February 10th, 2018
News from DAAD USA
Stay up to date on DAAD's activities in the US - from news about scholarship programs to opportunities for study and research in Germany. Fun facts, tips on living in Germany, and application advice for scholarships included! 

DAAD Scholarships and Grants
Call for Applications
Germany Today Tour, June 17th-23rd, 2018

DAAD invites representatives from universities, research institutions, and funding agencies in the United States and Canada to join us for our “Germany Today” Information Tour 2018 on " Getting to Know Germany’s Universities of Applied Sciences:Applied Research, Career- Focused Training, and International Outlook." Apply by March 2nd, 2018.

Call for Applications
DAAD Postdoctoral Fellows at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University

The academic year 2018/19 at SAIS will focus on “The United States, Europe, and Global Order.” Each Fellow will complete a research paper related to this during the period of residence. Apply by April 15th, 2018.

Call for Applications
DAAD-AICGS Fellowship Program

The  DAAD-AICGS Research Fellowship Program is designed to bring scholars and specialists working on Germany, Europe, and/or transatlantic relations to AICGS, which is located in Washington, DC, for stays of two to three months each. Apply by April 15th, 2018.

Panel Discussion, February 13th
Blockchain Technologies - What's in it for the SDGs?

Will blockchain be a game-changer for the UN Agenda 2030, the most ambitious development agenda of our times? The current Carlo-Schmid-fellows invite you to discuss the opportunities and challenges of blockchain technology on Tuesday, February 13 , 2018, 4:00-6:00PM at the German House in New York. RSVP required via email .

Information and Networking Session, February 22nd
Research Positions in Germany

Germany is one of the best destinations for scientific research. Why not consider a research stay in Germany or starting your independent research group at one of Germany’s leading universities or research institutions? At this event in New York you will hear about funding opportunities and programs to foster research careers in Germa ny.

Higher Education in Germany
PhD in Germany
The Different Types of PhD Programs

A recent study by the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies revealed that the type of PhD program you pursue has a significant impact on your career opportunities in academia. Visit the Alumniportal Deutschland by clicking on the link below to learn more about the different types of PhD programs and their effect on your career.

German Center for Research and Innovation (GCRI)
Media and Operations Intern Wanted

The German Center for Research and Innovation seeks a media and operations intern for a minimum of 6 months .
This position requires a commitment of 38.5 hours per week; additional evening and weekend hours may be necessary. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Apply by February 15th, start date is April 3, 2018.

Living in Germany
Experience Germany
Video: Student Life in Germany

Follow four international students on their study abroad journey in Germany. This new video on www.study-in.de shows how they spend their time in class, making friends, and exploring new places. Unique German words to describe these experiences are introduced as well, so you can feel well prepared for your own stay in Germany.

Application Tip #31
How do I prepare for full-degree studies in Germany?

Make sure to plan ahead. Firstly, review the academic requirements as well as the language requirements for studies in Germany. Next, review the application deadlines and procedures for the programs you are interested in. Finally, take a look at the funding opportunities available to you. Click the link below for details on the process.

Fun Fact
Did you know that...

...Germany has an abundance of national parks highlighting the unique nature of central Europe? Discover the 16 national parks and Germany's amazing diversity of flora and fauna.


ESB Reutlingen - International Business School
Study in Germany, Europe’s strongest and most dynamic economy. There you will find a truly international business school: ESB Business School in Reutlingen. Our students have access to a network of renowned partner companies. We offer top-ranked undergraduate, graduate and executive programmes in business management and business engineering in German and/or English.  https://www.esb-business-school.de/en/degree-programmes/

Editorial Details

Dr. Nina Lemmens, Director DAAD New York
Katrin Kempiners, Peter Kerrigan, Editors

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