Welcome to our latest newsletter. Summer is here and we can't tell who is happier: the orchard crew or the pears!?! All the fantastic weather is making for a great time in the orchard for all.
To help prepare the upcoming crop of Asian Pears, our team is thinning the fruit on each tree.
Thinning involves the snipping away of excess pears (pears which are mis-shaped or scuffed) making room for more robust pears to flourish during the Summer months. The unwanted pears drop to the ground and become natural compost for our orchard. Pictured here: JunoSan variety Asian Pear tree being thinned.
We grow these pears in wax-lined paper bags to shield them from the sun and the often stormy elements of Summer.
Their bright green color will turn into a light, silvery yellow hue as the pear thinks the bag and its wax liner is its own skin.
Young Pears.
With the many young pears bobbing on leafy green branches, it feels like harvest is right around the corner. But we've got a little over two months of waiting as the pears to swell into their familiar size and burst into their vibrant colors: yellow, orange, copper, bronze, gold, and more.
Pictured here are some of our Asaju Asian Pears being slipped into wax-lined, paper bags. They will grow inside these bags until harvest begins.
Can't wait to enjoy your first Asian Pear of the season? Visit wonderfulfruit.com for 'order now' online specials including Adopt-A-Tree or Cyber CSA. Or email us to place an order reservation for your favorite variety of Asian Pear, including the yellow Asaju.
Pears on Parade.
To help prepare the upcoming crop of Asian Pears, our team is thinning the fruit on each tree.
Thinning involves the snipping away of excess pears (pears which are mis-shaped or scuffed) making room for more robust pears to flourish during the Summer months. The unwanted pears drop to the ground and become natural compost for our orchard. Pictured here: JunoSan variety Asian Pear tree being thinned.
Asian Pear Spread with Matzo Brei
Chef Lesle mentioned this dish she often prepares for her family using their favorite topping: Asian Pear Spread. It sounded so delicious we wanted to share it with our readers.
This dish can be enjoyed on your breakfast or brunch menu paired with fresh fruit; or as a side dish at dinner with roast chicken.
Use free shipping promo code "thinning" from now until the end of July when ordering Asian Pear Spread or any of our other gourmet offerings via our on-line store or emailing us.