Welcome Film Lovers,

The site for the 12th Legacy Film Festival on Aging (Our 3rd Virtual Fest) is now up and running! Check out our 12 themed programs, which will be available to watch on demand Feb. 14–23, 2025. Each themed Program includes 2 or more films from our selection of 37 International Shorts, Feature-Length, Narrative and Documentary films. Click on the button below to see the 12 Programs, and click on any Program to view film descriptions and trailers.

"Let’s explore how to age meaningfully, not fearfully! Join us for this rare 10-day festival devoted to films celebrating the great adventure of longer life. Learn something new—and pass it on to both Older and Younger Adults. That’s why we like the word ‘Legacy!’ We believe that everyone, no matter what age, will be enriched and entertained."

Sheila Malkind, Legacy Film Festival on Aging Founder and Director

Click here to see our 12 Film Programs

WHEN: Fri., Feb. 14 – Sun., Feb. 23, 2025.

WHERE: LegacyFilmFestivalonAging2025.eventive.org

  • Or better yet, buy an All-Fest Pass with our earlybird discount for $48. Use the discount code legacy12 available now through January 20th. (After January 20th, the All-Fest Pass will be $65). To buy an All-Fest Pass Click HERE. Note: To use the Pass discount code, click the Buy Button at the above link, and in the Checkout window click “Have a discount code?” and in the space indicated, enter the discount code legacy12 (note all letters must be lowercase).

If you need assistance, go to the Eventive helpsite at https://watch.eventive.org/help. If you need further support, click on any of the FAQ topics and follow the link at the bottom of the text to launch live chat support.

As Filmmaker Ethan Liu cites in his short documentary Beyond Years “By 2050, the population of Americans 65 and older is projected to increase by more than 50%, to 86 million.”

Our Film Festival's Mission has always been to call attention to the needs and concerns of this quickly growing Older population. And in order to face the present and coming challenges, it will require creativity, resilience, and community—and maybe require all of us to see CARE as a broader concern connecting the Needs of the Aging Population to issues of bodily autonomy, disability, and economic justice. LFFoA also celebrates the individuals—the spirit and bravery of our sometimes beautifully cantankerous, often movingly graceful Elders.

Film Still above from Girl Inside

Film Still above from Alive Inside

Stay Tuned in the weeks to come as we highlight more of our Film Programming for LFFoA 12 and announce exclusive Filmmaker interviews!

Please consider donating using the button below. If you'd prefer to donate by check, see the instructions further below.

Click here to make a Donation*

*Note: The donation button is through PayPal. Once you click the button, you'll need to enter your desired donation amount after the dollar sign.

Donating by check: please make checks payable to Legacy Film Festival on Aging and mail it to:


Legacy Film Festival on Aging, P.O. Box 14253, SF, CA 94114.

If you're considering making a more sizeable donation, please see our Sponsorship Opportunities HERE.

Whether you are considering becoming a new supporter, or have helped in the past, we appreciate your tax-deductible gift. Legacy Film Festival on Aging is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Thanks as always for your support.

Sheila Malkind

Founder & Executive Director

Legacy Film Festival on Aging



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