WISE - Spring - COVID
Dear Friend:
While it may feel as though the world has come grinding to a halt, WISE has risen to the challenge of adjusting to life under COVID . We have been busy rolling out digital initiatives to provide support to friends old and new, while continuing our advocacy for the rights of Muslim women and girls globally. 
Ramadan Online Educational Series
WISE  began “ Spiritual Sunday Salon ,” a weekly women’s online educational series to coincide with Ramadan.  “ The Prophet said  “ Each one of you is a shepherd for his flock ”  and in this moment when it feels like the world is fracturing due to the  #Covid  crisis, we realized this was an ideal moment for women to strengthen bonds and  shepherd one another through this maze of change .

Muslim Women ZOOM into the Quran was led by five women scholars, a spiritual guide, poet and a reciter who guided us on how to cultivate an appreciative state of being by tapping into Quranic wisdom (see video blow) to overcome fears and anxieties,by maintaining Tawwakul - our trust in God - and by showing Gratitude for the bounties we have. (Videos forthcoming)

What you're doing is monumental ! You're filling a true need in our community and in the wider world... I've been immensely uplifted by the meetings in just two short Sundays.”

“Thank you so much to provide an amazing platform where we can learn and meet many sisters. The session " Sunday Spiritual Salon " is a life-changing event , I am excited to attend all series in the future.”  

“It was an awesome meeting; may God bless you, the women leaders and all those involved in organizing... It was good to hear women speak with authority; such tremendous role models for younger people (in addition to their knowledge and expertise, of course) and warms this old heart .”  

To join this online spiritual community please contact [email protected]   

Project Team : Mino Akhtar, Susan Smith, Sahar Alsahlani, Zeynep Guven
Interfaith Response to the COVID Pandemic
On April 10th, WISE initiated #UnitedFaithsOfAmercia prayer campaign with major world religions – Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism, Jain, Buddhism, Native American – to compile an online video addressing concerns and anxieties emanating from the growing COVID-19 pandemic
By uniting spiritual influencers, we express our core beliefs - that we are as interconnected as a spiders web - by engaging individuals in spiritual reflection, we contribute to a common desire of promoting a unitive consciousness which transcends all boundaries and in which humanity is one ” - Daisy Khan 
Project Team: Mino Akhtar, Zeynep Guven
With  WISE ’s base of operations in New York City, many of our colleagues have felt the full weight of being in the epicenter of  COVID  - especially a member of our advisory team,  Maria Abdullah . Maria’s story offers a portrait of how  faith and friendship can provide strength   in the face of mortal danger, and open possibilities for a re-centered outlook on life.
Project Team: Aidan Salamone 
WISE in the Press
WISE 's Executive Director Daisy Khan featured in " 30 Faces of Islam for the 30 Days ," an initiative of The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding. In it, she stresses the value of relying on faith as a source of comfort through the COVID pandemic and urges viewers to use this as a time of reflection and introspection

WISE has progressed through the refinement of a  Know Your Rights  toolkit for Muslim women and girls, which will comprehensively explain the full range of social, economic, and individual rights guaranteed to women by Islamic scripture and historical precedent. With WISE ’s partners in Afghanistan, this approachable yet authoritative book will prove instrumental in the US/Taliban peace process without sacrificing the hard-earned gains that Afghan women have secured over the last 18 years.  
Project Team: Sean Bandfield, Aidan Salamone, Zeynep Guven, Marissa Myers 
WISE  is designing a comprehensive e-learning course  on the  detection and interruption of far-right extremist activity . This course will equip participants to understand key terms and symbols used within far-right subcultures, and will explain  how right-wing extremism has caused a resurgence in Islamophobia and hate crimes .  
Project Team: Sean Bandfield, Aidan Salamone, Zeynep Guven, Marissa Myers 
The past few months have given us an opportunity to reflect on the positive feedback of our online educational outreach . With our 15-year history of interfaith engagement, women’s rights and peace building, we will develop an E-learning element to the vast resource materials on Islam 101, Islamophobia, Hate Prevention, Extremist Ideology, Women’s Rights, Peace and Conflict resolution . The e-learning tools will be available year-round to all of our stakeholders and the general public.  
Project Team: Sean Bandfield, Aidan Salamone, Zeynep Guven
We are pleased to be immersed in something so meaningful for the future of our community and country. Today we are asking   YOU  for your help because you share our vision of promoting Peace, Pluralism and Women’s equality.
This pandemic has propelled WISE  to operate online, and  with your help , we want to continue to build on this momentum!   Your donation will enable us to develop year long e-learning initiatives which will be readily available for change makers in our communities, and with interfaith allies who need them the most.

Friends, please donate any amount,  $10, $25, $50, $100 or more.   Your contribution is a step towards ensuring that our future generations will  benefit from what we do here today !
To our Muslim friends: during this holy month of Ramadan, our work is Zakat-eligible, as our educational initiatives are created as  fi-sabilillah  - as works in the service of our faith.
Project Team: Laiba Khan 
Sincerely yours,

Daisy Khan
Founder and Executive Director
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