February 2021
United Moments with UWYC
Kim's Corner

I can’t believe it’s been 8 months since I started as President & CEO for United Way of Yellowstone County. Taking the lead of this amazing organization during a pandemic has been interesting to say the least. While it’s been more challenging during these times to get to know our community, supporters, and staff through Zoom meetings, I have still enjoyed my interactions with all of you and can feel your support for our mission radiating through my computer screen!

But there are still so many more of you to meet! United Way is currently recruiting for board and committee members. Not only do board and committee members add value to United Way, but the opportunity works both ways. Volunteering with a nonprofit like UWYC can actually help leaders improve their soft skills. For example, teamwork, problem-solving, and analytical skills can be further honed, regardless of your experience level or age. It is a great way to expand your network and connections.

By engaging, connecting and understanding the growing needs of our Yellowstone County, you can add much-needed value and expand your community impact, accountability and experience at the same time. It’s a win-win situation!

United Way needs you! If you are interested in learning more, contact me at [email protected] or (406) 272-8501.
The UWYC office is currently open by appointment only, please reach out to us directly if you need to visit us in person.

Coral Williamson
Finance Director

Coral has been with us for 4 months and is responsible for managing the financial actions of UWYC.
What three traits define you?
Honest, determined, strong work ethic

What is your personal philosophy?
See Jesus in everyone.

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?

What are you listening to/reading these days?
The Bible

Where is your favorite place to be?
With my family.

Who is your biggest inspiration?
My grandmother
You’re hosting a dinner party. Who are the 3 people, living or dead, who you would invite?
My mom, Jesus and my dog Scobey.

What would you serve at your dinner?

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
Walk dogs.

What advice do you have for kids who are struggling in school?
Look at the challenges that it is something you will and can overcome.

What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
Show your mom you love her more.
We're brewing up plans for our 60th Birthday Blowout! Get excited for volunteer and impact stories, exciting fundraisers, and ways to give back from May 11-13!
Share the Good News!
Anyone who has had a newborn, or knows someone who has, understands how daunting, lonely, and frustrating the early stages of parenting can be.

The Best Beginnings Coalition's Parent Connect program reaches out to new parents and gets them connected with available support, resources, and strategies to make those early days easier on everyone.

By completing a short survey in the hospital, parents can indicate if they wish to be contacted, how they prefer to be contacted, and identify any resources they may already be needing.

Check out what they accomplished in 2020!
  • Surveys Received: 2,456
  • Total Caregivers Contacted: 2,089
  • Total Phone Calls: 1,183
  • Emails Sent: 645
  • Text Messages Sent: 261

Thank you for supporting new parents through our programs!
Advocacy Update
As a member of the United Way network, we have opportunities to connect with and gain inspiration from local United Ways around the world doing transformative work in their communities.

Your support of UWYC has a huge impact on lives here in Yellowstone County, but you are also a part of a network of caring individuals improving lives around the world!
Here are SEVEN BIG WINS the United Way network accomplished in 2020:

  1. Secured $140 million in federal economic relief for United Way payrolls
  2. Fought for COVID Relief for individuals and families
  3. Won a universal $300 charitable deduction for 2020
  4. Introduced 211 legislation for the first time in a decade
  5. Mobilized millions of individuals to be counted and vote in the 2020 Census and Presidential Election
  6. Organized our first-ever Virtual Advocacy Forum and Capitol Hill Day
  7. Engaged thousands of individuals to make their voice heard with Congress

Thank you for helping improve lives!
Random Acts of Kindness Month
In February we celebrate Random Acts of Kindness (RAKs): selfless acts, both large and small, that are committed unexpectedly, without prompting and with no apparent ulterior motive.
Ongoing Events
  • Multiply Your Caring
  • Use your creativity and ideas to spread this important message and encourage action to as many as you possibly can. What methods and communication techniques will you use to SPREAD THE WORD? Start a ripple and let it grow.
  • 2020 Annual Campaign
  • The work we do cannot be accomplished without the support of our community. There's still time to make your contribution!
  • 60th Anniversary Celebration
  • In 2021 we celebrate 60 years of improving lives in Yellowstone County! Stay tuned for fun and exciting ways to get involved.
  • Volunteer Recruitment
  • We're looking for talented and dedicated community members to join our board and committees. Where can your talents shine?
Does your family, service organization, social group or company want to give back to our community through volunteering? Click the picture above to view current volunteer opportunities in Yellowstone County!

If you would like your organization's opportunities listed, contact Pam:
[email protected], 406.272.8510