and Staying Connected While Staying Apart: Intergenerational Programs & the COVID-19 Pandemic—support the growing field of practice by increasing the knowledge and skills of people working to connect and support older adults, children, and youth. Learn more.

Fact sheet: Intergenerational Shared Sites includes updated information about these important program models and what we know about their impact. Learn more.

Federal Funding Opportunities for Intergenerational Shared Sites Chart is designed to share some federal funding sources that include—or could include—support for intergenerational shared sites. Learn more.

Generations United's 2020 State of Grandfamilies Report—Facing a Pandemic: Grandfamilies Living Together During COVID-19 and Thriving BeyondGrandfamily caregivers are the first line of defense for children during the pandemic, having stepped in when parents cannot raise them for many reasons, including cases where children's parents have died from the COVID-19 virus. Download the full report, watch Senator Sherrod Brown's acceptance speech, and listen to stories of grandfamilies impacted by COVID-19. Learn more.

Staying Healthy Across Generations: Vaccines are Essential for All Ages. Generations United's new infographic illustrates that vaccines aren't just for kids-they protect all generations- especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Staying up to date on vaccines for the flu, pneumonia and whooping cough is important to protect both older adults and children. Check it out.
Upcoming Events
Registration now open for Generations United's 2021 Virtual Conference! Dates: June 15-17, 2021. Learn more and register today.
Amazon donates to Generations United when you shop AmazonSmile
When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Generations United.

"Change eventually occurs...when the costs of doing nothing outweigh the costs of change."~Phyllis Moen and Kate Schaefers in their essay, "Long-Life Learning and the Age Integration of Higher Education."
We want Generations This Week to be a real resource for you. Please send us any national news on intergenerational issues in addition to upcoming conferences, funding opportunities, reports, and webinars. You can share local and state events in our Facebook group. Please also let us know how we can improve! Email us at gu@gu.org. We'd love to hear from you!

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