World Wide Pressure Injury Prevention Day:
November 19, 2020!
The National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) is excited for World Wide Pressure Injury Prevention Day 2020, which is to be celebrated on Thursday, November 19, 2020.

Objectives of World Wide Pressure Injury Day:

  • To promote world wide awareness for pressure injury prevention
  • To create a buzz around pressure injury prevention
  • To reinforce the relationship between national and local organizations and the NPIAP
The NPIAP welcomes the active support of anyone that wishes to participate.

Supporting Materials:

  • Find WW PI materials on our website here!
  • Purchase Pressure Injury Awareness Buttons here!*
*Allow approx. 2 weeks for delivery once payment is received
Promoting WW PI Day:

The NPIAP also encourages use of social media to promote World Wide Pressure Injury Prevention Day. Please consider adding details about World Wide Pressure Injury Prevention Day to your organization websites and blogs.

Make sure to tag us on Twitter and Facebook @TheNPIAP

Promote what you are doing for Worldwide Pressure Injury Day 2020 on social media using these hashtags: #StopPUDay #StopPUDay2020
National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel Website
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