GA Studies on Twitter, New Virtual Field Trip
In our new interactive game students can

November 2016

In This Issue
Georgia Studies Interactive Game
New Virtual Field Trip
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Georgia Race Through Time
Above: the opening page of our new game
Our Game Is Almost Ready!
Are you ready to pit your wits and Georgia Studies knowledge against two famous celebrities in a race against the clock?!

Our new interactive game takes place from the founding of the colony to the modern era, and invites students to apply their understanding of Georgia history in a contest to win historical artifacts and their name on the new wing of a museum. 

Our hero, Savannah, accompanied by her dog, Peaches, must beat out her competitors using only her brains and her secret weapon to dash across the state and unveil famous Georgians, determine fact from fiction, collect primary sources, and match important concepts, personalities, and events through time. We are excited to launch this game in the spring of 2017!
Document-Based Questions Are Here
Above: A Harper's Weekly cartoon from our DBQs. Library of Congress.
New Resources For Enrichment
Located in your Teacher Resources section of the 
Georgia Studies digital textbook teacher edition in the first chapter of every unit, you will now find a document-based question (DBQ) for every unit -- ten in all! We have scoured the history of Georgia and come up with standards-based questions connected to excerpts from content-specific primary documents. Soon to come is a teacher guide for support. For  ideas to get started with the text,  click here

Topics across the spectrum are covered, from the significance of water in Georgia's development to the changing nature of Georgia's relationship with the federal government. Check out our  Education Matters blog on tips for  using primary documents in the classroom, the  inquiry-approach to social studies, or how  to 

New Virtual Field Trip
Above: the Cherokee Nation virtual experience
Cherokee Nation Launches
We are on a roll! Just in time for Native American History Month, students can now explore the  Cherokee Nation virtual field trip on our  website and on the  GPB app
This virtual field trip affords an in-depth look 
at the lives of the Cherokee Indians, from their first encounters with Europeans to events, such as the Gold Rush and the signing of the Indian Removal Act by Andrew Jackson, that led to their forced relocation to Indian Territory in 1838. Combined with our Creek Nation and Indian Mounds field trips, students and teachers get a comprehensive look at the Native American experience in early U.S. history.  To access all virtual field trips, including the Cherokee Nation, visit our  website

We want to hear from you! 

Send us feedback or suggestions for the digital textbook or request an 
on-site demonstration by emailing one of our Education Outreach Specialists:

Michael Kuenlen, South Region      @mkuenlen

Tracey Wiley, North Region     @twileyGPB