Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation November 2022 News

Join Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation on GivingTuesday to bring improved to Georgians who need it most

We are just a couple weeks away from the biggest day of giving worldwide. GivingTuesday is on November 29, 2022, and we need your help!

There are 52 counties in Georgia without vision services and 1.4 million uninsured Georgians. We have created a tele-optometry program to serve these individuals; but, we can’t do it without your help.

All Gifts Doubled – Make a GivingTuesday Gift

Our GivingTuesday goal is to raise $40,000 towards the $200,000 it takes to run the tele-optometry vision program. Every dollar you donate towards this campaign, Stanley Friedman, a long-time supporter of Georgia Lions Lighthouse, will match. Your GivingTuesday gift can provide twice the support for Georgians that have imparied vision.

It's not too early to give. If you’d like to make a gift today – your donation will still count toward our GivingTuesday total. Make every dollar count and donate today!


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Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation brings improved sight to Georgians who need it most.

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