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George Timothy Todd Kitchen, III Joins Louisville Office of
Reminger Co., LPA

LOUISVILLE, KY - We are pleased to announce that George Timothy Todd Kitchen, III has joined the Louisville, Kentucky office of Reminger Co., LPA.
Todd helps his clients mitigate exposure in workers' compensation, general casualty/civil insurance defense, and subrogation. With 23 years of litigation experience, Todd represents insurance carriers and employers in the areas of workers' compensation defense, workers' compensation subrogation, and defense of accusations of serious and willful misconduct. Todd is experienced handling pre-litigation issues and guiding clients through investigation of claims and management of pre-litigation claims. He is experienced in litigating claims through discovery, motion practice, and attendance at Benefit Review Conference and Hearings with the Kentucky Department of Workers' Claims (DWC). Todd is an effective negotiator for settlement of claims and mitigation of potential loss. He is proficient in the Appellate process. Todd provides counsel on matters involving occupational accident insurance coverage.
Todd often presents on workers' compensation-related matters for clients and professional organizations.
He has competed in numerous triathlons. He is a supporter of the visual arts and Kentucky historical sites. He is a sponsor of community and children's charities.
Todd can be reached by emailing tkitchen@reminger.com or by calling 502.625.7291.

About Reminger, Attorneys at Law:
Reminger Co., L.P.A. is a full-service law firm with fourteen offices throughout the Midwest: Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Akron, Youngstown, Sandusky, Toledo, Fort Mitchell, Lexington, Louisville, Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Northwest Indiana, and Evansville. With more than 125 attorneys collectively, Reminger's practice areas include all aspects of litigation, along with corporate, tax, real estate and probate matters. Our fundamental objective in all the legal services we provide is to obtain the best possible results for our clients in the most practical and efficient manner possible. For more information, visit Reminger at  www.reminger.com.

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