Vote for Life in 2023!

Spread the Word About our Voting Guide!

Hi Benjamin,

Thanks to your generous support, Louisiana Right to Life Federation has released a new interactive voter guide that allows voters to see where candidates stand for life based on their personal ballot!

Visit and enter your address to see your ballot!


For the Governor’s race and other statewide races, we have issued reports on where candidates stand on life issues. For certain legislative races, we have made endorsements, especially of those incumbents who have a 100% pro-life voting record with us!



Voters can visit and use their address to access a voter guide based on their ballot. 

You can help by spreading the word to everyone about our new voter guide. Click here to download and print a flyer to distribute!

P.S. Don't forget we are announcing our 2024 Gala Speaker very soon! Learn more below!

2023 Fall Election Dates

Primary Election: October 14, 2023

Early voting is Sept. 30 through Oct. 7 (excluding Sunday, Oct. 1)

General Election: November 18, 2023

Early voting is Nov. 3-11 (excluding Sunday, Nov. 5 and Friday Nov. 10)

Gala Speakers Announcement Call!

On October 2nd, we will be announcing our 2024 Proudly Pro-Life Gala Speaker on a state-wide call! Our annual Gala will be held at 7:00 PM on Saturday, Jan. 13, 2024 in the Great Hall of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center! Please join us for our exciting announcement.

Registration for the gala will open on September 25th!


Students: Early Bird Registration for Pulse!

We are excited about our upcoming Houma/Thibodaux Pulse Immersion on October 14th. The early-bird deadline provides a discounted rate of $25!

We host this immersion once a year for high-school aged students to learn the ins and outs of the pro-life movement. The topics that are covered include pro-life apologetics, adoption eduction and more!


National Life Chain Sunday is October 1st! In conjunction with Right to Life Chapters, churches, and pro-life activists we help facilitate events throughout the month of October. Please join us or host one near you!


During the month of October, we are celebrating Respect Life month in radical solidarity with churches across the state. You can order resources for your church or group now!


Please join us on September 30th in Thibodaux for a Protect Life Prayer Breakfast with Crossroads Pregnancy Center! This event is in conjunction with Black Advocates for Life!


If you live in Central Louisiana please join other pro-life citizens for a rally to celebrate life with abortion survivor Michelle Smith on September 23rd.


Our 2024 Right to Life Calendars are available for pre-order now! Youth Groups can email TJ at, to request a bundle to sell to Churches.


We will share the beauty of life at the State Fair of Louisiana in Shreveport on Thursday, Oct. 26 through Sunday, Nov. 12 of 2023.

We need many volunteers to help. Can you help us share the pro-life message with thousands of others?

Upcoming Events

September 23rd

Sabine Rally for Life September 30th

Protect Life Prayer Breakfast

October 14th- March 23rd

Pulse Immersions

October 19th

Chers Bebes

October 26th

New Orleans Night for Life

January 13th

2024 Proudly Pro-Life Gala
1.866.463.5433 @LARightToLife
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