FPM Properties
10365 Hood Rd S #205.
Jacksonville, FL 32257
So, it’s that time of year when we have to remind you to mentally prepare for some things that will inevitably happen.

1)     Temperatures will start to climb and stay high… for months
2)     Storm season begins

Whether you were renting from us or not this time last year, we are certain wherever you were you remember the heat! We are moving into the time of year when you may be running your AC a lot. It is also the time of year when, because of the ongoing stifling temperatures, demand for service is high so there won’t always be immediate solutions.

·        The best preventative thing you can do is change your filter routinely and do not overtax your system. If you have access to your drain line, give it a bit of bleach periodically.
·        Whatever the temperature is outside, your system can only cool at a maximum 20 degrees cooler typically.
·        If the system seems to not be cooling, turn it off for an hour then back on before submitting a request.
·        If it’s leaking water, turn it off and submit the request!
·        If you do need to submit a service request, use your portal to submit it—it’s the most effective and efficient way!

As if months on end of suffocating heat isn’t enough, we get hurricane season at the same time. We’ve written about this a lot and we know it’s, well, redundant…. until a storm comes our way. Each season when it is released, we put a link to the preparedness guide in the newsletter and on our website—keep an eye out for it.
Many of you are probably pros at this if you’ve lived here any amount of time. If you haven’t already, start your preparation. Get your emergency kit together. Organize your important documents. Have an idea what you will do in the event of a direct impact (as in your flood zone and evacuation route. If you need help with either of those, email marketing).

Lastly, if you took the time to read this far, all you have to do is email marketing with 3 AC tips from this newsletter to be entered in the monthly gift card drawing!

Wishing all the Moms out there a lovely Mother’s Day in advance!

The FPM Properties Team
FPM Properties | 904-497-4200 |
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