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Monthly e-Newsletter, 2023

For several years now, EAPO has been the successful recipient of a grant, administered by the Department of Justice Canada, to raise awareness of the annual Victims and Survivors of Crime Week. We appreciate the importance and value of The Power of Collaboration when supporting individuals and communities impacted by crime.

EAPO hosted three webinars to provide front-line service providers with new tools and resources as well as share best practices for working with survivors, and victims of crime and witnesses. We encourage you to view these educational sessions if you did not have the opportunity to attend the events. 

·        Supporting Vulnerable Victims and Witnesses (May 16, 2023)

·        Safety Planning: Supporting Older Women Experiencing Violence (May 24, 2023)

·        Strategies for Personal & Collective Care in Challenging Times (May 25, 2023)


This year, EAPO recognized ‘unsung heroes’ by granting a Community Recognition Award, to shine a light on those selfless citizens who help support older adults in Ontario. Their efforts are often unrecognized and not given their due, but given the very difficult few years Canadians have experienced, today we recognize those special community members who work tirelessly to help Ontarians in need.

2023 Community Recognition Award- KEVIN ALLEN

We want to say THANK YOU and share a story (one of many), of someone making a difference in the Sarnia-Lambton Region and to say that what is being done, truly matters! 

Meet this year’s recipient of the 2023 Community Recognition Award- KEVIN ALLEN.  for his outstanding community service. Nominated by the Sarnia-Lambton Elder Abuse Awareness Network.

I’m honored to be nominated but remain humble in my efforts as I am just one of many volunteers that donate precious time & energy to what we do for our communitysays Kevin. 

Kevin is a Volunteer Executive Director, of Sarnia Blessings, a local meal program which began March 2020. This program supports seniors and others in the community by providing wholesome, homemade meals which are prepared and delivered to those in need. 

Kevin, along with his wife Jan are supported by a group of volunteers, who cook, pack and deliver thousands of meals to seniors and vulnerable community members. In fact, this organization is 100% volunteer run! 

We invite you to learn more about Kevin’s efforts at Sarnia Blessings by checking out their Facebook: Sarnia Blessings | Sarnia ON | Facebook 

THANK YOU KEVIN, JAN and all the volunteers at SARNIA BLESSINGS!

If you know someone in your community who is helping to keep seniors safe and well, please let us know and we would be delighted to share THEIR story in our upcoming newsletters. Read more in EAPO's Blog.

June is Seniors Month - Working for Seniors

June is Seniors Month. Let's take this opportunity to honor and appreciate the incredible seniors who have positively impacted our lives.

This year's theme, 'Working for Seniors,' highlights the importance of keeping our seniors active, well, and safe in their communities.

The Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility (MSAA) works with community organizations to offer supports and services to help seniors stay active, well, safe and socially connected through a range of programs and services.

The MSAA had made available a Fact Sheet ( EN | FR) that hightlights some of these key resources and services and produced printable and digital resources to help you promote Seniors Month. Download here

Please consider the Ministry's social media channels and tagging them in your Seniors Month communications, including photos and videos, using the #SeniorsMonth2023, to join in on the conversation!

Join us in celebrating and supporting our amazing seniors throughout June.

We look forward to our continued collaborations with many community partners to  create strong, vibrant and safe communities for seniors in Ontario!

Marta Hajek

Chief Executive Officer

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario

National Intergenerational Day Canada - June 1st, 2023

On June 1, get ready to witness the power of intergenerational bonds and shared experiences as Canada gears up to celebrate Intergenerational Day 2023!

The 13th annual National Intergenerational Day highlights the work being done across our country to mend loneliness and isolation, build profound relationships, and inspire positive change after the debilitating consequences of the global pandemic.

Learn more here about event and activities happening acrosss Canada.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2023

EAPO will join communities locally, regionally, nationally and across the world to heighten awareness of elder abuse on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). WEAAD focuses our attention on the need for each of us, to take responsibility in helping prevent elder abuse. Be sure you secure your seat, and share widely with your networks, as space is limited!

On June 15th, we’re co-hosting our annual, National webinar event, "Rights Do Not Get Old" for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).

Speakers Announced!

We are thrilled to announce our exciting panel of speakers who will share their expertise and insights on the topic of ageism, elder abuse prevention and the rights of older people. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with these change-makers and learn how we can enhance the lives of older Canadians.

See our all-star lineup of Speakers, including some very special guests. Look for speaker details at Canada's National WEAAD website:

Make sure you secure your seat quickly, as space is limited, and share widely with your networks!

Register Now


Tools and Resources

A WEAAD Toolkit of resources and materials has been created to support you in planning events, designing educational and promotional materials for awareness activities, and for promoting your WEAAD events.

The Tool Kit, available in English and French, includes: WEAAD logos, Social Media images, certificates, email signature images, Zoom backgrounds, social media cards/ messages, and more!

We have also created a Social Media Guide for upporting this year's campaign, "Rights Do Not Get Old" with pre-written messages that you can share on social media to spread the word about WEAAD. You can also find these tools and resources on the WEAAD website under the “Speak Up” section.

Don’t forget to use the official hashtags in supporting this year's campaign, #WEAAD2023 and #RightsDoNotGetOld in your posts! 

Download WEAAD activity + Marketing Toolkit here


What do you know about World Elder Abuse Awareness Day?

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) focuses our attention on the need for all of us, to take responsibility in preventing elder abuse.

Check your WEAAD knowledge!

Take the Quiz

Ageless - International Film Festival

The Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (CCSMH) is delighted to highlight the resilience of Canadian Seniors during National Seniors’ Week June 5-9, 2023. 

Follow CCSMH on social media to learn about new no-cost tools and resources, and to celebrate older adults Flourishing in All Seasons of Life : Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Vimeo

The @AgelessFilmFest co-presents with the 2023 Toronto Japanese Film Festival "Plan 75" on Tuesday, June 20th at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre.

@DrSamirSinha will join for a live discussion. Save your seat - pay what you can here

NEW Research, Resources and Reports

A new Lancet Commission has been launched, on human-rights based and person-centred long-term care, and will be Co-Chaired by Dr. Kiran Rabheru (Canada) and Anne Margriet Pot (Netherlands).

The work of the Commissioners, who bring a wealth of perspectives from around the world, in areas of geriatrics, palliative care, social work and health economics, will focus on key issues at the interface of care practice, policy and regulation, education and research, informed by evidence. Read here to learn more.

Including us: What older people say about the barriers they face to social inclusion by HelpAge International.

In older age, social inclusion depends on the enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms. In practice, however, many older people face significant barriers that limit their ability to participate, to have equal access to resources and services, and to have their voices heard. Read more in the Report

Aging with Affirmation. This study hopes to better understand how older transgender (trans) and gender diverse (TGD) experience social services in Canada, and what could be done to strengthen social services intended for their use. 

The research team is conducting virtual focus groups with trans & gender diverse older adults (50+); advocates & activists; and policymakers & social service providers with experience or interest in developing and/or delivering social services to support the needs of trans & gender diverse older adults.

Learn how you can get involved :

Healthy Aging CORE Research Spotlight - May 2023

The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) provides comparable and actionable data and information that are used to accelerate improvements in health care, health system performance and population health across Canada. CIHI has a Health System dashboard where you can easily access a range of indicators for your province or community. CIHI also provides access to health care datasets, reports, and knowledge translation materials on topics such as hospitalizations, frailty, wait times, and health care spending. 

To learn more:

Older adults and social prescribing experience, outcomes, and processes: a meta-aggregation systematic review by Public Health Journal (May 2023, pages 197-207).

This research provides an overview of people and processes involved with social prescribing, identified research and practice gaps, and possible next steps for implementing and evaluating social prescribing for older adults in primary care.

Could a National Long-Term Care Insurance Program be a Feasible Solution to Address Canada’s Growing Long-Term Care Crisis?

National Institute on Ageing

Enhancing Eviction Prevention Supports for Older Adults in Social Housing.

Evictions are a key source of housing instability for low-income older renters. This community is particularly vulnerable to evictions due to a complex interplay of financial, social, and health factors that place housing at-risk. Read the full report here:


Read EAPO's Blogs

Keep informed through EAPO's weekly posts here

Age Friendly News

Upcoming Webinars/Conferences

Family Councils as Changemakers Annual Conference

Date: June 6th-8th

Family Councils Ontario invites to join annual conference which will include three incredible keynote presentations as well as information sessions, panel discussions, and opportunities to network across the sector. This event is open to residents of long-term care, Family Council members, caregivers, long-term care staff, students in associated fields, and anyone who feels they may benefit from access to the conference. Register and learn more here

June 5 - July 2: Honouring the Wisdom of our Elders: The Importance of Storymaking and Storytelling for Positive Aging (Institute for Life Course & Aging)

June 8: Using Person-Centred Language to Document Responsive Behaviours in Acute Care Settings (Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto)

June 8: Ontario’s Credits, Benefits and Supports for Lower-Income Seniors (Ontario Ministry of Finance)

June 8: Les crédits, prestations et soutiens de l'Ontario pour les personnes âgées à faible revenu (Ontario Ministry of Finance)

June 19: Introduction to Sensory Loss (DeafBlind Ontario Services)

Oct. 24 - 26: 2023 AGE-WELL Annual Conference (AGE-WELL)

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario | | 416-916-6728

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