Volume 17 | Issue 46 | November 9, 2022 | |
News for Advocates of Children, Youth, and Older Adults from Generations United | |
Read the 2022 State of Grandfamilies Report |
There are more than 2.5 million children in the U.S. growing up in “grandfamilies,” meaning they are being raised by relatives (grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, etc.) or close family friends without their parents in the home. Research shows grandfamilies are the best option for children who can’t be raised by their parents. Yet, 25% of grandparent-headed households with grandchildren and no parent present experience food insecurity. That is more than twice the national rate.
Last week, we released the 2022 State of Grandfamilies Report, Together at the Table: Supporting the Nutrition, Health, and Well-Being of Grandfamilies, which includes the latest findings on grandfamilies facing high rates of hunger and food insecurity, as well as policy recommendations to help feed grandfamilies. Read the report to explore the data and learn why we need to change current policies to ensure access to adequate nutritious food for grandparents.
Generations United launched the report with an event at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., featuring a panel of grandfamily members impacted by food insecurity. If you missed this fantastic event, you can watch the recording here.
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Photo via Amy Goyer on Twitter | |
Media Coverage of the State of Grandfamilies Report
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The 22nd Global Intergenerational Conference is coming - July 26-28, 2023
Generations United's Global Intergenerational Conference will be held July 26-28, 2023 in Washington, D.C. Be sure to save the dates and start planning to join us. This will be our first in-person conference since 2019 and the first time back in D.C. in 10 years. Bookmark the conference website for updates. Want to help make the 2023 conference an incredible success? Join our Program Committee! Please complete this form to volunteer.
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Upcoming Webinar
The Network's November webinar, "Legal Relationships and Public Benefits for Kinship/Grandfamilies," will take place on Thursday, November 10, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET. Our presenters for this webinar are Ana Beltran, JD, the director of the Network, and Heidi Redlich Epstein, the director of Kinship Policy and State Projects at the American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law. Register today!
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Visit the Network's New Website | |
The Network has launched its new website, https://GKSNetwork.org! Check it out to find a variety of resources. Our resource library will keep growing, so please visit often to discover more. Visit now! | |
Apply Today for an Exemplary Kinship/Grandfamilies Policy, Practice, and Program Designation | |
The Network is seeking to identify and designate exemplary kinship/grandfamilies policies, practices, and programs to elevate good work and share exemplary strategies with others. The Network encourages applications from government agencies in states, tribes, and territories, as well as private kinship navigator programs and other community-based organizations that serve kinship/grandfamilies. Apply today! Learn more. | |
Technical Assistance Requests | |
As always, the Network is accepting individual technical assistance (TA) requests from professionals who work in systems or organizations that serve kinship/grandfamilies. Fill out the TA request form to receive support from our team. Learn more and sign up to access our resources! | |
The Network is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $9,950,000 with 95 percentage funded by ACL/HHS and $523,684 and 5 percentage funded by non-government sources. The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.
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Upcoming Partner Webinars
Join the NGO Committee on Intergenerational Solidarity (COIGENS) on Nov. 11 at 10 a.m. ET for the first meeting of the Social Trauma and Intergenerational Solutions series. Titled "Eliminating Extreme Poverty and Hunger Amongst Older Persons and People with Disabilities by Implementing a Supplementary Income Program-Evidence from a Program in Lalibela, Ethiopia," this webinar will feature a keynote address by Dr. Kurt Johnson and a program presentation by Abebe Fentaw Sisay, Director of the Lalibela Project, and Tesefa Habte, Mayor of Lalibela. Access the Zoom here. Contact Kevin Brabazon for more information.
On Nov. 17 at 2:00 p.m ET., join the National Council on Aging's Equity in Aging Collaborative for a U.S. Census Bureau Quick Dive into Data Visualization Tools. During this virtual training, Census subject matter experts will discuss Census data tools that contribute to a more holistic picture of how individuals are aging in the U.S. The webinar will conclude with a brief demonstration on how to access data tables using data.census.gov and a Q&A with experts. Register today.
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Culture United- Berry Song
Caldecott Medalist Michaela Goade's Berry Song is a gorgeous celebration of the land she knows well and the powerful wisdom of elders. On an island at the edge of a wide, wild sea, a girl and her grandmother gather gifts from the earth. Through the seasons, they sing to the land as the land sings to them. Brimming with joy and gratitude, in every step of their journey, they forge a deeper kinship with both the earth and the generations that came before, joining in the song that connects us all. Berry Song glows with love of the land and offers an invitation to readers to deepen their own relationship with the earth.
Culture United highlights films, books, music, TV shows, and art with an intergenerational theme. Do you have any suggestions? Share them with us, and we will share in the weeks and months to come. We welcome responses or reactions. See disclaimer.
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Thank You to Our Members and Supporters |
A very special thank you to Generations United Board Member Mary Anne Mason for her donation.
Consider making a donation today to help unleash the potential of a society that values all generations. If you're an organization, join us!
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Think Intergenerational - Funding Opportunities | |
The AmeriCorps State and National American Rescue Plan Planning Grants provide support to develop an AmeriCorps program that will engage AmeriCorps members in implementing evidence-based interventions to solve community problems. Priority is given to organizations leading service in rural communities, tribal communities, communities with concentrated poverty, and those organizations serving historically underrepresented and underserved individuals. The application deadline is November 14. Learn more.
The Panera Bread Foundation awards grants to nonprofit organizations in the U.S. that provide access to programs for at-risk, underserved, or historically underrepresented children and youth. (Part of the services provided must be within 25 miles of a Panera U.S. location.) Eligible organizations can apply for grants between $25,000 and $150,000. The application deadline is November 14, 2022. Visit the Panera Bread website for more information on the Foundation and apply online.
Residential (Long Term Foster Care) Services for Unaccompanied Children is a Standing Notice of Funding Opportunity (SNOFO) from the Office of Refugee Resettlement/Division of Unaccompanied Children’s Operations (ORR/DUCO) within the Administration for Children and Families. It is designed to support long-term foster care providers. Applications are due by November 29. Learn more.
The Actors' Equity Foundation Theatre Grants are awarded to theatres which have a current 501c3 tax exempt status, an established artistic and administrative track record, a history of fiscal responsibility, and have worked to improve the state of the theatre. Applications must be submitted by November 30. Learn more.
Applications for the Eisner Foundation New York City Grants are now open. Nonprofit organizations with intergenerational efforts operating in one or more of New York's five boroughs are encouraged to apply no later than January 15, 2023. Review the criteria and guidelines, and begin your application here.
T-Mobile Hometown Grants is a $25 million five-year initiative, which began in April 2021, to support the people and organizations that help small towns across America thrive and grow. T-Mobile is putting out the call again for potential new awardees. Applications will be accepted on a quarterly basis. Learn more.
The Community Heart & Soul Seed Grant Program provides $10,000 in startup funding for resident-driven groups in small cities and towns across the United States to implement the Community Heart & Soul model. Grant funding requires a $10,000 cash match from the participating municipality or partner organization. Applying organizations must be from communities with populations of 2,500 to 30,000. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all grants have been awarded. Learn more.
If you have—or know of—any intergenerational funding opportunities, please send them to gu@gu.org.
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Think Intergenerational - Great Resources | |
Call for Practice Briefs - GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy
Do you run a program for grandfamilies and other kinship caregivers? The National Research Center on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren's online journal, GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy, invites practitioners to submit a short summary of their program including:
- Name and location
- Program conceptualization and purpose
- Services for caregivers and youth
- Challenges encountered and how barriers were overcome
- Accomplishments and successes
- Tips for other providers and lessons learned
The submission deadline is December 15, 2022. Submissions should have an approximate total word count of 2500. Completed manuscripts should be submitted online. Any questions about submissions can be sent to co-managing editor Dr. Deborah Langosch at drlangosch@gmail.com.
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Generations United Resources | |
Racial Equity Toolkits are designed to give resources and tips to child welfare agencies, other government agencies, and nonprofit organizations, so they can better serve all grandfamilies. Generations United has produced a toolkit for American Indian and Alaska Native grandfamilies, African-American grandfamilies, and Latino grandfamilies. Learn more.
Sharing Our Space: A Toolkit for Developing and Enhancing Intergenerational Shared Sites is designed for individuals and organizations interested in creating an intergenerational shared site or enhancing services at their current site. Divided into 10 sections, the toolkit details every step of the development and operation process, from initial planning to sustaining long-term shared site programs. Learn more.
Making the Case for Intergenerational Programs provides rationale and facts to help make the case for intergenerational programs. It is based on a comprehensive review of the literature on intergenerational programs and highlights evidence-based findings on how intergenerational programs benefit everyone. There is also an accompanying fact sheet available in English and Spanish. Learn more.
Staying Healthy Across Generations: Vaccines are Essential for All Ages is an infographic that illustrates that vaccines aren't just for kids - they protect all generations - especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Staying up to date on vaccines for the flu, pneumonia, and whooping cough is important to protect both older adults and children. Learn more.
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"We need to remember across generations that there is as much to learn as there is to teach."
Gloria Steinem
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We want Generations This Week to be a resource for you. Please send us any national news on intergenerational issues in addition to upcoming conferences, funding opportunities, research, reports, and webinars. You can connect with other intergenerational enthusiasts through our Facebook group. Please also let us know how we can improve! Email us at gu@gu.org. We'd love to hear from you! | |
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