New Online & Mobile Banking Features

Online Banking Updates

With the recent update to Online Banking in December, users can now access all accounts with a single sign-on and use the same log-on credentials for both Mobile and Online Banking. Additionally, you will find that both systems are structured the same way, so things are easier to find. And now you can use Zelle® for person-to-person transfers from within Online Banking! Access it through the Payments area. See details below.


Mobile Banking App Updates

New features have also been made to the Mobile Banking App including:

  • Access your Credit Card account directly from within the Mobile Banking App. This includes:
  • View transaction history, account balance, and statements.
  • View minimum payment, payment due date, and make a payment.
  • Set up auto-pay.

Access all credit card features from the Menu: Click on PSCCU Visa and then Proceed.

  • Pay bills
  • Zelle® person-to-person money transfers now available. See details below.
  • Debit Card controls are now available within the app (instead of in the separate CardNav app). Instantly turn your card on and off; set thresholds for transaction amounts; and determine how, when and where your card is used. Access these controls through the Cards button at the bottom of the window.

Look for additional features and functionality during 2024.

PSCCU Empowers Me Photo Contest Winner

Throughout 2024, we’ll be sharing our members’ impactful stories about how PSCCU has Empowered them! Here’s one of our winners:

“PSCCU has been a vital step in my journey as a business owner. Over the past few years my small business has grown from a Sole Proprietorship to an LLC, and PSCCU has offered invaluable help along the way. PSCCU is able to accommodate the unique needs of my business, from international travel and wire transfers to the day to day of shopping at the feed store and buying saddles. I can always count on PSCCU to understand my diverse needs. 


“PSCCU has helped empower me as a woman in business!”


—Ashleigh from Vashon, WA

Send and receive money with Zelle®

Introducing Zelle® – a fast, safe and easy way to send money to friends, family and other people you trust, wherever they bank1. Whether you’re paying rent, gifting money, or splitting the cost of a bill, Zelle® has you covered.

  • FAST: Send money directly from your account to theirs — typically in minutes1
  • SAFE: Use Zelle® within the app you already trust. No account numbers are shared.
  • EASY: Send money using just an email address or U.S. mobile number.


Access Zelle® from the Payments area in Mobile Banking and Online Banking.


>> Learn how to update your Mobile Banking App

1 U.S. checking or savings account required to use Zelle®. Transactions typically occur in minutes when the recipient’s email address or U.S. mobile number is already enrolled with Zelle®.

Zelle® and the Zelle® related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC, and are used herein under license.

12 Months to a Better Financial Foundation—

Year-end Review

As the year draws to a close, now is a good time to review your finances from the past year and make plans for the year ahead.

Clean up your financial papers and digital records.

  • Collect paperwork and digital files that you’ll need for your taxes. These include receipts for charitable donations, childcare, medical expenses, real estate and vehicle taxes, tax preparation fees from last year, and miscellaneous income. Learn more on the IRS's website.
  • Out with the old, in with the new: Get rid of old files. Make room in your file cabinet—physical or virtual—by getting rid of old files. Paper files should be shredded or taken to a secure disposal site. Getting rid of digital files means deleting them and then emptying the Trash/Recycle Bin on your computer, tablet, and/or phone. When disposing of old electronics, be sure to remove all personal files and data by performing a factory reset. This article from AARP includes instructions for how to perform a factory reset on popular devices.

Review your financial situation and set goals for the year ahead.

Revisit the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year. Did you try to save more? Pay off some debts? Clean up your credit report? Whatever it was, take some time to assess if you met your goals for the year and what goals you want to set for 2024. Visit any of our “Better Financial Foundation” steps that you missed on our webpage.


Ensure you have mobile banking installed for access to your money wherever you go. Check your balances, transfer funds, deposit checks, pay your PSCCU loans or credit card on your own schedule.

Download for iOS
Download for Android


Thanks to our partnership with the CO-OP ATM and Shared Branching Network, you have access to nearly 30,000 surcharge-free ATMs and 5,600 Shared Branching locations across the country. Use the PSCCU Mobile app to find the ATM or Shared Branch nearest you.

Find an ATM or Shared Branch Near You
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