Career Navigator Newsletter Issue 2 - April 6, 2020
Newsletter to Help you Navigate Your Career Search
TFS Career Navigator is a weekly newsletter for job seekers, career changers and those seeking to improve their career.
If you are properly prepared, there is nothing to be afraid of - Author Unknown

Salary Negotiation - Tips and Strategies

One way make sure that you are being paid a fair wage, is to learn how to successfully and confidently negotiate your salary and benefits. Even when unemployment is high, this critical skill can help empower you to ensure your compensation is aligned with your worth and market value. In February, TFS hosted WorkSmart - AAUW Salary Negotiation Workshop. According to AAUW, there are four steps to salary negotiation:

  • Know your value - What skills, accomplishments, education and professional experience do you bring to the table. Use these to write a value statement (3-5 statements) that will show the potential employer why they should hire you.

  • Know your Target Salary and Benefits - Most employers will set a salary range for their jobs, however, to prepare for a negotiation you should objectively research similar jobs to the one you are applying for. Check out websites such as Glassdoor and

  • Know Your Strategy - Plan out what you are going to say and focus on being strategic and persuasive.

  • Practice, practice, practice - this may be the most important step. Your goal is to get comfortable negotiating your salary out loud and responding to possible objections. This will increase your self confidence and comfort level during your negotiation

Whether you are looking for a new position or facing an annual review, you can use the tips and strategies outlined here. This was just a brief overview, to learn more go to AAUW and take the online course.

TFS Resources for your Job Search

Styled by You! - Videos on how to put together the perfect interview outfit, decode business dress codes, dress for your body type and much more! Check out our
TFS Youtube Channel and subscribe so you'll be notified of new videos.

Facebook and LinkedIn Groups - Join our TFS FaceBook Group and TFS LinkedIn Group pages for information and times for live webinars.

About Tailored for Success, Inc.
Tailored for Success, Inc., is a not-for-profit agency whose mission is to empower job seekers of all genders by providing resources, skills training and supportive reinforcement needed for them to achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Our core programs include a Career Closet Program, Boots2Suits for Veterans and Job Readiness Training.

Contact us:

Elizabeth Hart
Executive Director
(781) 324-0499