Still time to register for Today’s Challenge, Tomorrow’s Reward conference Feb. 15-16
Registration remains open for the “Today’s Challenge, Tomorrow’s Reward” conference on Feb. 15 and 16 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel & Convention Center in Springfield. The event focuses on providing educational and skill building workshops, best practices, and networking opportunities to statewide Disadvantaged Business Enterprises firms and contractors wanting to do business with IDOT.
There is no cost to attend this year’s conference. There is also no fee for anyone who wishes to have a table at our annual networking reception and vendor fair on the evening of Feb. 15. Tables are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. To reserve a space for your organization, select the appropriate category when you begin registration.
Our special guest speaker during the opening session and luncheon on Feb. 15 is Jarrett Payton, WGN sports anchor and son of NFL Hall-of-Famer Walter Payton. For those unable to attend in person, some sessions and workshops will be provided through Webex.
Click here to register.