Koreatown Storytelling Program Profile is part of our work to spotlight outstanding intergenerational programming in diverse communities around the country. This program is an oral history and media project connecting high school journalists and community elders in Los Angeles’s Koreatown neighborhood. Learn more.
Reinforcing a Strong Foundation: Equitable Supports for Basic Needs of Grandfamilies, the 2021 State of Grandfamilies in America Annual Report, includes updated national and state data on grandfamilies and key recommendations to address inequities and provide critical supports to serve grandfamilies well. Available in English and Spanish. Learn more.
Racial Equity Toolkits are designed to give resources and tips to child welfare agencies, other government agencies, and nonprofit organizations, so they can better serve all grandfamilies. Generations United has produced a toolkit for American Indian and Alaska Native grandfamilies, African-American grandfamilies, and Latino grandfamilies. Learn more.
Sharing Our Space: A Toolkit for Developing and Enhancing Intergenerational Shared Sites is designed for individuals and organizations interested in creating an intergenerational shared site or enhancing services at their current site. Divided into 10 sections, the toolkit details every step of the development and operation process, from initial planning to sustaining long-term shared site programs. Learn more.
Making the Case for Intergenerational Programs provides rationale and facts to help make the case for intergenerational programs. It is based on a comprehensive review of the literature on intergenerational programs and highlights evidence-based findings on how intergenerational programs benefit everyone. There are also an accompanying fact sheets available in English and Spanish. Learn more.
Staying Healthy Across Generations: Vaccines are Essential for All Ages is an infographic that illustrates that vaccines aren't just for kids - they protect all generations - especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Staying up to date on vaccines for the flu, pneumonia, and whooping cough is important to protect both older adults and children. Check it out.