(770) 957-7790
Georgia Connection - February 2021
"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12

Hello, Georgia Nazarenes!

It's hard to believe we are almost a full year into "pandemic life." I hope you, your family, and your church sense the peace and presence of God these days. Following a recent time of prayer, God reminded me of three words I would like to offer as our district theme for 2021:


Georgia Nazarenes, because our God is good and gracious, you have been faithful, flexible, and fruitful. Thank you!

Our 2021 District Conventions & Assembly are scheduled for May 18-20, 2021 at Dublin First. Pray with us that we will be able to gather for worship, to conduct the business of the Assembly, and to celebrate the ordination of several ministers. Local churches should proceed with annual meetings, electing officers and delegates.

ATTENTION LEAD PASTORS: Please send an updated good quality photo of you and your spouse for the 2021 District Handbook to Dinah Huff, district.office@ganaz.org, with current email address, phone numbers, and postal address ASAP.

Annual Pastors Reports will be due to District Secretary, Don Hicks, by April 15, 2021. Please begin gathering annual report info and watch for emails from Don regarding this.


NEW Temporary Ruling – APR for the COVID Year - December 2020 
“Given the limitations of attendance during the pandemic, Annual Pastor’s Reports will be exempted from reporting morning worship and discipleship attendance. The remainder of the report should be completed as required.” 

NEW Temporary Ruling - Local Church Meetings - January 2021 
“All local church entities shall be authorized to meet electronically. Voting methods shall be approved by the Local Church Board. All communications and voting required may be carried out electronically.” 

Thanks for being faithful, flexible, and fruitful for God's glory!

Pastor Kyle & Julie
Pastors & Spouses Retreat
Pastors & Spouses Retreat
April 15-17, 2021

Auburn Marriott @ Grand National

Guest Speaker: Eddie (& Diane) Estep
Worship Leader: Brad Pullen

Registration forms were emailed to all lead pastors in early January. Deadline for early-bird registration is Feb. 15. For more information, please email Dinah Huff at district.office@ganaz.org.
We Welcome Our New Pastors

Pastor Micah & Halisha, and Ella Grace Sturm
Shaprsburg First

First Sunday: February 21, 2021


We Honor Our Retiring Pastors

Pastor Joe & Marty Lennon

Augusta First

Last Sunday: Feb. 28, 2021

Training for Local Children's Leaders


Online Training for Local Children's Leaders

March 6 or April 24

G.O.L.D. 2021
Georgia Ordination & Leadership Development Retreat
ATTN - Date Change
Friday, March 26 - Saturday, March 27, 2021

GA Ordination & Leadership Development (G.O.L.D.) attendance is required for all candidates for district ministry licenses and ordination. Dr. Tim Gaines & Rev. Shawna Songer Gaines are scheduled to be our keynote speakers. All candidates applying for first time district license, renewal of district license, or ordination must attend this event - March 26-27, 2021 at Adrian Camp & Conference Center. Pastors, candidates, and Board members will receive information from the Ministerial Credentials & Studies Board leadership team soon. For more info contact Pastor Lonnie Grant.
2021 GA Naz Film Festival

Many of you have really been taking advantage of using videos and online media during this season. That is awesome! In an effort to reach even more people with God's message and to tap into unused gifts, we have organized a Film Festival for our GA Naz Churches. Check out the details in the link below and get your church friends involved in this creative ministry:
District Office Contact Information
By unanimous DAB action, the Georgia District no longer leases office space. The District Office is now home and remote. However, office mailing address, office phone number, staff email addresses, and staff cell phone numbers remain the same.

District Office Contact Info:
Georgia District Church of the Nazarene
P.O. Box 920
Locust Grove, GA. 30248

District Office Staff E-mails:
Dinah Huff, Administrative Assistant dinah.huff@ganaz.org
Fred Huff, Director of New Church Development jf.huff@ganaz.org
Becky Meeks. District Treasurer districttreasurer@ganaz.org
Julie Poole, Communications Assistant juliepoole@ganaz.org
Kyle Poole, District Superintendent kpoole@ganaz.org

Administrative Assistant Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9am - 3pm
(District Office Staff will be accessible and responsive to you beyond these hours.)

Financial Information:
For churches that are sending monthly financial reports and District Ministries Fund (DMF) checks to the District Office, please send your checks and reports to:

Becky Meeks
District Treasurer
Georgia District Church of the Nazarene
P O Box 489
Dublin, GA 31040

If your church is not using Funding the Mission (fundingthemission.org) to report your income and remit budget payments, please consider doing so ASAP. Becky Meeks, our District Treasurer will be glad to assist you with setting up your account. She can be reached at 478-298-1463 or districttreasurer@ganaz.org. Reporting your income and paying through Funding the Mission ensures timely deposits and posting to your account. At the end of the Church year, we use the information from Funding the Mission to compile reports on your yearly income, donations to the World Evangelism Fund, Mission Specials, Pensions and Benefits and District Budget payments.
Looking Ahead
for full calendar go to georgianazarenedistrict.org
Feb 6 - SDMI Board Mtg. @ 10am (Zoom)
Mar. 5-6 - SPARK Online: Children's Ministry Training
Feb 17 - Ash Wednesday
Feb 25-27 - YouthQuake (Adrian) Canceled
Mar 6 - Adrian Camp Board Mtg.
Mar 9 - District Finance Committee Mtg.
Mar 16 - District Advisory Board (DAB) Mtg.
Mar 26-27 - G.O.L.D Ministerial Assessment Weekend (Adrian)
Mar 31 - End of Church year
April 4 - Easter
April 5-9 - Spring Work Week @ Adrian Camp
April 15 - Annual Pastor's Reports due
April 15-17 - Pastors & Spouses Retreat @ Auburn Marriott
April 23-24 - SPARK Online: Children's Ministry Training
May 18-20 District Conventions & Assembly (Dublin First)

Georgia Nazarene District Team
Pastor Kyle Poole, District Superintendent
Dr. Fred Huff, Director of New Church Development
Dinah Huff, District Administrative Assistant
Becky Meeks, District Treasurer
Pastor Jeff & Peggy Croft, Adrian Camp & Conference Center Manager
Julie Poole, Communications Assistant
Pastor Odel Alusma, Haitian Ministries Coordinator
Pastor Nicole Husband, Black Ministries Coordinator
Pastor Hector Ordonez, Hispanic Ministries Coordinator

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 920,
Locust Grove, GA 30248

Phone: (770) 957-7790

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