Volume 19 | Issue 13 | June 26, 2024

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Interested in Helping to Plan Generations United's 23rd Global Intergenerational Conference?

Volunteers are needed for the 23rd Global Intergenerational Conference, coming to Louisville, Kentucky in the Summer of 2025! Share your time and talents in the Program, Awards, Host, Promotion, and/or On-Site Committees. Please complete the Volunteer Interest Form by July 15th.

Generations United News

Meet Generations United's Newest Board Member

The Generations United Board of Directors recently welcomed Michelle Singletary, personal finance columnist for the Washington Post, as our newest board member. She brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep love for “Big Mama,” the grandmother who raised her. We are grateful for our Board Members' commitment and service. Learn more about them here.

Check Out Our New Report: "Promoting Intergenerational Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: A Michigan Initiative"

What is the role of higher education institutions in preparing students to live and work in an aging society? How can we create reciprocal, mutually beneficial learning experiences for students and older adults? With support from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund, Generations United created this new report that provides a framework for intergenerational teaching and learning; highlights examples of current practices in Michigan; and identifies challenges, promising practices, and opportunities for deepening and expanding intergenerational learning. Download the report and watch the recording from the release event here.

Mid-Atlantic Intergenerational Conference

The Mid-Atlantic Intergenerational Conference, July 10-12 in Lancaster, PA, includes hands-on learning, workshops, tours and group activities, interest group meetings, and site visits to innovative intergenerational programs and places in the Lancaster region. Award-winning conductor, composer, and author Rob Kapilow will open the conference with a musical, interactive session, followed by a keynote presentation by Generations United Executive Director Donna Butts.

You don't want to miss this major event showcasing innovative, impactful, intergenerational initiatives in the Mid-Atlantic region and beyond. Learn more.

New Monthly Resource: Finding and Paying for Child Care

Long waitlists, high costs, and limited choices make finding child care a challenge for most families. For the 56% of kin caregivers who are in the workforce, and didn’t plan or expect to raise the children in their care, this task can be even more difficult. Your help with navigating the child care system will save kin caregivers time and stress—and possible lost income. Many grandfamilies have an immediate need for child care and no idea where to turn. Access the resource.

Accepting Requests for Assistance

As always, the Network is accepting individual requests for assistance from professionals who work in systems or organizations that serve kinship/grandfamilies. Fill out the request assistance form to receive support from our team. Learn more and sign up to access our resources!

The Network is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $9,950,000 with 95 percentage funded by ACL/HHS and $523,684 and 5 percentage funded by non-government sources. The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.

Intergenerational Spotlight

Intergenerational Music Making

Intergenerational Music Making (IMM) is a not-for-profit organization in the United Kingdom that uses music to connect people of all ages. IMM works across care homes, retirement communities, nurseries, schools, hospitals, and community spaces to tackle isolation, reduce loneliness, and improve mental health and wellbeing. Offering both music-based programs and interactive practitioner training, IMM celebrates the power of music to bring people together and use their voices to share stories. Read more about Intergenerational Music Making here.

Each issue, Generations United is spotlighting a recipient of our Intergenerational Program Certification or a program highlighted in our Shared Site Learning Network newsletter. The certification is an annual recognition of outstanding programs bringing older and younger participants together and is based on rigorous standards of program effectiveness and sustainability. Learn more about the Intergenerational Program Certification here.

News From the Field

Casey Family Programs 2024 Signature Report is Available Now

Check out Casey Family Programs' 2024 signature report, "A Season of Hope: Growing the Role of Families." You’ll learn what science tells us about the importance of connection, why a kin-first culture leads to better outcomes for children and families, and how communities around the country are embracing this powerful approach to help children grow up where they belong. Thank you to Casey Family Programs for focusing their 2024 signature report on kinship families and highlighting resources from Generations United. Access the report here.

Thank You to Our Members and Supporters

Thank you to all our members and supporters! Help us build a society that values all generations by making a donation today. If you're an organization, join us!

Funding and Resources

Funding Opportunities

"Learning alongside seniors will help children see beyond their years and their own small worlds. They understand more about life and discover many similarities between themselves and their grandfriends."

— Holly Hill, owner and director of Trucks N Tiaras Intergenerational Academy

We want Generations This Week to be a resource for you. Please send us any national news on intergenerational issues in addition to upcoming conferences, funding opportunities, research, reports, and webinars. You can connect with other intergenerational enthusiasts through our Facebook group. Please also let us know how we can improve! Email us at We'd love to hear from you!

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