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Principal Message

Winnequah Families,

The 24-25 school year is off to a great start! It was wonderful to see so many excited students and families at Back to School Night and on the first day of school. Students are already learning our school routines, getting to know their new teachers and classmates, and reconnecting with friends and staff.

Here are some quotes from our oldest and youngest learners when asked about their first day of school.

5th Grade:

  • "It was fun and exciting."
  • "Very interesting, funny, and fun."
  • "Pretty good. Our teacher was really nice; she gave us extra recess."
  • "It was amazing, that's all I have to say."


  • "Good."
  • "It was good, and I loved music."
  • "The second recess."
  • "I liked doing the brain break."

I’d like to share a few reminders about arrival and dismissal procedures. Following these routines helps us get everyone to and from school safely and efficiently.  You may have gotten a handout at Back to School Night about our arrival and dismissal routines. Please take a moment to review this document  if you haven’t done so already. As a reminder, students are able to arrive at school starting at 7:20 am, as this is when our supervision begins. After drop off, 4K students go directly to their classroom with their teacher. Students in Kindergarten go to the library for stories, building, and art activities. Students in grades one through five begin in the cafeteria and have the opportunity to get a pass to the playground or gym until school starts. All students are dismissed to classrooms at 7:40 so they are ready to go when the day starts at 7:45.

Inclusive, positive communities are the foundation of Winnequah School. School staff are working hard to build positive relationships with students and to set common expectations for shared spaces. Each classroom schedule  includes time for community building and connection as well as lessons about Social Emotional Learning. We can’t wait to watch these communities grow and flourish this year!

Please reach out with any questions, and I look forward to partnering with you this year!


Emily Kintzer

Associate Principal

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7:15 a.m.–3:45 p.m.


Main Office: (608) 221-7677


contact via email

School Website
2024-2025 District Calendar
District Website
Digital Flyers


  • September 3 - First Day of School
  • September 9 - 4K

ONLY - No School

  • September 20 - Team Spirit Day
  • September 23 -

No School-

Teacher Inservice

  • September 26 -

Picture Retake Day

  • October 7 - 4K

ONLY - No School

  • October 15 - Family/

Teacher Conferences

  • October 17 - Family/

Teacher Conferences

  • October 18 & 21 -

No School

  • October 24-

Picture Retake Day

Homecoming Dress-Up Days

We welcome our families to get into the Monona Grove homecoming spirit by participating in the dress-up day festivities!

  • September 30 -

PJ or comfy clothes day

  • October 1 -

Rainbow or Tie Dye Day

  • October 2 -

Class Color Day

  • October 3 -

Fitness Day (wear workout clothes)

  • October 4 -

MG Day (wear blue, white, or silver)

September's Safety Drill

Winnequah School held a fire evacuation drill on September 4th, and all students did great! Click the button below for more information about how our drills are conducted.

September Safety Drill

Please label all your child’s items with their first and last name to help prevent them from ending up in our lost and found. Thanks for your cooperation!

If your student was unable to attend picture day, there’s no need to stress!

Our two make-up days are:

  • September 26th
  • October 24th 

Contact us for more information.

From the School Office

Information from the Office

Click above for information on attendance, pick up and drop off procedures and more.

Medication at School

Medication Forms

Click above for medication information at school.

Community News

Winnequah School Family Organization

Monona Parks & Recreation

Library Resources

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5301 Monona Drive, Monona, WI 53716  Phone: (608) 221-7660  Fax: (608) 221-7688

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