Getting Ready for Our Mission in the Philippines

I have been an active volunteer of Operation Walk Los Angeles for the past 20 years. My journey with Operation Walk began as a Physician Assistant in the operating room under Dr. Lawrence Dorr’s wings. This is where I witnessed firsthand the impact of joint replacement surgeries on individuals and their families. 

I am now in a different role for the Philippines mission. After several years of dedicated effort, our mission to the Philippines has evolved from a vision to a coordinated endeavor. Since our scouting trip last July, the team leaders have tirelessly worked with the hospital in General Santos City and their staff. 

Furthermore, we have maintained ongoing communication with the Department of Health and the Professional Regulation Commission in the Philippines to ensure we have secured all the requirements. The team leaders are also working diligently in coordinating cargo shipments, ordering medications, and procuring essential supplies.

There were many challenges throughout this journey, but these challenges became stepping stones that strengthened our determination to make the mission a reality. Now, as the mission approaches, our excitement is evident. We are going to help restore mobility to the people of the Philippines who have endured debilitating pain from hip and knee diseases. 

We also look forward to collaborating with the skilled professionals at the hospital, forging partnerships with the Local Government Unit of General Santos City, and teaming up with Sir Manny Pacquiao to amplify our impact.

The vision we created from scratch is now a reality, thanks to the dedication of our team. 

My heartfelt appreciation to co-team leader Trish Lindsey, Mary Ellen Sieben, Jeri Ward, Dr. John Kumar, Ana Vasquez, Eleanor Barrientos, Cynthia Barrientos, Dr. William Long, and Arnel Dalmacio. 

Lisa Fujimoto Yamaguchi PA

Team leaders during their pre-trip to General Santos City meeting with the Department of Health


Congratulations to Our Volunteers

Kumar's team with Eva during our 2021 mission to Guatemala

Congratulations to our volunteers from Kaiser Permanente on earning the Kaiser Permanente David Lawrence Community Service Award for outstanding volunteer action. This award named in honor of Dr. David Lawrence, former CEO of Kaiser Permanente and lifelong advocate of improving health worldwide, recognizes individuals and groups that demonstrate extraordinary efforts to improve the health of local communities and beyond. 

The Downey Orthopedic Surgery group includes Dr. John Kumar, Audra Kennedy CRNA, Danilo Ragas PA, Haide Griffin, Hasana Sos RN, Julius Veloso RN, and Sandra Baltazar CRNA. The team submitted an application, an essay and participated in a final face-to-face interview to become eligible for the award. They were selected as one of two recipients representing Southern California Kaiser Permanente to win the award and $10,000 towards the charity of their choice.

A special thank you to Audra Kennedy CRNA for writing the winning essay and Julius Veloso RN for presenting during a face-to-face interview in front of the panel. The team was awarded the prize due to their story of courage, overcoming odds, and the selfless manner in which they have given and continue to give back to their community. 

We couldn’t be prouder of our volunteers!

Patient Updates

Juliana walking with daughter a day after surgery

Juliana Walking six months after surgery

Juliana Kanseba

Tanzania 2023

This past summer during our recent mission to Arusha, Tanzania, we had the honor of meeting Juliana and her daughter, Josepha. 

Juliana and Josepha live in the countryside about an hour and a half outside of Arusha. Juliana used to travel by bus, a three-hour round trip to Arusha, six days a week to work at her job in a textile mill. She worked at the factory for over twenty years before the onset of osteoarthritis in her knees started to slow her down both on her travels into the city and at her job.

In 2018 she consulted with the local orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Bibiri, at Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre, and through a grant program and some insurance through her employer, she was able to have her right knee replaced. Juliana hoped this would allow her to continue working at the factory, but the pain in her left knee increased and crippled her to the point that she was dismissed. 

Juliana working on her garden

Waiting through the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, with little income, and limited mobility, Juliana was desperate. Her husband who lived in a neighboring village did what he could to help, although his mobility was greatly limited as well. Her daughter, who had to drop out of university to support them both, tried to make up the difference but the situation looked grim.

Just when she had lost hope, she received a call from her former surgeon, Dr Bibiri and he had good news. There was a team called Operation Walk from Los Angeles traveling to Arusha in 2023 that might be able to replace her left knee and restore her mobility. It was only a chance; she would have to go through several screenings and ultimately be approved by the team surgeons. Juliana said it was the only opportunity she would be given and immediately agreed to be screened and considered for joint replacement. She qualified for surgery and was one of the first patients to receive a new knee.


We were so excited to receive an update from Juliana’s daughter on her progress six months after her surgery. She is now able to work in her garden, take care of household chores, and be a more active part of the community. She is still wanting to be able to run, which is her ultimate goal. We send her all our good thoughts and hope that she is able to meet that milestone in time. 

Norma waiting for her miracle

Norma Hijulelos

Cuba 2022

"I had little mobility for years and that has had a big impact on my little family consisting of my 49-year-old daughter and my 18-year-old grandson. With that difficulty and constant pain, both their professional and student lives were consumed by their attention to my condition.

In 2022 the stars aligned for us and Operation Walk volunteers performed a prosthetic left knee replacement. It was magical. It was possible not to be held to a bed in permanent pain!

The pain in my left knee is gone

We give thanks:

to God,

to science,

in solidarity with an organization like Operation Walk,

the good hearts of those who with their contributions make it possible for the dreams of so many patients to come true.

One year later, my right knee was pending surgery gave complications to my hip and I required surgery again to perform the replacement. I am counting the days until they return. Many times, when the painkillers don't resolve and the pain is unbearable, I ask again for the miracle to be repeated.

I've followed them from a distance and since my surgery, they haven't stopped changing the lives of those in need.

Bless you all!"

Norma after surgery

Project C.U.R.E

Since 1987, Project C.U.R.E has been delivering life-saving medical equipment and supplies to hospitals and clinics throughout the world. They are the world's largest distributor of donated international medical relief, touching lives in over 135 countries.

When their work began in 1987, the approach was simple: to provide donated medical supplies and equipment to hospitals and clinics in the underdeveloped world. Their philosophy is simple: WHERE you live shouldn't determine WHETHER you live. Today, Project C. U. R. E. offers numerous sustainable solutions to global health problems and issues.

This past summer we were happy to partner with Project C.U.R.E to bring three new power sets including saws, drills, batteries, and chargers as well as surgical blades on our mission to Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre. This equipment is used to prepare the bone for the implants, we can’t do the surgery without it. 

With their help, we were able to replace 49 joints in Tanzania and train local surgeons on the use of this life-changing equipment. Many thanks to Project C.U.R.E for their generous donations and help in our continued mission to restore mobility. For more information about their mission please visit their website.

Continued Connections

Jeri and Greg with rug made by Anna's daughter, Melanie

Although our Director Emeritus may be retired, her connections to Operation Walk run deep. This past weekend, long-time friends and Operation Walk supporter Anna, along with her husband and daughter Melanie made the trip to San Diego to visit Jeri and her husband Greg.

Melanie, who is a senior at Loyola, had a surprise for Jeri. She had created this fantastic rug by hand, celebrating Jeri’s 28 years of service to our organization. 

Thank you, Melanie, what a wonderful and thoughtful way to acknowledge Jeri’s dedication. 

Ana and her husband during their visit with Jeri and Greg Ward

Happy Valentine’s Day from Operation Walk

The deeper meaning of Valentine’s Day is about sacrifice, devotion, love, and honor in the face of overwhelming odds. What better way to highlight these selfless acts than to thank couples who volunteer their time, talent, and funds to help Operation Walk. These pairs give their vacation time, donate funds and supplies, and when on a mission, often spend hours apart.  

To quote Dr. Paul Gilbert, “Operation Walk is love.” These dedicated volunteers exemplify that thought.

We would like to wish a Happy Valentine's Day to all of our donors, supporters, followers, and friends. Know that you are part of the OpWalk family and you are loved.

A New Way to Give

We are excited to announce a new feature to our donation options. Starting now, you can celebrate a special occasion in a truly meaningful way by donating on behalf of your loved ones. Whether it's an anniversary, a holiday, or a birthday, this unique gift option allows you to honor that special someone while supporting our mission to provide life-changing surgeries to those in need. 

By choosing to donate in someone's name, you not only commemorate their day but also extend the gift of mobility and hope to individuals who require our help. Every donation made in honor of a loved one will be acknowledged with a special notification. 

To donate on someone’s behalf, go to our Donation page and fill out your comments under the "Comment / Giving a gift in someone’s name? (add recipient's email)” box. 

Don’t forget to add your loved one’s email so we can make sure they receive a notification!

Donate Now

Time Machine

Looking Back and Pushing Forward

This month’s photo highlights our first volunteer team to the Philippines in 2001. Do you see any familiar faces? 

Operation Walk is gearing up for our summer mission and we can’t wait to return to the Philippines and continue restoring mobility to those in need.

Do you have a photo or memory to share about a past trip? Send your thoughts and images to and you could be featured in our next newsletter!

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