Starting Week 2 Check-In Call

Hey there Jessica,

It's that time again! Join us today at 6PM EST! We are entering Week 2 of the Challenge! How did Week 1 go? How do you feel? Feeling sore at all?

Looking forward to seeing you today and hearing how your 1st week went!

Remember we are working out today! To make the most of our meeting please have already stretched and warmed-up. Use the Monday's stretch and Warm up for today.

  • Please come with your workout gear on: leggings/shorts and a tank or t-shirt.
  • Remember no lotion or skin oils within 2 hours of pole dancing.

Note: that you will be required to log into the zoom in order to attend the meeting. Your name must be set to your actual name upon entering the meeting. Please no nicknames. Looking forward to seeing you today! Click the link below to join the meeting!

CLICK HERE to access Today's Meeting @ 6PM    Meeting ID: 816 5813 8320   Meeting Passcode: 703907

* If you are having trouble with the button please go to and enter the meeting ID and passcode to be allowed into the meeting.

Reminder our Weekly calls will be held every

Sunday @6PM EST


Thursday @ 1:45PM EST

*Pick the best day & time that works with your schedule.

CLICK HERE to access Today's Meeting @ 6PM    Meeting ID: 816 5813 8320   Meeting Passcode: 703907

* If you are having trouble with the button please go to and enter the meeting ID and passcode to be allowed into the meeting.


Jessica Ruffin,

Owner & Instructor

Respectapole Dance Fitness