Network News
autumn 2020
We hope everyone is keeping safe and well!

Despite the strange environment we all find ourselves in, GeoCatch is still up and running, albeit with some changes to the way we operate.

We are continuing the important work we do in the Catchment wherever possible, however our events have changed significantly. We are working to bring these to you through digital, video and online watch this space.

And we are working with our partners to ensure we can deliver what we have promised because, as we all know, there is still so much to be done to protect the natural environment.

- The GeoCatch Team
Hobby farmers hungry for information

Small landholders were out in force at a recent GeoCatch Heavenly Hectares workshop in Busselton.

More than 55 locals came along to find out the latest information to manage soil degradation, wind-breaking, fire and drought-proofing, pasture management and weeds.

Rural property expert and author, Chris Ferreira, talked about the challenges of small property management. He addressed local issues, such as farming on sandy soils, and provided helpful tips delivered in a fun, friendly atmosphere.

GeoCatch’s Lisa Massey said that landholders learnt tips for improving soil health and adopting low-nutrient practices.

Catio Tour down but not out

We sadly had to cancel our Catio Tour last month due to COVID-19 concerns. We had a group of enthusiastic cat owners ready to learn and see first-hand how other members of the community are keeping their cats at home.

Dr Kate Lindsey from Kalmpets and Nigel Hobbs from Katzone kindly allowed us to film them in our office on the day so that we could capture their knowledge about cat enrichment, catio design and keeping cats safe and happy in a catio environment.

We will be sharing these videos in April at a live event so stay tuned for more information. They will also be available on our YouTube channel.
Possums provide relief for house-bound

Looking for a fun and engaging home schooling activity you can do in your backyard? Or do you need a pet project to get you through the monotony of isolation?

Look no further than the Ringtail Tally!

You and your family can help the plight of the critically endangered Western Ringtail Possum, simply by counting possums in your local area. The Tally runs in backyards from Dalyellup to Eagle Bay from Saturday 11 April to 10 May.

GeoCatch Project Officer, Nicole Lincoln, says the community is critical to conserving Western Ringtail Possums.

“We have one of the last stronghold populations of Western Ringtail Possums in our backyard,” said Nicole.

Farmers step up with soil testing

Twenty-eight local farmers have come one step closer to best practice fertiliser management by attending our Soil Testing workshop.

The farmers have each participated in our fertiliser management project, which undertakes paddock-scale soil testing and mapping in partnership with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).

Farmers received their colour-coded maps at the workshop which will help them to make future fertiliser decisions.

Autumn Bay OK gardening
On the back of a hot, dry summer, it's time to repair, renovate and rejuvenate gardens!

Our plants are coming out of ‘survival mode’ and coming to life again – and they are in need of some special treatment to help them recover from the heat!

It is the perfect time to tackle those bare patches on your lawn. Your soil has most likely become hydrophobic again, meaning that it repels water rather than absorbing it. Apply soil wetter and a sprinkle of compost, and drench it in with a seaweed solution. Soil wetters can be applied up to four times a year.

If your lawn needs a little extra, you can apply a slow release fertiliser that will feed your lawn and garden beds over the next couple of months. Products that promise fast results will waste your time, money and most likely end up in our waterways.

Lower Vasse Advisory Group
The City of Busselton is calling for expressions of interest for the newly formed Management Advisory Group for the Lower Vasse River. 

The Group is being established to maintain partnerships and a collaborative approach between the City, the community and key stakeholders when managing the Lower Vasse River. Up to four community members will be appointed. The closing date for EOIs is 24 April.

In short...
Check out Elaine Haddon's story of farming in our Catchment
Keep your photos coming from around the Catchment!
Become a Backyard Birder and build our national database!
Revitalising Geographe Waterways
Water managers respond to community concerns of estuary...

Water managers of the Vasse Estuary have responded to community concern about offensive odours in the estuary near Estuary View Drive. Wonnerup residents who live adjacent to the estuary have been experiencing unpleasant smells caused by...

Read more
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