Live Webinar: Sat., Jan. 21, 2023, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Eastern (recording available after Jan. 24)
Tara Michener, two-time TEDx Speaker, award-winning author, past library Board President
Clare Membiela, Library Law Consultant, Library of Michigan
Crafting and revising library policies with an equity, diversity, and inclusion lens is essential for public libraries. Learn how the library board and the director can work together to ensure that the library’s policies are inclusive to those who identify as BIPOC, disabled, and/or LGBTQ+, etc. Find out how to identify problematic issues in current policies, and how to ensure your policies follow legal guidelines. Attendees will also learn tips on demonstrating the importance of inclusive policies to board members and library staff. A Q&A will be included in the presentation.
FREE for library directors/staff, Trustees/board members, Friends, and Foundations in South Carolina.
Registration required for live and/or on-demand access; choose the option below that best meets your needs:
• Click here and you'll be automatically registered in the 2022 United for Libraries Virtual course
United for Libraries
The Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations
A division of the American Library Association