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News for Advocates of Children, Youth and Older Adults  

from Generations United

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 Volume 10, Issue 29
July 22, 2015
The Chronicle of Philanthropy Article on The Eisner Foundation's Intergenerational Grantmaking Quotes Generations United
In his article, " Michael Eisner's Fund Puts Focus on Programs That Serve Young and Old," Alex Daniels highlighted The Eisner Foundation's new strategy for its $8 million per year in grants going to programs serving young and old. On bringing together the bookend generations (youth and older adults),  Donna Butts said it's a win-win. With its new focus, according to Donna, the Eisner Foundation has "broken new ground" for a private grant maker. She added, "They have great potential to put L.A. on the map as being a leader in this area." Read the full article.
White House Conference on Aging - Tear Down Those Walls
Donna Butts reflects on the White House Conference on Aging  and the need to smash the age silos. " John Legend and Common were so right when they wrote in their award winning song Glory, 'No one can win the war individually. It takes the wisdom of the elders and young people's energy,'"
Donna writes. " Fortunately we have the demographics to enable young and old to work together to 'win the war.'" Read Donna's post
The 2015 KIDS COUNT Data Book is Now Available!
The Annie E. Casey Foundation's KIDS COUNT 2015 Data Book focuses on America's children in the midst of the country's economic recovery. While data show improvements in child health and education, more families are struggling to make ends meet, and a growing number of kids live in high-poverty neighborhoods. Learn more
Live Stream Presentation by Jewish Home Lifecare's Geriatric Career Development Program 
for those not able to attend our conference this week, you you can watch a presentation by  Jewish Home Lifecare Careers' Geriatric Career Development (GCD), one of our Programs of Distinction. GCD will speak about how they train young adults to provide care to elders. Learn more

Intergenerational Action on a Global Scale

Meet Generations United's 2015 Award Recipients

This week, we introduce our Brabazon Award for Evaluation Research recipients (Alan Lai and Matt Kaplan), Generations United Pioneer Award recipient (Sandy Kraemer) and Generations United Intergenerational Champion Award recipient (Nancy Henkin)! If you're at our conference, remember to tweet at #GensUnited15.


Click the image to enlarge

Professors Matt Kaplan and Alan Lai developed an intergenerational English as a second language (IG-ESL) guidebook and curriculum that enlists older adult volunteers to be instructors in college-based ESL classes. The curriculum was implemented at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, taking advantage of the area's high number of highly educated older adults. Learn more


Sandy Kraemer founded the Intergeneration Foundation 27 years ago. The foundation's most significant accomplishment was in creating Intergeneration Day in 2000. Intergeneration Day is now celebrated in communities across the country as part of Intergeneration Month in September. Learn more


Nancy Henkin is the founder and former executive director of the Intergenerational Center at Temple University. Under her leadership, the center developed a wide range of innovative cross-age programs, from older adult mentoring programs targeting a wide variety of groups including refugees, teen mothers, and oral historians to youth ESL and respite care programs. Learn more 

The Results Are in for Generations United's Intergenerational Photo Contest
Thank you to those who voted! And special thanks to our Policy and Program Assistant Adam Otto for compiling the votes and ranking the photos accordingly. See the results!
Grandparents Day 2015 Ideas
Grandparents Day is Sept. 13! Here are a few ideas:
  • The Hadley School for the Blind. If you're a grandparent or you know one suffering from age-related generations, The Hadley School for the Blind has suggestions to help you or someone you know enjoy the treasured moments with grandchildren. Learn more
  • Generations United's Grandparents Day Stories. Last year, we shared our favorite moments with grandparents. (Read Sheri's story: "Fortunate.") We'd like to share your stories. Check out our submission requirements, then send us your stories for consideration on our Together Blog.
  • General. Haven't decided on an activity yet? Then visit for resources, ideas and information.
A Huge Thanks to Our Members and Supporters
Generations United thanks our members and supporters Danke. Arigato. Asante. Gracias. Thank you.  You can also honor a friend or loved one with a Tribute Gift.  Donate to help us unleash the potential of an "age-amped" society.
Webinar: Lessons Learned in Rural Age-Friendly Communities   
Join the Arizona Age-Friendly Network and the Lifelong Indiana Coalition for a free national webinar on  Fri., July 31, 8:30 AM MST (11:30 AM EST) to explore unique advantages and challenges rural communities have in connecting older adults with all generations. Learn more
Demystifying Medicare: 2015 Summer Academy
The  National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI) 's Demystifying Medicare seminar on July 23, 8:30 am 5:00 pm, leads up to the 50th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid, which supports millions of American families. NASI's free day-long seminar on Medicare is an opportunity for interns, students and young professionals to connect and interact with Medicare policy experts. Learn more
Meet Our 2015 Programs of Distinction Designees
This week, we introduce The Intergenerational School and 
TimeSlips Creative Storytelling - Creative Trust!

The Intergenerational School (TIS) is a successful community public school located in Cleveland, Ohio.  In this elementary school adults of all ages participate as co-learners in supporting life-long learning and spirited citizenship. Read the full profile.

TimeSlips Creative Storytelling - Creative Trusts recruits, trains and coordinates undergraduate students to facilitate creative storytelling sessions with elders with cognitive disabilities in care communities affiliated with the Creative Trust in Milwaukee. 
Students commit to a semester of storytelling, but commonly continue for the full year. Read the full profile.
Culture United

Cinema Paradiso

"A middle-aged film producer, Salvatore, reviews his life as a child in post-World-War II Italy. He recalls his friendship with an old man, the town projectionist, and this man's influence on his life both as a child and as an adolescent. The old man, Alfredo, was blinded in a fire in the cinema when Salvatore was still a child. Alfredo is a surrogate father to Salvatore, whose father died fighting on the Russian Front. When Salvatore is an adolescent, Alfredo continues to advise him and urges him to escape the confines of the small town and establish his independence. Salvatore receives a final insight into this intergenerational relationship in his middle age." -Robert E. Yahnke


Do you know of any films, books, music and TV shows with an intergenerational theme? Share them with us and we'll share in the weeks and months to come. Disclaimer: Inclusion in this section is not an endorsement from Generations United. Rather, it is a way of showing the multiplying impact when the arts and pop culture are age-advantaged.

Click the image to enlarge.
Cool Ideas
This week's cool idea is Silver Tunes for Golden Memories, a community service project where twin brothers, Daniel and Gabriel Vasquez, visit different adult day facilities, nursing homes and assisted living centers to play traditional music for older adults.  T weet your cool intergenerational ideas  to   #cooligideas . You can also p ost them  to our  Intergenerational   Connections  Facebook  Group . We want to highlight  innovative age-optimized programs and practices through our blog, social media and weekly e-newsletter!  Share the inspiration . Learn more about Silver Tunes for Golden Memories .
Want to be Considered for a Bookend Blog?
Three years ago, we started a series known as the Bookend Blog. (see:  Betty White's Off Their Rockers .) The series got its name from our contributing writers, youth and older adults, both of whom we refer to as the "bookends" that hold our civil society together. Bookend bloggers comment on current events and offer generational perspectives. Does this sound like you? Let us know  if you want to be considered for our Bookend Blog.
Think Intergenerational - Funding Opportunities

Free Bridges Together Intergenerational Program. Thanks to Massachusetts Council On Aging, Bridges Together is providing grants for five communities in Massachusetts to be trained on implementing an award-winning Bridges intergenerational program! Deadline: Rolling. Watch the video on Bridges program curricula. Learn more about the grant's eligibility and requirements.


Legacy Youth Activism Fellowship. The Youth Activism Fellowship is a 12-month leadership development and community activism program for 18-24 year olds. Throughout the program, the selected Fellows learn from nationally recognized leaders in public health and network with other dynamic young adults from around the nation. Deadline: July 31, 2015. Learn more

Generations United encourages you to submit intergenerational projects. If you have - or know of - any intergenerational funding opportunities, please send them to Alan King at

Great Resources  
Model Family Foster Home Licensing Standards, Under One Roof
and Connecting Generations
These excellent Generations United resources are available for the shipping and handling price - Model Family Foster Home Licensing Standards - $4.50, Under One Roof - $4.50, Connecting Generations - $5.50.  Order your copies today!
Celebrate the Power of Experience.  Senior Corps.  Reston, VA. Sept. 9-12, 2015. Learn more

Grandparents As Parents Conference. Grandparents As Parents. Covington, KY. Sept. 11, 2015. Learn more

Tribal Customary Adoption: Making Relatives, Supporting Families. National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA). Portland, OR. Sept. 22-23, 2015. Learn more

2015 GIA Annual Conference. Grantmakers in Aging. Washington, DC. October 28-30, 2015. Learn more 

LeadingAge HackFest. LeadingAge. Boston, MA. Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 2015. Learn more 


International Youth Earth Summit. Montessori Model United Nations. New York, NY. Nov. 11-14, 2015. Learn more


"In Africa, when an old person dies it is like when a library burns down." ~Hampâté Ba, Malian philosopher

Your Feedback Invited! 

We want Generations This Week to be a real resource for you. Please send us any national news on intergenerational issues in addition to upcoming conferences, funding opportunities, reports and webinars. Local and state events can be shared in our Facebook group. Please also let us know how we can improve! My email is I'd love to hear from you!




Alan King 

Communications Specialist

Generations United 


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