February 2018
The mission of the LHS Alumni Association is to help its members connect with each other, to engage with the school, community and fellow alumni and to inspire future generations of LHS students by way of mentoring, advising and tutoring.

Working in collaboration with Project LEARN and Lowell High School, the Alumni Association is gearing up for a great 2018.
Ways to Get Involved with Lowell High & Project LEARN
Your Voice (Still) Matters
On Monday March 26 from 5:30-8:00pm the Your Voice Matters Coalition is hosting our next Community Action Forum at the Lowell Community Health Center.

Let's create positive change together for Lowell students. Food, childcare, and interpreters (if needed) will be provided.

To learn more and register for the upcoming Your Voice Matters Action Forum, visit our website: www.yourvoicematterslowell.org .

Join us for our
Annual Breakfast
Save the date for Project LEARN’s Annual Breakfast on Wednesday April 4 from 8am-9:30am in the Lowell High School Little Theatre.

Join us for a dynamic program with student speakers and special guests. Learn more about the ways Project LEARN partners with Lowell Public Schools and local agencies to prepare Lowell kids for college, career, and beyond.
Support young & creative artists!
The Lowell City-Wide Student Art Show "Visual Voices VIII" is taking place in late March and will carry into April. Hundreds of students from 30 schools will have the opportunity to showcase their artistic talents for the community to see. Support young and creative thinkers in Lowell by making a donation today!

Thank you for your support. Follow us on Facebook to receive updates on the Art Show as it approaches!
Upcoming Alumni Association Events
Make a difference - Share Your Career Path
Wednesday April 4th: 9:30am-11am
Lowell High School, 50 Father Morissette Blvd
Project LEARN and Lowell High are hosting a Career Speaker Series.
Meet current Career Pathways students, share about your career and how
you got to where you are today.
  • Networking: Connect with other alums and current faculty members while sharing your story with the next generation of college and career bound students.
  • Inspire LHS Students: Share your story with college and career bound students in the business marketing, communications, engineering, fine arts, health & bio science, public service & civic engagement pathways, and more.
  • Interested? Contact Shamir Rivera at srivera@projectlearninc.org

Planning Your LHS High School Reunion?
Did you graduate with the LHS Class of '58, '68, '78, '88, or '98? Are you or your former classmates planning a reunion for this year? Project LEARN and the LHS Alumni Association are here to help!

We can connect you to more of your graduating class, discuss the reunion planning process and attend your reunion to raffle off some free LHS swag.

Contact Shamir Rivera, Alumni & Engagement Coordinator at srivera@projectlearninc.org .
Connect with LHS Alumni
Connect with over 2,000 alumni on  Facebook .
Visit our site   for program information, news, reunion resources and more.
Contact   us to share ideas, join our mailing list, or learn more.
From mentors, advisors, guest speakers, tutors and more, the Lowell High Alumni are valuable resources for current students. The Lowell High Alumni Association, funded in part from the Cummings Foundation, is a collaboration between Project LEARN, the Greater Lowell Community Foundation and the Lowell Public School district. We invite alumni to connect with each other, and find ways to work on new and existing programs within the schools to better the academics and the lives of all Lowell Public School students.