China Article
Getting Famous in China

Edmund Ian Grant winner of the  Biennale of Chianciano 2015  and who world renowned London based art critic and art historian Edward Lucie-Smith has called a  "powerfully original visual artist " continues to grow his world wide reputation as his images are displayed in mainland China. His whimsical painting Kickin' Out the Bouillabaise   the 2014 vintage Amuse Bouche wine art label along with Leroy Neiman's 2013 art  label the Sun Drenched Table ( small image ) are the center piece of an article in  the l'art de vivre  section  of the  04-02-17 Beijing  magazine AirTime.  

is a weekly
Beijing magazine featuring luxury products, food and art. It's sold and displayed at bookstores, VIP lounges of most airports, high-end clubs and resorts.  

The article explains how a fine art label adds significant value and meaning to the wine. Its history is traced to the first art labels of Mouton Rothschild created by important artists including Picasso, Chagall, Dali and Miro.
The feature reports that every year, Amuse Bouche , created by legendary winemaker Heidi Barrett is also a leader in this long-lived tradition of pairing the finest of wines with the finest of works of modern day painters. Quoting,  "the winery asked world renowned artist Edmund Ian Grant to create their 2014 label Kickin'Out the Bouillabaisse which exuberantly reflects Grant's distinctive style, vivid imagination, compelling storytelling and innovative use of color. Grant has exhibited worldwide. He's the winner of the Leonardo Award, the top honor for painting at the International Biennale of Chianciano 2015 held in Tuscany............ "
Exciting News on the Art Fair Front

Edmund has displayed his art at European Art fairs: Art Monaco at the Girmaldi Forum, Monte Carlo; at the Grand Palais of Paris, in the Salon des Artistes Independants during  Art en Capital  

USA  International Art fairs: Concept Art Fair- Miami during Art Basel week,  Art Aspen , the Silicon Valley Contemporary  and in January 2017 for a  third year in a row, at the LA Art Show where his work received tremendous attention.

Currently,  his  connection to the international  art fair may have reached Asia as the organizing committee of  ART EXPO BEIJING has  extended an invitation to Grant  to the  September  2017 fair as an independent solo exhibitor. We will keep you informed on the  progress regarding this show 


 As you may know,  the Amuse Bouche brand produces a limited edition Lithograph from the artwork  on its label and this 2014  vintage was no exception . These beautiful  Lithos of Grant's  painting produced on 19th century presses at an atelier in Paris are printed on the highest quality,  acid free rag paper employing 20 colors , built up one color at a time . This  19th century process creates an image with its own unique character while still maintaining the original artist's intention. Essentially they are their own unique works of art and are distributed to those who are lucky enough to be able to acquire an allotment of the 2014 vintage. However,  we do have  a  very limited number of artist proofs that are available
these are truly a collector's Item

To see 2014 Artist Proof litho & details Amuse Bouche Litho 
To see more about  Amuse Bouche wine and art labels

To see essay By Lucie-Smith go to link 

About Us
Kristi Rene Artist  representing the artwork of Kristi Rene and Edmund Ian Grant 
 studios are at  the Art Villa, Villa Spankadellik, 2411 Soda Canyon Road, Napa, Ca 94558.   Studio visit by appointment only ---except during Open Studio
  For appointment email: 
[email protected]   or call  or text 707-337-1605

   To see Kristi's work go to 
   To see Edmund's work go to