Join the 6th Annual Friends of Wilton Motorcycle Ride
The Friends of Wilton will host their 6th annual charity ride on Saturday, July 11th and we are honored that this year's ride will support the
Jeremy Stom Remembrance Foundation. Please mark your calendars and join us for this great event! After the ride there will be music, food and a 50/50 raffle, so even if you're not riding a motorcycle join us at the after party beginning at 1:00 PM at the Broken Oar Bar & Grill.
DONATION: $20 per bike and $10 per passenger. REGISTRATION: Please register ON SITE the day of the event at The Broken Oar Bar & Grill on Saturday, July 11th beginning at 10:00 AM. RIDE START TIME: Kick stands up at 11:00 AM. DETAILS: The ride will begin and terminate at The Broken Oar Bar & Grill located at 614 Rawson Bridge Road in Port Barrington, IL. The two hour ride will take place along the Fox River, Chain O' Lakes area and Southern Wisconsin. The first 40 riders registered on site will receive a Ride Patch. (See Above). This is a rain or shine event. Money raised from the Friends of Wilton Ride will be used to help support our mission: Empowering under-resourced adolescents to Experience Hope by sponsoring participation in recreational activities enabling them to learn life survival skills and grow independently, spiritually, and intellectually. For additional information regarding the ride, please contact either: Tom Gibadlo - Dale Nemec - Rick Lilly -