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News for Advocates of Children, Youth and Older Adults  

from Generations United

Featured Articles
 Volume 14, Issue 26
June 26, 2019
MaryLee Allen (right) and Marian Wright Edelman with Hillary Clinton.

Thank You, MaryLee Allen
Children's Defense Fund's Founder Marian Wright Edelman remembers MaryLee Allen and her dedication to making the world better for children and youth. We'll miss our former board member, who was a friend and mentor to many. Learn more.
In the News
Bridging The Generations
Generations United extends heartfelt gratitude to the attendees, presenters, volunteers, committee members, sponsors, partners, and staff who made #GensUnited19 a huge success! A special thanks to our conference co-host, Bridge Meadows, for their incredible partnership in bringing the conference to Portland. Check out the recaps (Wednesday Thursday and  Friday ). Find resources and ways to continue bridging the generations at . Check out photo highlights .
Generations United Podcast
Join our host Donna Butts on The Generations United Podcast for candid and lively conversations with luminaries in the intergenerational field such as's CEO Marc Freedman (Ep. 2). Washington Post syndicated columnist Michelle Singletary also appears as a guest in a podcast episode.  Tune in to learn how to strengthen our communities and improve the lives of children, youth, and older adults through intergenerational relationships. Check it out
Tweet of the Week
Culture United
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb
Rita, a depressed and isolated 69-year-old with estranged children and strained relationships, befriends the young family across the hall in her apartment building. She teaches their daughters art and becomes their adopted grandma. Their father helps Rita add a shop to her website so she can sell her art easily. Rita is one of Lori Gottlieb's therapy patients who the author introduces to her readers in this memoir. Gottlieb explores the inner chambers of her patients' lives as well as her own while examining the truths and fictions we tell ourselves and others as we teeter  on the tightrope between love and desire, meaning and mortality, guilt and redemption.  Learn more .

Culture United highlights films, books, music and TV shows with an intergenerational theme. Do you have any suggestions? and we'll share in the weeks and months to come. We welcome responses or reactions. We'll possibly feature them on our blog. See disclaimer.
A Huge Thanks to Our Members and Supporters
Generations United thanks our members and supporters for their contributions. Together, we are building a world that values all generations! Donate to help us unleash the potential of an "age-amped" society . If you're an organization, join us !
Think Intergenerational - Funding Opportunities
Program Supports Work Skills and Service Learning for Youth. YouthBuild offers funding for organizations providing pre-apprenticeship services that support education, occupational skills training, and employment services to at-risk youth while they perform meaningful work and service to their communities. Deadline: Aug. 6, 2019. Learn more.

Support for Local Archives in Marginalized Communities. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation's Scholarly Communications program has issued a call for proposals to community-based archives in the United States and its territories that represent and serve marginalized communities. Grants ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 will be provided to organizations with an annual operating budget of no more than $1 million. Deadline: July 1, 2019. Learn more

Support for Environmental and Financial Literacy Programs. The Cornell Douglas Foundation provides grants ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 to nonprofit organizations throughout the United States that address one or more of the following areas of interest: environmental health and justice, land conservation, sustainability of resources, mountaintop removal mining, watershed protection, and K-12 financial literacy. Deadline: Rolling. Learn more

If you have - or know of - any intergenerational funding opportunities, please send them to
Think Intergenerational - Great Resources  
Research and Resources
The 2019 KIDS COUNT Data Book. This 30th edition from the Annie E. Casey Foundation shows that child well-being in the U.S. has improved esp. in areas such as teen birth rate, kids with health insurance & record-high teen graduation rates. But, as the publication suggest, there's still more work to do. Learn more.

The Best of Both Worlds: A Closer Look at Creating Spaces that Connect Young and Old. This report from Generations United and The Eisher Foundation includes actionable ways to boost the number of intergenerational shared sites around the country. Learn more.

New Toolkit Helps Child Welfare Leaders Promote Family First Law. This toolkit from the Annie E. Casey Foundation is designed to help child welfare leaders and advocates talk about how the Family First Prevention Services Act (Family First) can improve outcomes for children and families. The toolkit offers talking points on the benefits of the Family First law and tips for media interviews. Learn more .
"International Advocacy Workshop." International Federation for Family Development. Budapest. Sept. 2-4, 2019. Learn more.
Amazon donates to Generations United when you shop AmazonSmile
When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Generations United. Support us every time you shop.
"I did a Ringo tour once and had a local band at every gig open for us just to give them exposure." ~Ringo Starr on helping younger musicians

Your Feedback Invited! 

We want Generations This Week to be a real resource for you. Please send us any national news on intergenerational issues in addition to upcoming conferences, funding opportunities, reports and webinars. Local and state events can be shared in our Facebook group. Please also let us know how we can improve! Email us at We'd love to hear from you!






Alan King
Communications Specialist
Generations United
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