New Podcast Monday June 19

June 19 - Geoff Hulse - Turning Darkness into


Geoff Hulse knew two things to be true when he was young. He would never live in the relatively small eastern North Carolina city of Goldsboro, where he had grown up, and he would never be a lawyer. He was wrong on both counts. Except for college and law school, he has lived his life there, and he has done so as a lawyer. He and his wife have raised two wonderful and successful daughters.

Still, all the success was not enough to stave off the illness of alcohol, which also had touched his father. Slowly at first, then quickly spiraling out of control, he came close to losing it all. Only a family and friend intervention saved him. That, and the love and warmth of his family and his friends in his hometown who would not let him go.

Today, he remember his descent and his recovery and wants to tell you about it. He wants to let you know how he truly started all over again and made something terrific out of himself. For Geoff, it will always be one step, one day at a time. For you, it will be a rare treat to listen to this courageous and optimistic individual tell you what he believes to be important in his life, and how he found it. Life for Geoff Hulse is good.

Coming Soon

Rufus Edmisten, talks about Watergate and U. S. Senator Sam Ervin, being North Carolina's Attorney General and Secretary of State, his friendship with President Clinton and so much more.

I hope you will enjoy Geoff's new podcast and share this email with folks whom you know! Even on Social Media! Remember, every Monday! On Apple and Spotify.

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