November 2017 / Volume 128
November Horticultural Tips
Many garden tips (Lawn & Turf, Tree & Shrub, Flowers, Fruits & Nuts, and others) for the month of November can be found by clicking on NOVEMBER.
UPDATE: 2017 - 2018 Winter Weather Forecast
Now that we have more or less put the summer gardens to bed, it's time to take a look ahead at the upcoming winter.
Each new season brings a desire for us to know about the upcoming months' weather in order to be prepared for what may be coming and how to deal with it, both on a personal level and for our ability to help our lawns, landscape and gardens. Our own N
ational Weather Service
provides these updates seasonally. So, CLICK HERE if you wish to know what kind of weather they are forecasting for this winter.
Soil Sampling & Testing:
Now is THE Best Time To Have It Done
Why is soil testing important? Soil testing provides important information about soil nutrients, fertility and pH, which is all vital information in determining what fertilizers may be necessary to support the optimum health, growth and productivity we expect from our gardens. C
HERE to learn more about what is actually in our soils and how to test them properly.
Cool Season Annuals are . . . cool! |
Cool season annuals are so colorful this time of year, bringing out the fall colors of yellow, orange, red , purple and other cool colors. Colorful pansies are arguably our best bedding plants for winter landscapes. You may plant pansies in fall or spring, but October and November is best because it allows a head start on root growth before exploding with color in spring. But, like many plants, they need regular watering and well-drained soil. Click HERE to read more about these annuals and the proper way to care for them. |
Winter Watering - Is It Really Needed?
It's an age old question - should we water our lawn in the winter? Although the grass is dormant, the roots are still growing, slightly. Water is a good thing to ensure a great return to your turf in the spring. However, we may be able to count on winter rainfall to see us through. Most often, winter watering isn't necessary but, if it really gets dry and we don't get much rain or snow, we should take heed and help our lawns and landscape shrubs.
READ THIS for tips, tricks and steps to ensure a well-watered lawn this winter so it can be at it's best come spring.
Overwintering Caladiums and Elephant Ears
Overwintering Caladiums and Elephant Ears is not difficult, but is sometimes required in our area due to our rather cold climate. There are a few tips and tricks to ensure it is properly done and to ensure success for these tubers next year. You have a couple
of options.
to learn more.
Asian Lady Beetle - A Real Pest!
Without fail, the Plant Disease and Insect Diagnostic Lab at OSU receives tons of phone calls this time of year about how to get rid of those pesky ladybugs from houses and other structures. The ladybugs in question are officially known as multi-colored Asian lady beetle (ALB). This exotic predator was introduced into the U.S. in an attempt to provide control of various agricultural pests. Reportedly, ALB has done a great job controlling serious pests such as pecan aphids and are able to consume hundreds of aphids per day! However, ALB also has a darker side, playing the role of a nuisance pest in the spring and fall. Click on this PEST E-ALERT to find out what you need to know about it. HINT: Get out the vacuum! |
The Tulsa Master Gardener Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization. As such, it receives no city, state or federal funding for its Tulsa community outreach programs. In fact, the majority of Tulsa's Master Gardener programs are self-funded by its members. We need your help.
Tulsa Master Gardener's fundraisers make up most of the income to cover expenses. More specifically, a significant portion comes from the Tulsa Master Gardener Annual Spring Plant Sale that is held each April. Other fundraisers include the Garden Tour (June) and "Garage Sales" that occur from time to time. Finally, one of the most important income sources that sometimes gets overlooked are the personal and corporate donations. These are so important in helping to meet our financial obligations and we want you to know they are very much appreciated.
Donations for this month include:
General Fund
Judy Feuquay
Jerry Hendon
Speakers Bureau
Hosta Connection - Tulsa
In Memory of Sue Knight
Irene Tayler & Family
Garden Tour
Sheryl Chadd
Please consider making an online contribution
. For other information on how you can help support all that the Tulsa Master Gardeners do for their community, contact the Tulsa Master Gardeners Office by calling (918) 746-3701. Thank you!
Got a Question? Or Maybe a Soil or Plant Sample?
Our Master Gardeners are on hand to assist you with even the toughest gardening questions. Visit us in person, by phone, via email or online! Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.
Address: 4116 E. 15th Street, Gate 6 at the Fairgrounds
Phone: (918) 746-3701
All about butterfly gardening in Tulsa County.
How to Take a Soil Test
How to collect a good sample of soil from your lawn or garden and get it tested at the OSU lab.
Once you have collected your soil test and gotten the results back, now what? Find out here.
Show and tell.
State horticulturists, nurseries and growers pick favorite plants, shrubs and trees for use in the Oklahoma landscape. See the winners for this year and years past.
A list of recommended trees with descriptions.
A list of over 60, by size and color.
Visit our demonstration garden on
15th Street, open 7 days a week.
Current and historical source of rainfall, air temperatures, soil temps and much more. Click on Bixby station.
Oklahoma State University, in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, disability, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational services.