We are tracking bills related to classroom censorship, parents bill of rights, and education funding bills. Here is an update on them thus far.
Classroom Censorship
These bills target historically marginalized groups, students of color and LGBTQ+ students, by removing literature and curricula that reflects and affirms their lived experiences.
House Bill 1084 establishes a list of "divisive concepts," creates complaint procedures for parents to review materials teaching divisive concepts and withdraws strategic waivers that allow for district flexibility.
Senate Bill 377 creates the same provisions as House Bill 1084.
Parent Bill of Rights
The House Bill 1178 hearing was held earlier today. We encourage action that will create new access and transparency, but these bills do not create new systems. Additionally, public comment provided on these bills has indicated that these bills would enable individuals to control local curriculum and infringe on the first amendment rights of all students, including their own.
SB 601 is dead! Thanks to all of your advocacy, we were able to have our voices heard on a bill that would have created a costly voucher program for Georgia schools and diverted public funds from public schools.