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June, 2023

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Welcome to our June e-Newsletter!

This month, we came together to celebrate and honor older adults while embracing their diversity and inclusivity. As we mark yet another World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), Seniors Month, Pride Month, and Indigenous Month, we reaffirm our commitment to their well-being and empowerment. Join us as we unite, to create a society where seniors thrive with dignity, respect, and equality. WEAAD brought communities together, showing how older people can empowered decision-makers. Older persons continue to contribute across the country, motivating and inspiring us all. 

In the spirit of inclusivity, Pride Month celebrates the 2SLGBTQIA+ community's vibrant diversity while advocating for equality and acceptance for all. We stand together, supporting older 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals and ensuring their voices are not only heard, but are valued and respected. Indigenous Month serves to remind us to honor the heritage, culture, and achievements of Indigenous Peoples. We acknowledge and learn from their wisdom to foster the true spirit of reconciliation and embrace their contributions to our collective well-being.

In this e-Newsletter, you will find various engaging articles, resources, and community events focused on uplifting older adults, promoting understanding, and fostering a more inclusive society. We encourage you to explore these resources, join our events, and share your thoughts with us, as together we continue to build a supportive and connected community.

We look forward to our continued collaborations with you our subscribers, community partners and countless volunteers, to create stronger, interconnected, vibrant and safe communities for all seniors in Ontario!

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD)

Celebrated on June 15th

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario in partnership with the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA), CanAge and British Columbia Community Response Networks (BCCRN) held a National Virtual WEAAD Event "Rights Don’t Get Old” on June 15th!

Experts from across Canada engaged in a discussion on promoting the rights of older persons. Learn more about an event here

View WEAAD Webinar recording here

June is Indigenous History Month

June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, an opportunity to learn about the unique cultures, traditions and experiences of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. It's a time to honour the stories, achievements and resilience of Indigenous Peoples, who have lived on this land since time immemorial and whose presence continues to impact the evolving Canada.

2023 Weekly Themes

Each week will be dedicated to a different theme to highlight specific aspects of Indigenous history, cultures, and perspectives. Explore learning resources on each theme:

Visit the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Commission to learn more about the tragic legacy of residential schools, the experiences of families and Survivors, as well as the 94 Calls to Action to start the healing process.

Celebrating Seniors Month in Ontario

The Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility (MSAA) works with community organizations to offer supports and services to help seniors stay active, well, safe and socially connected through a range of programs and services.

MSAA had made available a Fact Sheet (EN | FR) that hightlights some key resources and services and produced printable and digital resources to help promote Seniors Month. Download here

Summer is a time to relax, unwind and travel. EAPO has created a new Infographic, "Travel Safety Tips for Seniors" to help seniors stay safe on their travels outside Canada this summer season. Download pdf

Find more tips at:

June is Pride Month

Join us in honoring the vibrant spirit and resilience of 2SLGBTQI+ communities this Pride Month. Let's pay tribute to the rainbow seniors who have paved the way and continue to inspire us with their stories of love, courage, and acceptance. Together, let's foster a world where every individual, regardless of age or identity, can thrive and live authentically.

View EAPO's new Pride Month Resource:

In recognition of Pride Month and Pride Season 🏳️‍🌈 Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario 💜 has developed an Infographic with suggestions for delivering services to 2SLGBTQI+ seniors to promote dignity, respect and equality. 

Download pdf

Webinars Recordings:

Leading & Learning with Pride: A Revitalized Tool Kit on Supporting 2SLGBTQI+ Seniors

Introducing 2SLGBTIQQA Communities: One Profile Among Many

Long-Term Care, COVID-19 and Ontario’s 2SLGBTQ+ Seniors: A Call to Action

Elder Abuse & Financial Abuse: Context and Considerations for 2SLGBTQI Communities

Coming Together to Support 2SLGBTQI People Living with Dementia and their Unpaid Primary Carers

Elder Abuse in 2SLGBTIQQA Communities: Understanding the Complexities and How to Respond

Un jeu sérieux pour prévenir et contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes LGBT+ en résidence

View the Blog:

June is Pride Month – Support Rainbow Seniors!

Rainbow Seniors are often made to feel invisible. "Include us in your programming, events, focus groups, and Board of Directors. We are already using your services and you can better support us in doing so... For example, create a Gender Sexuality Alliance for Rainbow Seniors."

Read AND View Video here

City of Toronto Releases Revitalized 2SLGBTQI+ Tool Kit for Seniors

As part of Seniors and Pride Month in Toronto, and in honour of the Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and other gender- and sexually-diverse (2SLGBTQI+) seniors who fought for progress, the City of Toronto has released a revitalized 2SLGBTQI+ Tool Kit for Seniors. Read here

PMEAO Webinaire à venir

Découvrez les crédits d’impôt de l’Ontario pour les frais médicaux et pour les soins à domicile à l’intention des aînés

juin 28, 2023

Découvrez les crédits d’impôt de l’Ontario pour les frais médicaux et pour les soins à domicile à l’intention des aînés.

S’inscrire maintenant

View EAPO archived Webinars' recordings: EN / FR

New Videos on Ageism

Let's Talk about Ageism

Lets Talk about Ageism

Ageism is a violation of human rights. It is time to change how we Think, Feel and Act about getting older, and about older people, so we can all live and age better.

The production of the video was done in collaboration with the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children.

View the new video here

A Canada free of ageism against older persons

The Canadian Coalition Against Ageism (CCAA) is a nation-wide social change movement to combat ageism against older people while protecting and strengthening their human rights.

Join the movement to make Canada a global leader in eliminating ageism!

View the new video here

New Resources on Violence Against Older Women

Woman Act launched a new

e-learning program on violence against older women for service providers and frontline agencies. This e-learning program covers: identifying risk factors, understanding the impact of violence, and effective support strategies. The program is online, self-paced, and includes interactive modules and practical tools. 

Learn more here

Older women face disproportionate rates of violence in their communities and homes. This violence can be physical, emotional, economic, or asexual.

This infographic breaks down statistical information about violence against older women in Canada and highlights current data gaps.

Download here

Fraud Prevention for Older Adults

Canadian Bankers Association created an information package on Protecting Yourself from Financial Abuse that includes, information on Powers of Attorney, effective use of joint bank accounts and resources on where to go for help if you suspect financial abuse. Learn more here

Do you want to learn more on financial abuse prevention? The CBA offers a financial literacy seminar: Your Money Seniors. Bankers volunteering their time, will deliver a free in-person or online seminar to seniors’ groups. Email at or requesting a seminar here.

Emergency-Grandparent Scam Information from the OPP

Emergency-Grandparent Scam - Tip Sheet

Fraudsters are targeting seniors by calling and pretending to be a family member in distress, the police or a justice official claiming that a loved one or grandchild is in trouble, and needs money immediately... Learn how to protect yourself HERE

The OPP, RCMP, and CAFC raise awareness after increase in Emergency -Grandparent Scams

Frausterstarget anyone and everyone, particularly the vulnerable and seniors. In 2022, more thatn $9.2 million was reported lost to Emergency Scams (CAFC).. Read Full Release.

PMEAO nouvelles ressources en français

Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer que notre page web dispose désormais de ressources supplémentaires en français. N'hésitez pas à visiter notre nouveau contenu et à vous plonger dans une expérience enrichissante. Explorez notre page dès maintenant et profitez de tout ce qu'elle a à offrir en français!

Apprendre encore plus

Découvrez notre nouvelle page web avec des webinaires archivés en français! Plongez-vous dans une mine d'informations passionnantes et explorez nos webinaires précédents. Ne manquez pas cette occasion de vous enrichir et de vous inspirer grâce à notre collection de webinaires archivés en français.

Visitez notre page

View EAPO's Blog

Keep informed through EAPO's weekly posts here

NEW Research, Resources and Reports

Resilience among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: A photo voice study

Older adults faced significant challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, but also demonstrated great resilience. Investigating these strengths may enhance and inform strategies to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic. The a photovoice study provides insight into the resilience processes of older adults during the first year of the pandemic, in the province of Quebec. Read the full study here

Social Isolation and Loneliness Survey

Learn how you can participate in the survey, if you are an adult (65+). Your responses will be used to inform national clinical guidelines to address social isolation and loneliness in older adults. Learn more

The association between functional social support and memory in middle-aged and older adults: A Prospective Analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging's Comprehensive Cohort". Functional social support (FSS) impacts memory function through biological and psychological pathways. In a national sample of middle-aged and older adults in Canada, it was explored the association between FSS and changes in memory over three years and investigated effect modification by age group and sex.

Read more in the research here

Association of Neighborhood Deprivation and Depressive Symptoms With Epigenetic Age Acceleration: Evidence From the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging 

Depressive symptoms and neighborhood deprivation are independently associated with premature biological aging. Policies that improve neighborhood environments and address depression in older age may contribute to healthy aging among older adults living in predominantly urban areas. Read the full research here

Person-centred long-term care for older persons a new Lancet Commission

Did you know that The UN declared 2021–30 to be the Decade of Healthy Ageing? Nowadays, a lot of efforts are being made to maximise the functional ability of people over their life course.

We would like to share the news of the launch of a new Lancet Commission on human-rights based and person-centred long term care, co-chaired by Dr. Kiran Rabheru & Anne Margriet Pot. Read the full article here

Age Friendly News

Upcoming Webinars & Conferences

July 6: Elder Abuse & Financial Abuse Prevention in LGBTQI+ Communities- Webinar (Learning Network)

Aug. 21: Sensory Integration: Making Sensory Engagement Meaningful (DeafBlind Ontario Services)

October 22-24: This is Long Term Care: From Innovation to Impact, Ontario Long Term Care Association’s (OLTCA) Conference

Oct. 24 - 26: 2023 AGE-WELL Annual Conference


Service Canada Webinars: Service Canada Live - Service Canada en Direct

June 28, 2023: How to Create Indigenous Partnerships to Inform Healthy Public Policies

July 5: Indigenous People

July 6: Benefits and Services for Vulnerable Seniors

July 26: Racialized Canadians

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario | | 416-916-6728

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