Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation September 2022 News

Meet Beth Ehrhardt, Our New Executive Director

Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation announces Beth Ehrhardt as Executive Director. Ehrhardt joins Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation with extensive non-profit healthcare experience, most recently holding the role of President of the Senior Charity Care Foundation in Utah from 2012-2021, an organization focused on bringing mobile dental, vision, and hearing care to seniors in need.

“Ensuring access to programs and services that allow those who are less fortunate to thrive has always been a major focus of my work. I have been lucky enough to work on behalf of missions that understand the needs of the communities they serve, and I enjoy seeking solutions addressing the most significant challenges collaboratively for the underinsured and uninsured,” said Executive Director, Beth Ehrhardt. 

"I am excited to continue my life mission to effect meaningful change that improves the lives of individuals. I remain committed to building upon the strong foundation of the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation and Lions Clubs across Georgia to build a better tomorrow for Georgians by bringing individuals into a world of improved sight."

Kicking Up Back to School Donations

Thank you to everyone who has donated to our Back to School campaign! A special shout out goes to Dr. Jacobs for "kicking up" donations and raising over $16,000 so far in support of bringing vision to students in Georgia. 

We are at 65% of our $25,000 Back to School Campaign goal! We need your support to reach it. 100% of your gift will go directly to vision services and glasses for students. Learn more about the Back to School campaign.

GIVE the gift of sight to a child in Georgia today! 

Evening in the End Zone is only ONE Month Away!

Evening in the End Zone supports Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation. The event will be held on Monday, October 17, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the Chick-fil-A College Football Hall of Fame. Celebrating University of Georgia's 1980 and 2021 National Championships, we will also applaud Coach Vince Dooley, Coach Kirby Smart and Athletic Director Josh Brooks for their outstanding accomplishments.

There's still time to sponsor or purchase a ticket for Evening in the End Zone!

Evening in the End Zone is dedicated to honoring the legacy of great athletes, coaches and medical professionals who have a strong, positive impact within their communities. This year we are presenting the following awards:

  • Kirby Smart – The Gary Stokan Hero of the Gridiron Award
  • Loran Smith – The George Crumbley Vision for the Future Award
  • Dr. Shin, OD – The Lighthouse Beacon of Hope Award
Become a sponsor, purchase tickets, donate auction items! 

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Our Services

Our Mission

Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation brings improved sight to Georgians who need it most.

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