General Membership Meeting
February 28, 2024
Next month's General Membership meeting is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, and will feature the Honorable Joshua Tenorio, LT. Governor of Guam, who will be providing us with updates on the business license and permitting process.
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 28th, and we will be seeing you there!
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Join us for our committee meetings! Broaden your network and
contribute to issues that impact you
and your business.
As we plan for the year ahead, we value your participation in our active committees. Would you like to engage with others in the business community and grow your network? Would you like to contribute to the issues that impact your work and your community? Join a Chamber Committee and help make a difference! Mark your calendars for these upcoming meetings and if you want to learn more about each committee, click here!
Armed Forces Committee (Individual Membership Fee applies: $150)
- Chamber Business Women's Network (Tuesday, February 20 at 10:00 am)
- Small Business Focus & Development Committee (Tuesday, February 20 at 9:00 am)
- Education and Workforce Development Committee
- Legislative Review & Business Advocacy Committee
- Maritime Affairs Committee
- Membership Development Committee
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Email Rebekah our Committee Liaison Specialist to receive meeting details. | |
Tiyan High School
Business, Arts and Information Technology (BAIT) Academy Boot Camp
Tiyan High School is launching its THS BAIT Academy Boot Camp on Friday, February 2nd from 8:30 am - 11:30 am.
This is an experience where businesses share interactive displays that show what goes on in the workforce with the BAIT Academy students. Attached is more detailed information on this program.
If you have any questions about how your company can participate, please contact Jackie at the Chamber office.
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Guam Chamber Business Hall of Fame Nomination Deadline: Thursday, February 29, 2024
Your Guam Business Hall of Fame deadline for nominations is 5:00 p.m., Thursday, February 29, 2024. If you wish to make a nomination, please see these links below and how they qualify.
There are two categories for the Laureate award: 1) Individual; and, 2) Company. Any individual or for-profit enterprise licensed to do business in Guam is eligible for the award based on key criteria. Download the Fact Sheet for details.
Download Hall of Fame Fact Sheet
Download Business Laureate Nomination Form
Download Individual Nomination Form
Hall of Fame Laureate will be inducted into the Guam Business Hall of Fame at the Centennial Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, May 4th.
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2023 Toys for Tots Announces High School Challenge Winners | |
1st Place Large School
Okkodo High School
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1st Place Small School
Notre Dame High School
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Okkodo High School and Notre Dame High School have been recognized at top high school contributors to the 2023 Toys for Tots High School Challenge, which challenges schools to collect and contribute the most toys as part of the Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz, Toys for Tots Campaign.
The challenge gave students the opportunity to make a difference this past holiday season by donating new, unwrapped toys to their youth counterparts. The primary goal of the Toys for Tots program is to help bring the joy of Christmas and to send a message of hope to America’s less fortunate children.
Through the generosity of the various high schools, 1,814 toys were collected and went directly to local charities such as The Salvation Army, Catholic Social Service, Mañe'lu, Guam Memorial Hospital, and Harvest House, who then assisted with the distribution of toys to families in Guam.
The program is grateful for the support of our island's high school youth, their teachers, administrators, and families whose contributions made a difference to thousands of children in Guam, Saipan, Titian, and Rota who would not otherwise have had a toy for the holidays. Un Dangkulu na Si Yu'os Ma'åse!
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Grab a golf buddy and sign up TODAY for our 26th Annual Golf Tournament scheduled for Wednesday, March 20th at Onward Talofofo Golf Course! Click the link below to save your team slot. You may also leverage your company brand by becoming an event sponsor or contributing a prize.
How can I contribute?
Mixing business with pleasure has been the mode de vie on the course for years! Don't miss out on this super opportunity to get your product in front of business executives of all levels! Donation opportunities can be made in the following ways:
- Hole Sponsorship ($500 or $1,000 Premium Hole)
- Hole-In-One Prize
- Contribute Prizes (Raffle Item)
- Contribute Ditty Bag Items (200 ditty bags)
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Legislative Review Update | |
Senator Dwayne T. D. San Nicolas will hold a public hearing on Bill No. 168-37 on Tuesday, January 30th, 9:00 a.m. at the Guam Congress Building Public Hearing Room. The proposed measure seeks to issue conditional business licenses.
Anyone interested in providing written or verbal comments is encouraged to address your testimony to Senator San Nicolas. Comments can be sent before the public hearing via email or hand delivery. Members and the public at large are encouraged to attend the public hearing next Tuesday. The Senator's contact information follows:
Phone: (671) 989-4400
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Legislative Review Committee:
2024 Legislative Scorecard is now live!
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Keep up with us as we keep tabs on how the 37th Guam Legislature supports the private sector!
Scoring Rubric:
- 80%: Voted on Legislation in Support of the Private Sector. Each vote is equivalent to one point. Any vote that is not aligned with the Chamber would be deducted.
- 10%: Authored or Co-Sponsored Bills Supported by the Chamber
- 10%: Authored or Co-Sponsored Bills Introduced by the Opposite Political Party that Impact the Business Community.
Click here to see the scorecard!
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Government of Guam Updates | |
New Electronic Filing Requirements
For Information Returns
The Department of Revenue and Taxation (DRT) published Tax Alert 23-01 ITAPB in December 2023 announcing the new electronic filing requirement.
Prior to 2024, employers who filed 250 or more information returns were required to file their information returns in electronic format. In February 2023, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations were amended to require employers submitting ten (10) or more information returns to file electronically beginning in 2024. The requirements are described in Section 6011(e)(2)(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, also referred to as the Guam Territorial Income Tax Code, and applies to Guam.
To read more on the New Electronic Filing requirements, click here to view DRT news release.
A guide to Information Returns
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For Immediate Release on January 26, 2024: Monday, January 29, 2024 is beginning of Guam's 2024 Tax Filing Season
DRT has issued a press release for 2024 Tax Filing Season. Get more information here!
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Commission on Decolonization Brief Hearing Monday, January 29, 2024
The Honorable Roy A.B. Quinata will be conducting an informational briefing hearing scheduled for Monday, January 29, 2024, at 9:00 am in the Public Hearing Room in the Guam Congress Building.
The Committee will hear to receive information on the following:
Commission on Decolonization
- Overview of the Commission on Decolonization
- Update on the 3rd Fanhita: Security, Sovereignty, & the Path to Peace Conference
- Status on the Three Task Task Forces: Independence, statehood, and Free Association
Written testimonies may be directed to the Office of Senator Roy A.B. Quinata at Suite 807 DNA Building, 238 Archbishop FC Flores Street, Hagåtña, Guam 96910, via email to Senator Roy A.B. Office or Whatsapp at (671) 472-4826. The Committee requests that testimonies be submitted at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled hearing. To read more on Senator Roy A.B. Quinata Information Briefing Hearing, click here to view "first notice".
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Guam Department of Labor
Fair Chances Hiring Practice Act
The Guam Department of Labor (GDOL) is reminding employers to uphold the requirements of the Fair Chances Hiring Practice Act (FCHPA), a law that requires employers with 15 or more requirement decisions. It also requires employers to post signage about the FCHPA in conspicuous areas at the workplace.
Data collected from the last five years, of the 142 employers who were inspected, approximately 47% were found to be non-compliant. A majority of the employers, or 55%, were cited for failing to display the FCHPA signage at their workplace, 19% did not comply with advertising requirements, and 18% continued to seek police and court clearances during the application process. To read more on GDOL FCHPA, click here to view news release.
Click here to download FCHPA poster
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Citations Being Issued for Littering
The island's recently graduated Department of Parks and Recreation (DRP) Park police are already hard at work enforcing Guam's laws, including local anti-littering statutes. Over the holiday weekend, park Police cited an individual alone the entrance of Two Lover's Point in Dededo.
Illegal dumping is a violation of Guam law. In accordance with § 51114 (b), illegal dumping is subject to fines of up to $1,000 per day violation, along with the cleanup cost associated with the violations, call the Guam Environmental Protection Agency at (671) 300-4751/2. Click here to view news release from the office of the Governor.
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Kårera holds Commercial
Dancer Auditions
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Ignite the stage with your passion, and join the extraordinary journey of Karera, the Voyage of Wonders. They are currently seeking ages 17 and older, Male and Female dancers/performers. Be part of the comprehensive team of over 50 performers from Guam, Samoa, North America, and Europe.
This is your chance to dance on the world's largest stage in the Pacific. SandCastle, Guam's leading tour for over 30 years, invites you to be part of history. Don't miss your chance to shine! Audition will take place at the SandCastle Theatre in Tumon on Saturday, January 27, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.
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Hagåtña City Run & Block Party
Presented by Bank of Guam
Saturday, March 9, 2024
Join Bank of Guam on Saturday, March 9, 2024, for their annual Hagåtña City Run & Block Party. The evening of festivities will begin with a sunset run through the capital, starting at 5:30 p.m. The excitement continues at their block Party with food trucks, beer garden, live entertainment, Clutch Basketball 3x3 tournament, and a fun kids zone. It's fun for the whole family. Proceeds to benefit the Guam Cancer Carer and the American Cancer Society Guam.
Cash prizes to the top three (3) overall male and female 5k race finishers. Shirts for the first 1,500 to pick up their race packets. Purchase your tickets today on GuamTime!
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Guahan Napu seeking support in
upcoming competition
The Guahan Napu is an established non-profit organization in Guam that serves the wave-riding community through training and contests. With the generous support of donations from local businesses and fundraising support within the community, they have been able to send a team to the last ISA World Surfing Games Olympic Qualifiers in El Salvador, and Japan. Now that surfing is an official Olympic sport, Guam has an expanded opportunity to participate on the world stage in surfing events.
The upcoming annual ISA World Surfing Games is set in Puerto Rico from Thursday, February 22, 2024, through Sunday, March 3, 2024. They will be sending a team of three (3) males and three (3) females to compete. They would need your support to help make this happen. For more information on Guahan Napu seeking support, click here to view their solicitation letter!
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Check out what's happening with our fellow Chamber members!
News sent to us by a Chamber member is featured on our "member news" page. Feel free to send us your releases and we are happy to share your news!
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Industry Recovery Updates
Click here
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View Guam APEX
January 2024
Training Events
Webinars are held every Thursday from 10am - 11:30am via Zoom.
Zoom links emailed to registered attendees 30 minutes before the webinar.
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