Get Immeasurable Success with Badger Meter Measuring Solutions 

Badger Meter has numerous, flexible solutions for measuring fluid, including water, steam and air/gases. From Ultrasonic to Differential Pressure, depending on the medium, Badger Meter has the right solution for any application.

Different Technologies for Different Mediums:  
  • Water - Ultrasonic, Positive Displacement, Turbine, Electromagnetic, Impeller, Vortex Shedding, Mass Flow and Differential Pressure
  • Steam - Vortex Shedding and Differential Pressure
  • Air/Gases - Turbine, Vortex Shedding and Differential Pressure

To help choose the right solution for the right application, download 
Badger Meter's Flow Instrumentation Selection Chart. It outlines all the
installation and engineering guidelines you need to know.

Common Badger Meter Applications:
  • Wastewater Treatment Plants (Grey Water/Surface Water)
  • Chiller Plant
  • Boiler Feed and Blow Down
  • Condensate Return
  • Energy Sub Metering/Operating Efficiency
  • Make-Up Water
  • Domestic Water
  • Condenser Water
  • Compressed Air
  • RO Water
  • Steam 
If you have an application or medium not listed, please let us know so we can work with you on the correct solution.
VN2000 Vortex Shedding Steam Meter

Dynasonic Ultrasonic Flow Meters


ModMAG Electromagnetic
Flow Meters

SDI Impeller Flow MeterSDI Impeller Flow Meter

Click here
 to learn more about Badger's newest meter, the
Dynasonic TFX-5000 Ultrasonic Meter! 

 For those of you that want a hard copy, t
his has it all!
Samsung has the greatest literature available, featuring all of
Samsung's VRF systems and everything you need to know about them. 

Check it out here
For more information,  please contact Jeff Watson or visit our website.
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